Peruvian Connect
Locked up how? In a combo safe? Who is to say this little fakkit wouldn't have contined to big around to find the combo number? Combo safes ain't safe, how you gonna remember in a panic? In a lock box and he pick the lock? Dude is not a little kid, he had no business meddling in her shyt.i think i didn't explain enough
at no time am i saying it's ALL angie's fault... not at all
i would have beat the brakes off my son that day... wouldn't be no nice talk at dinner... i'm surprised, this being a black hood family, that none of these kids are getting they ass whooped on tv no more... but hey, it's 2016
anyways i still place blame on any gun owner who don't lock up their shyt... maybe because just a year ago, some kid a few houses up, shot and killed his little brother with his dad's shotgun... yes these kids should have not been playing with the gun.. definitely not pointing at each other... and both were taught gun safety...
but again... at the end of the day, if you lock up your damn gun, this type of shyt would never happen
i can come home, oh shyt there's a bunch of my brother's friends over and they in college, and the first thing i'm doing is putting my gun in my safe... cause i'll be damned if one of these young dummies is gonna be on some "hey show us your brothers gun man" and i'm sitting in jail over some dumb shyt
Tasha has a gun, her gun was readily visisble to LaKeisha, what if waterhead came in and snatched it out of momma's purse?