President of NAACP chapter in Spokane is a white woman wearing blackface


All Star
Jul 31, 2014
Naw im good on GMS.. I saw videos of people co signing rape,sleeping with kids , and sleeping with white women :stopitslime:. I don't understand how we can say "jews are bad" but there is nothing wrong with this lady breaking Leviticus 19:11 (don't deceive one another) and Exodus 20:12 (honor your mother & father). Her entire existence is a lie, but to you its "nothing":dwillhuh:. White people in Israel claiming to be something they are not and stole our culture and language. This bytch got on black garments, studying our history, all while deceiving us and you say its not the same? Did not the white people try to teach us our own biblical history during slavery? This bytch is doing the exact same thing but its worst because shes claiming to be ONE OF US. :deadmanny:

Well first off, you CAN sleep with white women. You can sleep with any heathen woman, but she's not supposed to be your wife or anything like that. You don't think concubines were Israelite women, do you? And no, GMS doesn't 'cosign' rape. They state that ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, you can take a woman by force IF we were in the kingdom and in rulership, and that this is how it was done back in the day. While I might not agree with their understranding of that, they very well could be correct. Either way, they say numerous times that this society and time is not the place for that. They also don't advocate 'sleeping with kids'. They clearly state that ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, a woman reaches sexual maturity when she menstruates, meaning she's a woman and can be married. This was definitely done in ancient times, and once again, they tell everyone to not even go there in this society. But nikkas hear what they want to hear. As far as the rest of your babble, now you're trying to evade what this topicis about and claim she's not following the law. Whether or not she follows the Law is irrelevant to me. She has to work out her own salvation, but if she's not an Israelite as you allege, the Law isn't for her anyway. But stick with IUIC because clearly the truth isn't for you. You're not spiritual whatsoever.


Packing All The Flavour You Need
Mar 11, 2015
:ufdup:For every breh in here mentioning how you don't see the problem, you don't have a problem with it, you would still fukk, you wish there was a white NAACP president of every chapter, you don't understand why black women are offended by this...and blah, blah, blah.... :ufdup:

I just want to recommend that you imagine this scenario with a white male as the protagonist rather than Rachel. A white man IMPERSONATING YOU....from your hairstyles to your fashion to your flavor to your language to your culture and history....LYING about some random black woman being his mama; LYING about getting shave bumps; LYING about his 360 wave journey; LYING about participating in things deemed "urban" so as to seem more authentically black; LYING about being pulled over for DWB; LYING about being discriminated against; LYING about being followed in a store; LYING about his upbringing; passing off adopted black siblings as his actual children; Getting positions where he has officially self-identified as a black man; POSING publicly as a BLACK AFRICAN Mandingo Warrior with three beautiful black female models all in tribal dress;



You cannot say what black women should feel like about this if you have not considered the scenario above. Damn. Can y'all ever, I mean, EVER try to empathize with your own damn women? Got a cave bytch up here impersonating your own woman and you sitting up talking about "I'd still fukk". SMDH. Pathetic. And, she is only 37 looking like she is fukking 47. Did you peep that NECK? Gross.

Black women more loyal to the black race than their own men. :snoop:

I know I'll be getting negged to hell but somebody has to say it. Might as well be me since I'm already in the red. :pacspit:
Imigine all the c00n black women that would take up for him and spouting all that nonsense that some of them do. Talking about well at least he's done more for the community then some black men, at least he's actually claiming black children and so on and so forth. Some of these dudes cant see past their own lust. It's so so sad.:snoop:


All Star
Jun 11, 2012
But what about the black women????!! :damn:

I swear yall mofos can't do shyt without talking about us. We stay on yall minds. It's kind of flattering.

So you are a black women who subconsciously pretends to be white?

J Money

No weapon formed against me shall prosper
May 19, 2014
Yo I swear this is easily thread of the year. I was dead reading through this thread :laff::laff::laff::laff:

On a serious note fukk this chick :francis: Cant respect someone who puts on an act and uses blackface. She is mentally ill to have to completely change her life like that. For people supporting her "bravery"...where do we draw the line with this bullshyt? First Jenner now this bullshyt...

God damn why does everyone want to be black. Leave us alone :francis:


May 20, 2012
You can make all the sweet potatoe pies you want. have dreads, afros, know to braid and do black hair. You can listen to hip hop, r and b and gospel. it doesnt make you black. Being black isnt about clothes or music. its about pride, your ancestry and history. its appreciating being natural. being black is diverse. light skin, dark skin, brown skin. your forefathers werent slaves and they didnt go through segregation. I dont mind this woman identifying with black culture at all. but if you wanna identify with black, you have to do it through the good and bad. dont talk black around me and then when we get pulled over, you wanna pull out the white girl im sorry officer voice. dont go on a job interview and change your hairstyle from a white afro to blonde. no one is saying you have to be a bleach blonde becky to kick it. Be YOU. teach african american studies. Heck man, she probably knows more about black history than some of us do. but dont lie about your history and background. that is all.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
If you let white people tell it, black women are the ugliest race of women. Yet here we are, a pale white cac woman trying to look black and running around saying she is 100% black. But white people won't ever focus on white women dressing up to look black. White women are ugly to me and any simps in here saying this cac lier is good to hit is lying or a c00n/cac.
b-b-b-b-b-b-but tanning and lip injections and ass shots is cause we want to look more OLIVE... not BLACK :mjpls:

can't tell you the amount of times i've heard this bullshyt.... then there's the old

b-b-b-b-b-b-but what is acting black :mjpls:

i can't wait to hear her spin on this.... the oprah interview... the lifetime movie :blessed:


All Star
Jul 31, 2014
How about this? Whenever there's a topic about some shyt that white women are doing, yall don't throw us under the bus in your efforts to defend their actions?

You so called Black women are hilarious. For some unknown reason, you think you're immune to being called out on your bullshyt. Black women are one of the chief reasons our nation is so fukked up today. You women run around with your asses out, body count over 30 by the time you're 18, confederate with the white man in getting nikkas kicked out the house and put in jail. You so called Black women are out of fukking order, and that's going to come to an end real soon. Wait till all hell breaks loose in the streets, and we're going to see how far this independent women shyt and Beyonce songs are going to get you. Go ahead and take this as a personal attack to not address what i'm saying.