Pacquiao damn near died in the ring Saturday night. Maybe he should've negotiated stricter testing for Marquez. Guess he didn't want to take the risk of his blood coming up dirty too. The point is that Mayweather's request for stricter testing was legit. His $40 million dollar offer to Pacquiao also seemed legit. You sound like a Pacquiao fanboy. I'll ask you again since you ignored my question. Why don't you accuse Pacquiao of ducking when he turned down $40 million to fight Mayweather to take less than half to fight Marquez for the 4th time? Why don't you accuse him of not wanting the fight? Stop being a fanboy.
All the people trying to blame Floyd for wanting stricter testing

now arum comes out admitting the testing is flawed and weak. PAC wasted what 2 years on not wanting to take a test ?? Saying the standard policy was enough
2009"Last week, Arum said the Pacquiao camp would acquiesce to a plan whereby the fighter would submit to blood testing once in January, a second time no later than 30 days before the fight, then again immediately after the fight.
The promoter subsequently said he wanted the blood-testing demand shelved entirely and for the standard urine-testing format of the Nevada Athletic Commission to prevail."
2012-"Arum acknowledged problems with the landscape; with outdated, flawed testing procedures, especially for smaller fights; with no national commission to set policy; and with varied policies among the state commissions. To lump Marquez into the P.E.D. discussion, without proof, Arum said would be patently unfair.