Do you realize Manny fought them AFTER Floyd beat them? Sans Cotto, a weight drained Cotto at 147. Floyd had the balls to fight DLH and Cotto at THEIR weights where they performed the bst and were most comfortable. Manny made them come down and drain to 147. Loose leave this for the big boys, your trolling has no wins here.
THATS the thing that casual boxing fans or PACtards dont understand........floyd fought them all first...and fought them where they're at their best...AT THEIR WEIGHTS!!!...Pac made them come down to his weight and had other obligations they "had" to go along with because he is the white mans hype......at the end of the day... its becuz floyd is black and pac is "white"(i know he's not,but he is the next best thing......asian

Floyd whooped everybody and still has yet to CLEARLY,unarguably,lose a round.if that man isn't the greatest ever, he is the closest one...... what ELSE do nikkas want him to do? fight every fukking professional boxer there is? ...
meanwhile pac is 1-4 against jmm but the powers behind him got him those decisions....its so clear that pac is an "industry plant"...... they saw the potential in hyping him up and manipulating the media which manipulates the public into thinking FLOYD has to fight HIM...when its the other way around...racism is still alive people..open your fukking eyes... Jordan is the greatest player of all time......and you know how many fukking Jordan stoppers there was? and NONE stopped him ever lol wtf
and i,whatsoever, dont think pac is garbage....with all the roids that muhfukka uses you still gotta go into that damn ring,avoid punches, and beat nikkas the fukk up....but he's a cheater and you must be blind if you think other wise