Roc Nation throws "Writing Camps" for some of their artists. I am currently in the Rihanna & Rita Ora writing camps for their next albums. I was fortunate to have made a killing off of Music Videos during the 35mm Adapter Boom that happened around 2006-2009 before the T2i made it possible for any idiot with a camera to achieve 24fps & Depth Of Field at a ridiculously low price...
Having had made a killing I was able to move around & live in different cities & make money so I never was desperate for money. The average cat chasing a Record Deal is unemployed, living with their parents or off of their girlfriend so when someone dangles $25,000 in front of them they jump at it but they don't realize those contracts are for 3-5 years... you know how much you'd have to stretch $25,000 to last 3-5 years? And keep in mind these people have to work out of cities like LA & NY where living is not cheap...
Not only that but most of these cats usually go get a whip & their own place so in theory they've spent a good $5,000-$7,000 just getting off the ground & more then likely dudes love to have expensive clothing & fake it like they're eating when they really just crippled themselves to having $15,000 over the next 3-5 years unless they hit a
#1 & even then that doesn't always get people out of their carefully worded contracts...
Most of these dudes out here in Hollywood are living a fake flossing life where you see them on Youtube with some nice clothes, nice chain that was probably a gift & a nice car but at the end of the day they go back to their studio apartments in Van Nuys...
Cats are letting songs go to Rihanna for the prices of $1,500-$2,500 depending on how desperate they are & then campaigning for their song to be the Single which is unlikely since those go first to the Dr. Luke & Calvin Harris's of the world...
Perfect example... it's this writer named "Tiffany"... I won't give her real name... but she wrote on 2 of Rihanna's last albums... both have gone Platinum. She always posts photos of her in big studios like Larabee's & Record Plant & hanging out with people like Chris Brown & always at posting pics of her at Warner Bros offices & Atlantic & at pool parties & Award Shows...
To people who don't know this game is full of smoke & mirrors they think she is "doing it" & has a lot of money & would love to be in her position...
What they don't know is she signed your standard shytty contract in 2006 & she drives a 2005 Chevy Cobalt & lives with her boyfriend (who has a real job) in a 1 bedroom apartment in Van Nuys pulling in less then Part-Time Salary at Wendy's because despite having 15 placed records in 8 years she's never had a Single...
The people who usually have the most money don't floss it...
It's a particular producer whose had a few hits in the last 2 years that has videos all over Youtube carrying himself like he's rich as hell & you all know who he is but dude is actually struggling meanwhile the average music fan couldn't pick Dr. Luke out of a lineup yet he just signed a contract a while ago for $65,000,000 from Sony...