Prometheus 2 aka Alien: Covenant (Official Thread)


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
I just don't understand why its necessary. Prometheus could've been a direct prequel to Alien, it leads into Alien perfectly except the alien drone looks different and they changed the name of the planet. The story could've continued focusing on Shaw and David and the original events of Alien could've played out concurrently with the nostromo getting a distress signal from the engineer ship shaw and david left. Seems kinda stupid but at the same time I'm glad we're getting more of this franchise/material. I get that Ridley wanted to really tell an ancient astronaut theory movie but he didn't have to fukk up his whole cannon and do all this confusing bullshyt. Lindelof did some good things with the story but also fukked some shyt up but Ridley let him.

I think they dropped the ball with prometheus. The problem is, it didn't do either direction well. They could have gone further into the engineer mythos, seen more/heard more about our creators and all the philosophical reasons for how/why they created us and wanted to destroy us. Instead, we got 30 seconds of engineer time, he he spent it killing the group and chasing after Shaw until he got face hugged. Also, they fukked up the alien/horror/suspense angle. The aliens in prometheus stunk. The snake thing was stupid, the yoga dude was stupid, and there was no sense of suspense/fear.

This lead to audience backlash, which lead to the studio making sure the sequel distanced itsel from prometheus, hence the "alien covenant" title, and the return of the xeno, and a seemingly more typical alien movie.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
to be fair it wasn't really lindelof's fault. Fox told him to remove xenomorphs/alien from a script called Alien: Engineer. Not an easy task. The main story still remained largely intact. We've seen that Lindelof is actually talented (The Leftovers).

I'm not saying you're wrong but I've never heard Fox made him do anything. I've never seen him say that, either. He's done several interviews like :manny: "I wasn't feeling the script and the idea of it being a direct sequel so I tossed all that shyt."

Damon Lindelof explains why he scrubbed the Alien references from Prometheus

Not to mention even giving him the benefit of the doubt that Fox made him change it, he changed major parts of it so they were nonsensical:


Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
I think they dropped the ball with prometheus. The problem is, it didn't do either direction well. They could have gone further into the engineer mythos, seen more/heard more about our creators and all the philosophical reasons for how/why they created us and wanted to destroy us. Instead, we got 30 seconds of engineer time, he he spent it killing the group and chasing after Shaw until he got face hugged. Also, they fukked up the alien/horror/suspense angle. The aliens in prometheus stunk. The snake thing was stupid, the yoga dude was stupid, and there was no sense of suspense/fear.

This lead to audience backlash, which lead to the studio making sure the sequel distanced itsel from prometheus, hence the "alien covenant" title, and the return of the xeno, and a seemingly more typical alien movie.
even in the jon spaights script they really didn't dive into all those questions that the audience is invariably left with. That's why it was so necessary for sequels. I feel like there was some suspenseful/tense moments but those were brief and not sustained at all. Fox fukked it up because they ordered Lindelof to take out the face huggers/xenomorphs, I don't really know why they decided to do that. The most effective part of this film to me was the mysterious vibe and how well done the Engineers themselves were done. I love that fukking opening scene of the engineer sacrificing himself to spur on evolution on this early earth-like planet. They don't explicitly say why the Engineers wanted to destroy us. But if Jesus was an Engineer, I think you can understand why they'd want to destroy I said, the movie had its obvious flaws. But overall I thought it was a really cool film.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
I'm not saying you're wrong but I've never heard Fox made him do anything. I've never seen him say that, either. He's done several interviews like :manny: "I wasn't feeling the script and the idea of it being a direct sequel so I tossed all that shyt."

Damon Lindelof explains why he scrubbed the Alien references from Prometheus

Not to mention even giving him the benefit of the doubt that Fox made him change it, he changed major parts of it so they were nonsensical:

"According to Spaihts, the decision to remove the xenomorphs and their murderous progeny from Prometheus came largely from producers, who wanted to see the eventual movie stand on its own rather than as a part of the somewhat-moribund Alien franchise."

The name of Prometheus for the ship still makes sense in either version of the script. Prometheus in greek mythology made the human race out of clay. It still makes sense. I can't defend any of the retarded actions some of the crew members do however :russ:

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
The original script was still about the Engineers (it was called Alien: Engineers)

Nope it was about the Xenomorphs, The Engineers had a reduced role in the original script.

i mean, it takes place before alien but it's more of a sequel to prometheus then a prequel to alien

Prometheus was a spinoff about Engineers this is about Xenomorphs.

but indeed Lindelof had to cut out a lot of the xenomorph/facehugger stuff because Fox told him to, not because Ridley didn't want to (the fact that Ridley still allows Fox to control stuff like this boggles me)

Nope Ridley didn't want The Xenomorphs in the movie. He's the one who brought Lindelof on board to do the rewrite to distance it from The Alien franchise. Fox were the ones who wanted an Alien movie as we are seeing with this movie.

This film isn't made up of stuff cut out of the Spaights script

The White Xenomorphs (called Neomorphs in this movie) are directly from there right down to their design. It's the first Alien the crew engage in the script just like in this movie. Then afterwards the traditional Black Xenomorph comes into the picture. Then there's the actions and role of a certain character which you can even see in the trailer that's taken straight from it.


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC
Low key, how the plot was made about the origin of the Aliens in Alien vs Predator was extremely fukkin dope. It wasn't executed in a great way on screen, but the origin of Predators creating them to battle and losing control was fukkin dope. They could have made some amazing movies based of that origin story imo but they fukked it up with the 2nd one smh.

I agree with this 100%. The idea of the Predators trying to create the ultimate prey was actually a stroke of genius; simple yet sensible.

Not everything has to be a convoluted Inception mind bender to be a good origin.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
I'm not saying you're wrong but I've never heard Fox made him do anything. I've never seen him say that, either. He's done several interviews like :manny: "I wasn't feeling the script and the idea of it being a direct sequel so I tossed all that shyt."

Damon Lindelof explains why he scrubbed the Alien references from Prometheus

Not to mention even giving him the benefit of the doubt that Fox made him change it, he changed major parts of it so they were nonsensical:


Prometheus was all Ridley.

Fox were the ones who wanted an Alien movie (either a reboot or Prequel) whilst Ridley didn't. All you have to do is look at the changes between the two movies.

They told his old ass "you fukked up with Prometheus :picard: so you're now centering this around The Xenomorphs :ufdup:. Make them snarl again:lolbron:"

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Prometheus was all Ridley.

Fox were the ones who wanted an Alien movie (either a reboot or Prequel) whilst Ridley didn't. All you have to do is look at the changes between the two movies.

They told his old ass "you fukked up with Prometheus :picard: so you're now centering this around The Xenomorphs :ufdup:. Make them snarl again:lolbron:"
Where are you getting this information from? Both Scott and Fox originally wanted it to be a direct Alien prequel. Lindelof had a different idea for where he envisioned the story going. Lindelof thought prequels were redundant, boring and predictable because you're just connecting the dots to the sequel. He pitched his ideas to Fox and Ridley and they loved it. There wasn't some disagreement between Fox and Ridley. They both wanted Lindelof's vision. Fox isn't strong-arming Ridley and Alien:Covenant IS NOT centered around xenomorphs. It's literally a direct continuation of Prometheus, they go to the engineer homeworld called Paradise and find the crashed space jockey ship that Shaw and David took to get there. None of these prequels are about xenomorphs, it's about the Engineers and what happened to them.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
I done saw xenomorphs in this trailer and the title suggests it's centered around Xenomorphs.

Xenomorph bruhs.
lmao. Even prometheus had the trilobyte (less evolved facehugger) and the "Deacon" alien (less evolved Xenomorph) it's not like they weren't in the movie. There is no queen to lay eggs to create the xenomorphs. We're seeing different evolutionary stages of the aliens. Still though, I don't understand why homey thinks this film is about's clearly not. We also don't even know that the xenomorph seen in the trailer is the same as the one from Alien... That would mean there would have to be an Alien Queen laying eggs around there somewhere..

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
lmao. Even prometheus had the trilobyte (less evolved facehugger) and the "Deacon" alien (less evolved Xenomorph) it's not like they weren't in the movie. There is no queen to lay eggs to create the xenomorphs. We're seeing different evolutionary stages of the aliens. Still though, I don't understand why homey thinks this film is about's clearly not. We also don't even know that the xenomorph seen in the trailer is the same as the one from Alien... That would mean there would have to be an Alien Queen laying eggs around there somewhere..
Maybe dere iz a queen. :mjpls:

Movie ain't called
Engineer Covenant. :picard:

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Where are you getting this information from? Both Scott and Fox originally wanted it to be a direct Alien prequel. Lindelof had a different idea for where he envisioned the story going. Lindelof thought prequels were redundant, boring and predictable because you're just connecting the dots to the sequel. He pitched his ideas to Fox and Ridley and they loved it. There wasn't some disagreement between Fox and Ridley. They both wanted Lindelof's vision. Fox isn't strong-arming Ridley and Alien:Covenant IS NOT centered around xenomorphs. It's literally a direct continuation of Prometheus, they go to the engineer homeworld called Paradise and find the crashed space jockey ship that Shaw and David took to get there. None of these prequels are about xenomorphs, it's about the Engineers and what happened to them.

I never said Ridley and Fox had a disagreement. I said Fox preferred an Alien movie whilst Ridley didn't thus the creation of Prometheus. Ridley got to make it about The Engineers whilst Fox were still able to market it like an Alien movie. It got backlash and here we are.

Ridley called The Xenomorph boring and said it would no longer be in his movies. The replacement being The Engineers, you know the focus of Prometheus.

The beast is done. Cooked,” said Scott, speaking to Yahoo movies. “I got lucky meeting Giger all those years ago. It’s very hard to repeat that. I just happen to be the one who forced it through because [the studio] said it’s obscene. They didn’t want to do it and I said, ‘I want to do it, it’s fantastic.’

“But after four [Alien films], I think it wears out a little bit. There’s only so much snarling you can do. I think you’ve got to come back with something more interesting. And I think we’ve found the next step. I thought the Engineers were quite a good start.”

Alien:Covenant IS NOT centered around xenomorphs.

You're in denial. The plot has already been leaked. Just face it Prometheus got bushed.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Low key, how the plot was made about the origin of the Aliens in Alien vs Predator was extremely fukkin dope. It wasn't executed in a great way on screen, but the origin of Predators creating them to battle and losing control was fukkin dope. They could have made some amazing movies based of that origin story imo but they fukked it up with the 2nd one smh.

That and what if the Predators were at war with the Engineers, and they both were using the Xenos as weaponry. Hence the Engineer piloting the derelict ship in the first movie, perhaps to transport weapons and somehow a facehugger gets out, jumps on his face, and the Engineer crashed landed on the planet and then we have Alien 1.

I just wanted more backstory and mythology on the Predators and Engineers. The problem is, Fox knows they can make shytty AVP movies and they will still make a lot of money based on the nostalgia/fan base.

Where are you getting this information from? Both Scott and Fox originally wanted it to be a direct Alien prequel. Lindelof had a different idea for where he envisioned the story going. Lindelof thought prequels were redundant, boring and predictable because you're just connecting the dots to the sequel. He pitched his ideas to Fox and Ridley and they loved it. There wasn't some disagreement between Fox and Ridley. They both wanted Lindelof's vision. Fox isn't strong-arming Ridley and Alien:Covenant IS NOT centered around xenomorphs. It's literally a direct continuation of Prometheus, they go to the engineer homeworld called Paradise and find the crashed space jockey ship that Shaw and David took to get there. None of these prequels are about xenomorphs, it's about the Engineers and what happened to them.

Eh if that's true then they aren't doing a good enough job of showing more Engineer mythology, backstory, and just plain engineers on the fukkin screen.

lmao. Even prometheus had the trilobyte (less evolved facehugger) and the "Deacon" alien (less evolved Xenomorph) it's not like they weren't in the movie. There is no queen to lay eggs to create the xenomorphs. We're seeing different evolutionary stages of the aliens. Still though, I don't understand why homey thinks this film is about's clearly not. We also don't even know that the xenomorph seen in the trailer is the same as the one from Alien... That would mean there would have to be an Alien Queen laying eggs around there somewhere..

That shyt was all fan service. There's a reason why the Deacon showed up at the very end for like two seconds.

Also, it's possible we do see the emergence of a queen. Something has to happen to Elizabeth Shaw. With devious ass David luring the dude into getting face hugged, who knows what experiments he's been up to in the 10 years time he's been alone on that planet. Also, remember he was infecting people with the black goo in the first film. He always displayed a scientific/sociopathic curiosity. It's likely Shaw didn't survive, and I doubt she died in any other way than by David's doing.

And I do think that Xeno is the same as always, it's just that with cgi we're noticing subtle differences. I notice the egg looks slightly different, more angular. However it looks close enough to me.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
That and what if the Predators were at war with the Engineers, and they both were using the Xenos as weaponry. Hence the Engineer piloting the derelict ship in the first movie, perhaps to transport weapons and somehow a facehugger gets out, jumps on his face, and the Engineer crashed landed on the planet and then we have Alien 1.

I just wanted more backstory and mythology on the Predators and Engineers. The problem is, Fox knows they can make shytty AVP movies and they will still make a lot of money based on the nostalgia/fan base.

Eh if that's true then they aren't doing a good enough job of showing more Engineer mythology, backstory, and just plain engineers on the fukkin screen.

That shyt was all fan service. There's a reason why the Deacon showed up at the very end for like two seconds.

Also, it's possible we do see the emergence of a queen. Something has to happen to Elizabeth Shaw. With devious ass David luring the dude into getting face hugged, who knows what experiments he's been up to in the 10 years time he's been alone on that planet. Also, remember he was infecting people with the black goo in the first film. He always displayed a scientific/sociopathic curiosity. It's likely Shaw didn't survive, and I doubt she died in any other way than by David's doing.

And I do think that Xeno is the same as always, it's just that with cgi we're noticing subtle differences. I notice the egg looks slightly different, more angular. However it looks close enough to me.
Well, Spaihts and Lindelof's idea was to make this a trilogy of films... which explains leaving things deliberately unanswered and unexplored. It's definitely possible that Shaw has something to do with the eggs, in the original script for Prometheus David forces a facehugger onto her face to implant her. He might do something similar in this film. The deacon is the product of the trilobyte infecting an engineer. Xenomorphs are the product of a Queen laying eggs. I really don't think that was merely fan service. It was meant to show different evolutionary stages of the Alien in my opinion. I definitely think David is on Paradise experimenting. Did the original Xenomorph in Alien ever run on all 4's like the Runner aliens? I always thought they were bipedal? Maybe it is just the updated version but it looks slightly different.