Power Rangers Movie Thread

Vice Queen

The First Lady of T$C
Jan 15, 2015
The movie kind of have them like the Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters Beverly Hills with the squad all hating each other aka "We're friends that are not actually friends"

:russ: and shout out to anyone other than myself that remember that horrible Power Rangers knockoff
:ohlawd: This shyt came on stupid early on the USA Network.

Vice Queen

The First Lady of T$C
Jan 15, 2015
I didn't peep it till late last year and had to dig it up from my memory banks. So so so many power ranger knockoffs in the 90s :russ:
I'm saying.
They tried adapting Gridman into Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad and it failed.
Kamen/Masked Rider could've took off. IDK why that didn't hit.
VR Troopers...they fukked up with not having enough source footage.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
There's speculation that Rita was a former Green Ranger who went rogue and killed the OG squad, hence her green suit
Make total sense. I believe she used to work for/or with zordon but something happen (on some Darkvader side of game) so she switch sides....end up killing the original power ranger(her team) or the dinos(end being extinct) like in the sentai by the creating the green ranger coin. she probably using the green ranger coin power already when we meet her in the movie

tommy probably would probably appear in 2nd movie and break the couple up(Jason and Kimberly)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Max Landis Says He Was “Fired” From ‘Power Rangers’

Chronicle and American Ultra writer, Max Landis, is known for his rather explosive behaviour on social media such as Twitter. Son of famed director, John Landis, Max is a figure who nerds either love or downright despise. A couple of months ago the writer was rumoured to be involved in Lionsgate’s upcoming reboot of Power Rangers, which of course dropped it’s first trailer last night. One of the trailer’s major compliments were the references to 1980s films such as The Breakfast Club as well as a visual homage to Landis’ Chronicle.

Earlier today, in a move somewhat reflective of what Josh Trank did last year with his Fantastic Four tweet, Landis revealed his distance from the finished product of Power Rangers.

The writer revealed:

This was in response to a question one of his followers asked him:

Incredibly interesting stuff. Landis continued discussing the film on his Twitter, stating that none of what he wrote made it into the final product.

So, from the tweets above, I guess one thing is really clear; Landis is not a fan. Now, the writer has been extremely negative when it comes to blockbusters in recent memory. One of his most infamous rants tackled Daisy Ridley’s Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and how he believed she was a “Mary Sue.”

But that aside, what do you guys think of his statements? As someone who is not particularly fond of his work (besides Chronicle), I think it is another prime example of someone just complaining. Interestingly, the writer refuses to admit why he was fired, maybe his controversial tweets got him in that situation.

Power Rangers hits theatres everywhere on March 24, 2017.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

‘Power Rangers’ Official Site Reveals New Images, Synopsis & More

Fresh from putting a grin across pretty much everyone who has viewed the debut trailer for Power Rangers face, the team behind the upcoming franchise reboot have now launched a new official site which includes new images, official character bios and an updated synopsis for the film.

Fans were stunned after the reveal of the trailer yesterday, and although it didn’t give too much away with regards to the plot, the updated and more detailed synopsis does give us a little bit more of a view into what to expect from the film. You can read it below:

Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary teens who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove — and the world — is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so, they will have to overcome their real-life issues and before it’s too late, band together as the Power Rangers.

Furthermore, we get a look into the individual characters below:

Jason, the Red Ranger (DACRE MONTGOMERY) was a football legend in his small town of Angel Grove until one fateful mistake. When we first meet Jason, he is in need of redemption and is struggling to find himself. But soon he is given a chance to lead a new team made up of an unlikely group of teenage superheroes and must find it in himself to rise to the challenge.

Kimberly, the Pink Ranger (NAOMI SCOTT) used to be Queen Bee of Angel Grove High, but has been cast out of the popular clique and is now struggling to find her identity. She has a new rebel without-a-cause, edgy attitude, but this front is hiding a secret that makes her feel deeply vulnerable.

Billy, the Blue Ranger (RJ CYLER) has always been challenged in his abilities to communicate and interact socially. Whip-smart and sweet, he is the most pure-hearted of the group. Billy has never really had any friends, so finding teenagers that he is comfortable with is a big deal, and soon he begins connecting with people in a way he’s never been able to do before.

Trini, the Yellow Ranger (BECKY G) is mysterious but extremely bright. Her parents constantly move for work, making her the perpetual new girl to any school. A loner who owns it, Trini is self-sufficient and contemplative, but always observant. All she wants is to find her gang of friends, but she’ll never admit it— least of all to herself.

Zack, the Black Ranger (LUDI LIN) is filled with bravado and swagger. He is tough and cool on the exterior but has many layers beyond his fearless appearance. Zack advertises everything about himself, except the truth, which makes him feel deeply inferior to all his peers.

Lastly, if all that extra information isn’t getting you counting the days until release, you can view some brand new official still images featuring the main characters by hitting next and scrolling through the gallery.

Directed by Dean Israelite (Project Almanac), Power Rangers hits theaters March 24th, 2017 and stars Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Becky G, Ludi Lin, featuring Bill Hader, with Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Banks.

Source: ComicBookMovie.com

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Man look, it's not about saying that all black males are the same and has to be some normal guy who gets chicks, I know that all black males are not like this, that's not the point. This is ALL about propaganda.

The POINT of us griping bout the race change and making the black male look weak is because Hollywood and the media has a disgusting history of portraying black males as being weak-willed, white p*ssy chasing, ebonics speaking, IQ of 10, first to die, scared-ass type of sambo that sacrifices his life for the white protagonist. When casting a black male, he CANNOT live throughout the movie if he was normal, or has some type of samboish quality of him. This happens for MOST of the time when white hands are involved and most black people are sick of it. What really gave this movie a black eye in terms of casting, is that they THEY HAVE WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY of portraying a black male as being weak and scary instead of leaving the race and roles like it was 20 some years ago. This is what pisses us off. Damn that nerd shyt, if we want to watch a black nerd, then we will watch Family Matters, and despite his flaws even he pulls girls.

THis is why black people love the Luke Cage series, because when black hands are involved, the black characters are well-spoken, intelligent, handsome/pretty regardless if they are good or evil. Positive portrayals of black people, rather they are idealists (Misty), or psychopaths (Diamondback). ANd this is why some whites are pissed off about it. And millions of people are watching a POSITIVE mostly all-black cast in their homes. Changing the narrative. THAT IS THE POINT. Portraying black people who are positive, head-strong, and intelligent. That's why they have so much dialogue, because they are going out of their way to portray these black characters as intelligent.

Usually im with yall,but even you just said we got Black Panther and Luke Cage.....Dont know if we gotta have every black man be the stud of the movie.....Plus have nikkas ever heard of growth:heh:

How about we see the whole movie first,looks like he is the brains of the operation who helps them find they powers....and will probaly be the logical voice of reason among a bunch of emo stupid kids:blessed:

Maybe they show his confidence grow in the movie....but im liking the fact they all meeting at some place for "weirdos and criminals",and suprise they didnt make the black dude one of the delinquents or criminals:pachaha:....maybe im not as outraged because nothimg can get more pathetic than the black ranger from the tv show...a nikka named Zach is already a problem,he was always gettin his ass beat and had to get saved,always aaalll on the show dancing:scust:.

This blue ranger looks like a black version of Spiderman and potentially has room to be the most popular unless cism gets in the way:pachaha:....i know yall cocky cuz yall was sumwhat accurate about Finn just from watching the trailer,but lets chill:whoa:.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Had to look up who the yellow Ranger was,Becky G:whoo:

Hope she still has that gap in her teeth:banderas:

Lemme find out they made her fix it:comeon:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Usually im with yall,but even you just said we got Black Panther and Luke Cage.....Dont know if we gotta have every black man be the stud of the movie.....Plus have nikkas ever heard of growth:heh:

How about we see the whole movie first,looks like he is the brains of the operation who helps them find they powers....and will probaly be the logical voice of reason among a bunch of emo stupid kids:blessed:

Maybe they show his confidence grow in the movie....but im liking the fact they all meeting at some place for "weirdos and criminals",and suprise they didnt make the black dude one of the delinquents or criminals:pachaha:....maybe im not as outraged because nothimg can get more pathetic than the black ranger from the tv show...a nikka named Zach is already a problem,he was always gettin his ass beat and had to get saved,always aaalll on the show dancing:scust:.

This blue ranger looks like a black version of Spiderman and potentially has room to be the most popular unless cism gets in the way:pachaha:....i know yall cocky cuz yall was sumwhat accurate about Finn just from watching the trailer,but lets chill:whoa:.
THe entire gist on your post depends on "what ifs" and not based on facts.

The fact is that the black man of the group is portrayed as the soft/nerd/virgin of the group, and these type of archetypes NEVER get ANY females, and that is THE POINT of his portrayal. THE emasculation of the black male image

People tried rationale their thinking about FINN when they have seen the trailer talking about "maybe" he'll be a future Jedi, or "maybe" he'll save the day at the end and my favorite: bu bu bu his story isn't over. While neglecting the FACTS that he was portrayed as a white woman chasing, scary ass sambo who showed no intellectual capacity at all. And teh white crackers loved it. They were bytching about his appearance BEFORE the movie, but didn't say shyt AFTERWARDS.

We, as black men, have EVERY RIGHT to be concerned about the portrayal of this black male in the movie, because HISTORY HAS SHOWN that this will not lead to ANYTHING positive. He will definitely not get any love interests in the movie, hell not even DENZEL fukkING WASHINGTON didn't get the girl in Magnificent Seven and he was the goddamn leader :mindblown: ANy other white male leader AND THE HIGHEST BILLING ACTOR, would have got the girl in the movie, except when it is a black man.

The voice of reason excuse plays along the stereptypes of a magical negroe, doing something that helps the white protagonist, nah, they can keep that. THis man will NOT be on some Peter Parker steeze, despite his flaws, PP DID get the female, as a matter of fact he did get TWO females (Felicia and MJ) while the traditional Blue Ranger did NOT receive not ONE love interest in the show. WHy? because PP is a white male and was created for skinny loser white males to boost their confidence in attracting hot females, that's why PP isn't a eunuch in the comics like say T'Challa. Why you think you see skinny, nerdy white males getting the hot chick all the time. You see this in tons of movies, like imfamouly in Disney's ATLANTIS, or the movie where the skinny loser white man brings home the thick hood, confident black chick who took his virginity in the end. The name escapes me but u get the idea.

letti cook

Nov 14, 2014
as much as i dont want it to bother me..it DOES bother me that the black guy is the p*ssy ass blue ranger :francis:

even got him being bullied by the white kids and all that:stopitslime:

how we go from Zack to that?


May 1, 2012
I think the comparison to Finn is wrong because the trailers made it look like Finn was the star of the movie and then Rey came in and stole all the shine.

Anyone who watched PR knows Billy put a ton of work and saved the rangers asses plenty of times. Hell we already see new Billy rigging up explosives, let the breh cook