if you think the criticisms of that scene - everything from how high profile alicia is, to tommy + 3 and ghost solo, to the lack of disguise of tommy and ghost when they're also wanted by the cops there - are "going deep" you're being a willful stan....nothing deep or nit picky about the absurdity of that plot
its not that deep though, but since u want to go so deep
no1 expected to see ghost in a workman outfit
no1 expected to see tommy in a emergency outfit
so why would they automatically think its them
you saw dre's face when he saw ghost,he was in 2 minds thinking is that really him for a good hot second
again its a tv show, if we really wanted to be so deep then the show wouldn't of got past episode 4
its like you guys want to see every bit of info packed into an hour
its not going to happen so writers leave your imagination to fill in the rest