What was the total amount of Humans and how many died? And how does dude from Empire Die? He's black so I`m sure they killed him.
nikka went out the worst way
nikka was pawgin in the shower
Alien straight hated on him
What was the total amount of Humans and how many died? And how does dude from Empire Die? He's black so I`m sure they killed him.
What was the total amount of Humans and how many died? And how does dude from Empire Die? He's black so I`m sure they killed him.
Everyone died except McBride and Daniels. Jessie and his wife were the last two to die. but you get the feeling no one will survive based on the ending
Not surprised. Was surprised many people said McBride wasn't simply Comedic relief.
Good Looks. I have no desire to see the flick so this helps. I keep seeing people say this flick was terrible. Not sure if they mean by Alien standards or just simply a bad movie.
Guardians 2.
Prometheus is ruined for me after I found out what happened to Shaw. They did her character no justice.....at all.
David seems to be just like Ash from alien
Didn't even pay much attention to all the clips on YouTube and Facebook about the crew but that pretty much set up the whole movie from a story stand point. They even had the Shaw/David scenes on Facebook.
I appriciate how they just drop you into the story but if you didn't pay attention to any of that marketing beforehand you would be lost.
How they gonna kill Franco from jump?
He was the Famous Dave's BBQ To-Go order....
Hours after watching this I really gotta ask...why did Scott make two different movies again this time? Can anyone really make sense of it