President of NAACP chapter in Spokane is a white woman wearing blackface

Sep 30, 2013
Man, I hate taking days off from the coli just to miss first row seats to fukkery like this :to: I swear you could have any smiley apply to this whole story, no lie :heh::mjlol:

Also, God knows how many times she let the n-word slip out :mjpls:
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Sep 30, 2013

fukking shameless :scust:

Jun 16, 2013
This whole situation shows what happens when a people don't have a clear code.

First, we have a woman who managed to pretend she was black for ten years, and despite her showing who her "father" is and how she looks, AND due to the loosy-goosy definition of who's black, no one bothered to vet Her.

Then, the NAACP flat out says it doesn't matter anyway and that they fight for everyone, and we have a lot of people who don't seen to have a problem with that.

Now we have people saying because she did a lot of work for the community, we should let everything slide.

I have no problem with the good work she may have done, and I hope she continues. And in a weird way, there can be a place for people like her who isn't black but want to help can be very effective for the cause. However, considering what just happened, she should not be the leader of the chapter. At the least, the members of the chapter should have a revote.

That would require structured, something the NAACP, and black society in general, doesn't seem to have.

I said it before and I'll say it again: she wouldn't be able to get away with it for that long with other communities. At best, everyone would know she's white and they'll what they do from there.

That code of conduct is really needed.

Nice post family. We need healing. The fact that our people are defending this obviously sick lady and/or planted agent is another perfect example that we need healing, as we carry the DNA of our ancestors from generation to generation. Dr. Joy DeGruy has coined the term, Post Traumatic Slaves Syndrome (PTSS) to explain how we continue to make excuses and even defend the very people who are guilty of the most horrific Holocaust on this planet. We are still very sick even in 2015 and we must heal. We begin to heal by telling and speaking the truth to the perpetrators of our Trauma that continues in 2015. Stop caring about making them angry and hurting their feelings. Their feelings of guilt (if any) belongs to them. We didn't put it there and can't it take away.....ever. And no amount of so called forgiveness will ever erase their deeds, because there is no such thing as 'Forgiveness'. Just a word the Romans made up and put in their Bible to ease their consciousness and to manipulate their victims. More importantly, what about your feelings? Do you have any left? Tell the truth in their face unapologetically. Did you forget who you are and how resilient and dominant you are? Remember our mysteries in Ancient Kemet? (always use the native name of our homeland, as it holds power within) This type of behavior has to stop if we are going to heal.

Circle of Love family
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