Power Season 3 (Official Thread)

head shots101

North Bronx Blocks!!!
May 1, 2012
Bronx Blocks
Same with walking dead, turn the brain off and let the show do its thing. To analyze and try to go to deep with some of these shows is just a waste of time. I can forgive shytty writing if the show provides world class entertainment
Told this same shyt to my dude stop over analyzing this shyt like you watching mr Robot bro....I watch this show for the fukkery and chaos


May 1, 2012
Ghost cant catch a break to save his life and the Kanaan problem he still doesn't know about which will fukk him up even more by the end of the season. What Lobos said to him about him being in that same spot with a grave waiting for him was some real shyt. At the end of the series I wouldn't be surprised if Ghost didn't make it out alive.

it's the 10th episode of season season called "Ghost" Dad

Ghost is blindfolded, tied up, and standing in the same spot as lobos. An unknown man has a gun to his head

Ghost "I guess lobos was right, one day I would be standing in the spot. But who would've thought the man on the other side would be you Tommy"

Tommy "STFU James, you knew this was coming, Lobos, Holly, Milan, and now tasha? Your devotion to angela cost Tasha her life"

Ghost "Tommy, at some point we all have to grow up and get out of the hood, life is about spreading your wings and flying"

Tommy "No james, life is about relationships, family, and friends :mjcry: " You selfishness has cost this family"

Ghost "But can you really kill me Tommy, your best friend, your right hand man since we were 10?"

Tommy "I tried James, but i brought along someone who you have basically abandoned for the last 6 years"

* A tall dark man emerges from a black SUV, wearing the same outfit ghost did when he went and killed rolla*

*tommy undoes ghost blindfold and the person ghost sees shocks him*

Ghost "NO!!, it can't be. ...... Tyreke!? Are you going to kill your own father?"

Tyreek " Father?!? You haven't been a father to me since i was 10."

Tyreek "All i ever wanted from you was your love, respect, and help. For years you ran around with some latina for no ass, and forced mom to raise us by ourselves. You were selfish, you tried buying me knicks tickets thinking that's going to fix the relationship? That gun i took, i wanted to kill angela for our family, but i was mistaking, the man i should've killed instead needed to be you"

*Tyrese takes out a sub machine gun and points in at Ghost face*

*Ghost starts sobbing*

Ghost "Tyreke im sorry, for everything. Not being there for you and your sisters, the way i treated your mom, not being a man to explain my actions to the family"

Ghost "I hope you can find it........ *BOOM* *Ghost falls dead*

Tyreke "I forgive you DAD"

Unknown Voice "Good Job Tyreke, ghost chose angela over your family, and no one should ever abandon their son. Tommy clean this mess up, let's go reke"

Tyreke "Yes Caanan, i'm coming"

*Cues season 5 outro*


Oct 14, 2012
it's the 10th episode of season season called "Ghost" Dad

Ghost is blindfolded, tied up, and standing in the same spot as lobos. An unknown man has a gun to his head

Ghost "I guess lobos was right, one day I would be standing in the spot. But who would've thought the man on the other side would be you Tommy"

Tommy "STFU James, you knew this was coming, Lobos, Holly, Milan, and now tasha? Your devotion to angela cost Tasha her life"

Ghost "Tommy, at some point we all have to grow up and get out of the hood, life is about spreading your wings and flying"

Tommy "No james, life is about relationships, family, and friends :mjcry: " You selfishness has cost this family"

Ghost "But can you really kill me Tommy, your best friend, your right hand man since we were 10?"

Tommy "I tried James, but i brought along someone who you have basically abandoned for the last 6 years"

* A tall dark man emerges from a black SUV, wearing the same outfit ghost did when he went and killed rolla*

*tommy undoes ghost blindfold and the person ghost sees shocks him*

Ghost "NO!!, it can't be. ...... Tyreke!? Are you going to kill your own father?"

Tyreek " Father?!? You haven't been a father to me since i was 10."

Tyreek "All i ever wanted from you was your love, respect, and help. For years you ran around with some latina for no ass, and forced mom to raise us by ourselves. You were selfish, you tried buying me knicks tickets thinking that's going to fix the relationship? That gun i took, i wanted to kill angela for our family, but i was mistaking, the man i should've killed instead needed to be you"

*Tyrese takes out a sub machine gun and points in at Ghost face*

*Ghost starts sobbing*

Ghost "Tyreke im sorry, for everything. Not being there for you and your sisters, the way i treated your mom, not being a man to explain my actions to the family"

Ghost "I hope you can find it........ *BOOM* *Ghost falls dead*

Tyreke "I forgive you DAD"

Unknown Voice "Good Job Tyreke, ghost chose angela over your family, and no one should ever abandon their son. Tommy clean this mess up, let's go reke"

Tyreke "Yes Caanan, i'm coming"

*Cues season 5 outro*
No disrespect but That's mad corny breh lol


All Star
May 20, 2012
Houston, TX
after digesting it, other than the Serb swerve with the security, this was a shytty, terribly written episode. Kept shaking my head at the stupidity of the characters (notably Ghost) and like :dwillhuh:at some the decisions being made. shyt was a terrible episode and one of the worst of the series imo.
Like ghost would really carry his divorce papers with him and leave them where tasha could easily find them? :comeon: greg not being capped in the head on their way out after grabbing lobos:stopitslime: ghost and tommy not killing lobos within 15 min of grabbing him and letting his homo ass outrun them after they inexplicably got distracted :what: the hotel people actually being dumb enough to think ghost was out there running a marathon or some shyt like mo farah :patrice:ghost thinking that the serbs will just forget about angie b/c he breaks up with her after they pull his ass back in the game or after killing the jamaicans for him (not to mention ghost's ungratefulnes that they save his and his son's lives) :martin: ghost thinking angie will just cry overnight and be over him in the morning :dame: fukkin terrible episode. Writer/director of this episode should be banned:beli:

Big Blue

Sep 26, 2012
I still don't get the point in breaking up with Angela.

I know Tommy wants her gone cuz he can't trust Ghost to not choose her over him/the game. But why would Ghost do it? Ghost saw that she looked out for him with Ruiz. How would giving up his source in the feds be beneficial? With Lobos dead, the Serbs ain't even on their radar and Angela would be able to let him know if they ever turn up on their radar.

Killing Angela or breaking up with Angela doesn't help him with Milan at all. It just creates another potential enemy. And you can point out Ghost paying her rent as a reason she wouldn't go after him, but since when does a woman scorned act rationally?
Come on, you can't be a drug kinpin and have an AUSA as your girl. Yeah, she's loyal now, but what if she found out that Ghost killed Rolla, the Serb, and the countless other bodies he caught. She thinks he was a drug dealer, not a serial killer. And if she does turn on him, Milan will kill her like it's nothing.
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Oct 14, 2012
always up for something better. What you got in mind.
I'm not gonna type up a whole massive scenario, but if anyone's gonna kill ghost it won't be his son, Tommy won't make it to the end anyway, iv seen enough shows to know how they like to go so my closest guess will be Tommy either being killed in the finale before the final series as a set up for the last season, or in the first half of the last season, and in dramatic fashion regardless. And depending how the series has gone up to that point it'll either be Ghost's biggest enemy killing him sending ghost on the revenge warpath...or ghost killing him himself because of betrayal or because he has too, depending on what path they go with the series.

Kanan definitely won't make it to the end lol
May 7, 2012
Come on, you can't be a drug kinpin and have an AUSA as your girl. Yeah, she's loyal now, but what if she found out that Ghost killed Rolla, the Serb, and the countless other bodies he caught. She thinks he was a drug dealer, not a serial killer. And if she does turn on him, Milan will kill her like it's nothing.
Ok, but what if she finds all that stuff out and not getting that D every five minutes? How is that a better situation for Ghost to be in?


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
Same with walking dead, turn the brain off and let the show do its thing. To analyze and try to go to deep with some of these shows is just a waste of time. I can forgive shytty writing if the show provides world class entertainment
the thing is the writing is not shytty, inexplicable, unrealistic, over-exaggerated scenarios is something that one could complain about across the board on every great show. why didnt they catch this, why didnt this guy die here, people dont even realize sometimes those kind of mistakes are purposely made in writing scripts for several reasons, 1, they are not ready to rid of a certain character because of public demand, hate them or love them, the public tunes in when that person is on the screen, or 2. it gets people talking and the social media buzz going crazy.

we can nit pick at every show presumed to be classic,

like really how many times did walter white escaped death, from fuco, gus, even that white militia group, really they will take his money, leave him a barrel and spare him after literally killing his brother who was a dea agent right in front of him? :stopitslime: gus should have killed walt after he ran his boys over, fuco was known to kill people just for the hell of it but let walt and jesse breathe after they clearly betrayed him, how about hank surviving that hit by the 2 brothers, its so many things you could pick at with breaking bad

how about nucky thompson literally have a town ready to kill him and him escaping by hiding out with some negroes and chalky standing tall and turning these white dudes away, in a time the early 1900s where whole black towns were burned down simply because a black man was said to have whistled at a white woman, but somehow they let this negro tell them to keep it pushing without searching the premises?

lets go to the wire, really a homo shot gun totting stick up kid is still living in season 5 and gets taken out randomly by some kid in a bodega? marlo escapes prison time and doesnt get killed after all those bodies he put in them vacants? how about omar using a damn plush ass coach as body armor with a room full of shooters and not even getting nicked by a bullet?

i mean we could do this all day, the writing is great, it has flaws like every show does but without the flaws and every single thing making sense and being perfect you remove the suspense and intrigue for the show as everything will just go along as everyone thinks it should.

also, every show is not built on wow, gotcha moments and dont need them to be great, everyone knew eventually gus was going to get taken down, the attractive part of the show is just witnessing how it will happen, everyone knew eventually marlo was going to go down, everyone was just tuning in to see how it played out. we all know kanan and ghost will clash, that angela will be put in deep shyt and how ghost and tommy will eventually overcome the serbs, we tune in to see how it plays out. some people are just never satisfied and need something to complain about. you cant make characters perfect, and do everything perfect, its the discussions of what they should have done and why that person is smart or stupid that keeps people tuning in.

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
I think we all can admit some of the things in this show are dumb:

- Ghost taking hours to track down Lobos, when James is athletic and Lobos only had a 5 second head start

- Tommy going to Holly's grave and leaving a ring full of his DNA

- Tommy and Holly yelling very loud, yet none of the neighbors complaining about them fighting

Overall I love the none, but it'd be funny if the show becomes completely over the top and it turns into Sons of Anarchy.