They had him simple as that.I will admit I do understand the complaints on the last episode. The one thing I will admit that I agree on, which has been mentioned on some of the last few pages, is how Lobo was handled. Here you have a crime boss, who they took time to develop the past few years. He is suppose to be THAT dude. In just ONE episode, he appeared weak.Someone of his caliber is murdered and it's like "Lobos wasn't shyt anyway."
What else you wanted?
The feds had a leak who had orchestrated the whole thing dude was being transported low profile not to raise suspicions like the leak wanted it to happen shyt was very high risk. Tommy being there was Lobos' fault for trusting him too much, and look what happened they just picked him off like that and killed him what else you wanted to happen? A Cartel angel coming from the skies to save him