So yo, wtf is the black goo??
Why tf did the engineers want to kill humans? Did they want to kill humans??
Why tf did David do what he did when the ship made it to the home world?
If they had answered any of this I would've enjoyed the movie. But it didn't answer shyt.
Edit: And why are there two sets of engineer groups? Warrior types and basic folk.
Black Goo is a biological type weapon the Engineers created from Xenomorphs or whatever they were in their original form. Hopefully this gets explained in the next movie. I refuse to believe David created Xenomorphs
Engineers want to kill humans I'm guessing because the same reason God made the flood to kill the human race in the bible.
David wants to kill the engineers because maybe the Engineer in prometheus ripped his head off. And David clearly has a God complex. He wants to create life and rule the planet. Probably wants to rule the universe
Yea I'm pretty sure the engineers on the planet where David whipped them out, weren't the same type that were flying around the universe landing on planets trying to create/destroy civilizations.
My only question is "Where do the Engineers come from, whats their REAL name and culture and who created them.... like what "GOD" do they believe in. And what interaction with or knowledge of the Xenomorphs did they have BEFORE Prometheus?