I understood what he was saying about hospitals, but I think he could have articulated it better. My mom is a nurse and has worked in hospitals for years as well, and she speaks about this a fair amount.
Yes, if you have a serious medical issue, you need to go to the hospital.
However, hospitals are full of germs, and full of sick people, and if you are in a hospital with a weakened immune system, in a strange way...it is sort of a place where you are more likely to die. Statistically speaking, you are most likely to die in a hospital, so I see the logic in trying to avoid them if possible. So if I have a super weak immune system and I have to be hospitalized, I'm technically more likely to get a deadly infection due to the germs there. Also, negligent and/or incompetent nurses are an issue. Alchemist also made a good point about if you are in the hospital and very sick, it is best to have a family member or friend there near you to make sure you're okay if something crazy happens. Also, too many people use the hospital when they should find a primary care physician or even an urgent care.
However, even with all this said, you need to go to the hospital if you have a serious issue, and I don't think people should start avoiding hospitals because they're scare of them.
TL;DR I think we agree.
edit: BTW that Alchemist podcast is a full 2 hours and the whole thing drops on 3/27