Dope thread, props to @
nikkaz In Paris for dropping alot of industry insights. I chose "NO" for the simple fact that they'll always find a way to screw you over if not now, if you don't smarten up, they'll eventually will. Also It depends on how valuable $1,750 (at this moment in time) and how seriously you care about your work. If you need that loot badly and can crank out 7-10 beats a day i can understand why you would choose to sell your publishing. Most of us have steady jobs and do this is a hobby, basically i just love doing this on the side, if creates a revenue stream, it's not something i will turn down but i'll approach it in a smart way. I got an OK catalog of 100+ beats from the last 4-5 years. like @
producingfire said, i got people that i work with who also wants beat. Gotta watch out for them. Also, i feel like the rapper is as important as the producer for exposure purposes. Example: a producer friend of mine was shopping his beats a couple years ago. He Met Mr. "I know so and so" gave him a beat CD tagged every song on there, dude started calling asking him "beat 4, 7, 9" are dope and rapper (will remain anonymous) liked em, "what samples did you use?". My man's willingly gave up the samples
. Not smart move on his side IMO, but he was so hyped up. never heard from Mr. "so and and so" again , 8 months later album is out. 2 of his tracks are on there, only thing is production credits went to somebody else. What they did was they paid someone else to play the sample live on keys than used the same chops and flips and he did. Didn't need no sample clearance whatsoever. One of the the songs cracked bb top 100. @
nikkaz In Paris question, is that true today?
If i play a sample on a different octave on my guitar and my keys, than re-sample it, do i still have to clear? I played em?