But you should realize that others follow a 100% rule (which is a fallacy for African Americans given the prevalence of racial admixture in our history) and they would consider you multi racial, not black. And knowing that you follow your own 75% (again, based on a fallacy that such things can be quantified according to looks) rule, it really isn't your place to determine how any mixed raced person should and can identify.
According to your 75% rule, Stephen Curry is black. Barack Obama, at 50%, is not. But if you were to look at them, who would you assume was biracial? Who would you assume was raised by whites? The truth is Stephen Curry has far more white admixture than 25%. That's likely why he looks the way he does. And you probably have more, too, if your mother is African American. That's the complication of race and blackness in the U.S.
African Americans are a diverse ethnic group forged by white supremacy and capitalism. We wouldn't be here if these things didn't exist.
Of course one can argue that our concept of race stems from white supremacy. It's true. Even the food we eat stems from racism. We ate ribs because it was the shyt white people didn't want to eat. We've always made lemonade from the crappy lemons we were given.
It is what it is. That's why this ugly clan of the cave bear reject is

for doing what she did and exploiting African American culture.