This is senseless. There’s not much complexity to why trump got elected.
All the roaches of our society finally saw a scumbag who thinks like them and is unashamed of it so of course they came out to vote for him. Add to that the fact that the choices were back to two white people as it’s always been before Obama. Take also into account that a lot of black people just saw 2016 as business as usual. Trump can’t be that bad. They thought.
But after 4 years it is clear the lukewarm approach to the election ain’t happening again.
It's not senseless. In many states they were people who supported Obama in '08 and 2012 who ended up voting for Trump. Part of the reason was that they feel they voted for change in '08 and 2012 and got nothing but more status quo and little real change in their lives. People are frustrated with incrementalism. Trump was able to take advantage of that and peel off enough votes from people desperate for change. Trump offered change (not saying it's good change). HRC offered more of the same. You can't dismiss them all as just being racist and stupid.
Part of Trump's election IS the fault of the Corporate Dems and Obama being a shytty party leader. Years of lesser of the two evil bullshyt or running on a change agenda and then becoming the defender of the status quo once you get in office.
Beau is dead right on this and stupid ass Dem shills will not learn.
Dems are failing to even fight Trumps illegitimate SC pick.