Those dudes aren't really eating like that... neither are cats like The Inkredibles whose bulk placements contain Samples. Justice League was smart enough to orchestrate their own music most of the time so they made a shytload of money when they had their run...
I wouldn't give it up altogether if it's part of your style. Jr Rotem's biggest hits all contained samples or elements of sampling & even though they generated millions & he was only able to take home maybe a $100,000 from each the amount of work & $$$ opportunities he got from having those chart topping singles more then made up for it...
Between 2003 & 2013 Jr Rotem has generated over $30,000,000 with his music & around 75% of all of his Top 40 Hits (where the real money is) contained Samples in some way shape or form...
But I personally know dude is sitting on something close to $15,000,000-$20,000,000...
Pharrell took a huge hit with "Blurred Lines" but in the end because it went
#1 it will mean he will get a shytload of work in this next 12 months & his name is hot again after basically having a horrible couple years of filing bankruptcy to selling his Miami condo to not even making Brittany Spears & JT's last albums because of how far "The Neptunes" brand fell... so he disassociated himself from it...
It's nothing wrong with Sampling *IF* the hit you'll take on the Publishing side is worth helping your Brand grow...