.how did you score the third fight dude??. Lets hear it
The last fight was very close and pac was up until he got caught slippin....
And what you mean he took that fight cause he thought JMM couldn't handle the weight?? He handled it fine in part 3
the third fight i had like 8-4 for marquez
he clearly clearly won
even after the fight, pacquaio had a look of defeat
he clearly lost to anyone dats unbias
and if pacquaio thought he won, he wouldnt of took a 4th fight
dat was his ego
he TOOK the THIRD fight cause he saw how floyd mayweather destroyed marquez at dat weight class two years earlier. with marquez two years older and at da same weight class, he figured he could do the same and close the casket on their rivalry.
leading up to da fight, most ppl thought marquez was a dead man.
but if anyone actually watched da fight, they would see dat mayweather just completely out boxed marquez, countered him to death, and put on a defensive masterpiece.
3 things pacquaio is incapable of doing
Again, marquez already bowed to mayweather in defeat, pretty much said hes too good and already said mayweather would whoop pacquaio.