I been talking about creating an anti corruption algorithm where individuals can post names of cops, judges, police departments, district courts, political organizations, ect.Both parties have a fundraising infrastructure in place so whenever one of them does something the other party doesn't like they immediately send out "URGENT" emails and texts about "saving" america. It has become financially beneficial to NOT do anything. Just like the republican party has been thoroughly infested with nazis, religious fundamentalist and big business bootlicker, the democratic party has been infiltrated by 'corporate approved activists' and surface level appeals to diversity.
They'll kneel down while wearing kente cloth instead of drafting a bill that makes the murder of any unarmed citizen by a peace officer a federal crime that must be investigated by the FBI and make tampering with bodycams a felony. They'll talk about how people need to protest "peacefully" while saying nothing when those peaceful protesters are savagely beaten by police. They're all sizzle and no steak. Every time they have power they cede it to the other side so they have an issue to fundraise for.
Once this house of cards falls apart, we will need to draw up a new electoral system that does away with antidemocratic elements.
-Ranked choice voting
-Mixed parliamentary-presidential system where the minister is the head of state while the president is head of government. Different parties can win seats in the senate which forces cooperation and making deals with other parties to form coalitions.
-Abolish the electoral college, it has only ever helped right wingers win.
-all decisions from the Supreme Court are non binding and congress votes after reading the conclusions and dissent written by the justices.
-age limits for holding office. If you have to be a minimum age to be president, you cannot run again if you turn 65 during your presidency.
-A ban on lobbyists and PACs.
-A ban on using think tanks to inform policy. Think tanks got us Vietnam and the federalist society.
-Federal education standards.
The algorithm will compile the names and departments and the ones that are reported continuously by multiple people will get investigated immediately. If 191 civilians all have different stories of mistreatment by a police department (with some level of proof) the algorithm will compile the information and those places/people will be investigated by the FBI.
You would be able to bypass things after you start indicting whole departments of people, then you can offer people that work for these places immunity to provide detailed information on their co conspirators.
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