Post Some Spooky Sh%t In This Thread


Jul 2, 2015


May 17, 2012
Los Angeles
Decided to open up the Goetia and summon a demon. Everyone's favorite demon to summon for help in life is King Paimon.

King Paimon is a middle eastern deity that used to be worshipped and petitioned to for protection and prosperity by merchants.

Compared to other demons in the Goetia, King Paimon is mild.

Now I didn't think anything was gonna happen. All this is psychological tricks and shyt. Things like placebo effect, self fulfilling prophecy, self hypnosis, shyt that is easily explainable.

But still, I drew my circle with salt. Banished. Called on the angels for protection and summoned King Paimon.

I wait for a minute and didn't think it was gonna work.

Suddenly I heard loud clapping. Bells and chants.

It was King Paimon. The thing about King Paimon, he never comes alone. I saw lesser demons fly above his head as he rode on his camel.

This wasn't a normal camel, it was fukking huge.

King Paimon himself had to be at least 7 foot tall. He was gangly and slender and quite feminine looking.

I remembered King Paimon was a very serious demon that demands respect and only wants to he addressed as King Paimon.

I asked who he is. He said I am King Paimon, what do you want.

I said I want money and power. I want my to achieve my goals. King Paimon sat down across from me.

He leaned forward.

What do you offer in return?

Sir, I will spread your name and make you an offering of tobacco and whiskey.

King Paimon got up and got back on his camel.

It is done. Answer your phone tomorrow at 12PM. Say yes. Begin exercising regularly, you will need your health.

Then he was gone.

I banished. Thanked the angels for protection. And went to bed.

I woke up early, worked out, went to pick up some Whiskey and tobbaco and gave offering to King Paimon.

12PM came and it was HR of a big time marketing firm I applied to months ago. I said Yes to the interview.

King Paimon came to me in a dream.

We were in the desert, some middle eastern city, walking through the market. I knew it was him even though he was in human form.

He was a tall slender man. Very serious. Wrapped in gold. He told me that this was just the beginning of our relationship and that I seemed to be very eager and willing to listen. He told me that I will get the job at the marketing firm and from there I will have multiple opportunities arise to pivot into what I want to do with my life.

Within a year, I had a coworker get in a very bad car accident. We were working with a very big video game company. I took credit for all the work that we did and got a chance to work with a prominent record label that I might end up working for.

A supervisor that I didn't like resigned due to being investigated for sexual misconduct.

My car got totalled and with insurance I was able to buy a new one.

King Paimon had me move out of my apartment and move downtown. I met a realtor that gave me a very good deal at the end of my lease.

King Paimon pretty much took control of my life. He doesn't asks you, he tells you. I am very respectful of him.

My current contract with King Paimon extends until 2019.

I don't know what is real anymore. I don't think any of this real yet it is very real. King Paimon could be a figment of my imagination or a personality aspect.

But I've seen the things he can do.



Jan 22, 2017

A hacker sent a woman named Chelsea Clark and her boyfriend pictures taken through their laptop’s webcam.
Chelsea and her boyfriend were enjoying a night in while watching Netflix. When Chelsea logged on Facebook the next morning she noticed there was a message from a strange account. The account had sent her a series of photos of the couple’s evening, seemingly taken from the laptop’s camera. The pictures were followed by a message that said “Really, cute couple.”
The hacker had managed to also hack into Chelsea’s Facebook and add himself as a contact so he could send her the message.
The hacker FB account is now deleted. It offers little insight as to who the hacker might be.
Very believable and very easy to do too


Mar 19, 2015
I ended up at the rabbit hole that is this thread on Reddit

Whole night I just kept thinking about those stairs in the Forest and other spooky forest shyt. I mean look at this comment..

I'm currently employed at the CDC with the background in hematology and ID specialist (infectious disease specialist), going on for about 15 years.
Some of the projects (I would say most) are highly classified as given to the wrong hands will cause a pandemic but they're protocol measurements to prevent that.
What does the CDC have to do with anything about the OP?
I'll give you a little bit of what I know about the staircase.
The CDC was founded in 1946, but before that, there was a smaller organization that kept archives about past pandemics, diseases, pretty much anything related to death and some supernatural cases (much like how the vatican archives are depicted).
1 year later, in 1947, the famous roswell crash. Of course, it's up to you to decide if there actually were aliens that crashed or not. But that same year, the CDC budget increased 10x.
Usually when the CDC budget increases, it's usually means that it's trying to increase its black market funding for black projects. Of course, this was over 50 years ago and the CDC records of it doesn't exist in the system. Moving on, that same year, the national park ranger started reporting about animals randomly being mutilated and we were brought in to investigate and during that time, it was cheaper for the DoD to send in the national guard for protection while we were investigating the deaths.
After what was suppose to be a 1-2 weeks investigation, turned out to be a 6 months investigation. Dozens of people who were on the field reported about the staircase or stones being in the middle of no where. We did further investigation of this and it turned out, some of the staircase sites were emitting a frequency that wasn't measurable.
Here's the interesting part. If there was ever a paranormal case that was involved, we were to call a specialize department (not part of the CDC) but in order to get them, we had to go through an intensive list of protocols. But eventually, they were called in.
Fast forward 6 months, hand written accounts in journals were made and only passed down through trusted colleagues and I received this journal a few years ago from someone who recently retired but the old saying is, we never really retire because we're usually called in to review a case for further opinions.
The journal is over 2200 pages (more like a history book) of first hand documented experience about some of the most craziest thing out there. What's written about the staircase?
First, they thought it was someone who wanted to build a house in the middle of the woods but decided to get up and leave for some reason but the problem remains, when you build a house, the first thing you DON'T build are stairs. While further investigation, the first weird thing started to happen was the staircase vanishing and re-appearing in a different location. When they first stationed a tent 30 meters away from the staircase, they woke up to it being vanished. The imprints left on the ground was pitch black, almost looking like it was toasted on the spot. Next 2 days, it re-appeared but 50 meters away. They decided to do some readings and tried to sample part of the staircase but the wood structure staircase was harder then steel. None of it could be chipped off for sampling. One of the things they found about the structure was that, it was emitting frequency. To emit frequency, usually means that there's a receiver at the other end and that's what they were trying to find out. Who or what was receiving the other end of this staircase? While the structure was harder then steel and emitting a frequency, they wanted to further research this. 6 days later, it disappeared. A search party was sent out to look for another set of stairs. They eventually found a set of stairs but it was different this time. The first party who made initial contact had disturbing accounts. One of the accounts were that when they got close to the staircase to confirm, they felt as if the weather suddenly went black and wind started to pick up. They had a feeling of darkness and terror so they decided to pull back and just call it in. Few hours later, they set up camp around the staircase, and set up cameras pointing at the staircase 24/7. One of the weird things written about this part was that, every 3 hours, the camera and readings would spike, right on the dot. Almost like it had a hear beat but bumping every 3 hours.
About a month later and not still not much about the staircase, they ran into a tribe who knew all about the staircase. They tracked down a translator and flew him in. Apparently, from the tribes account, the staircase are portals to other dimensions, some being like another Earth, purgatory, hell, heaven, etc. It may be why some of the staircase exhibited fear and terror and some exhibited neutral, and others loved. The tribe later goes into detail about travelling into one of these dimensions. When you enter these portals, there's no going back because the link is only a one way ticket, which may explained why we only found readings of it sending out a frequency but with no returning signals or anything. They also go into accounts of big tall human beings using these (bigfoot) and how they are kidnapping their kids. While the notion of bigfoot seems interesting, we couldn't link bigfoot to it because we found no accounts but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
Oh boy, not sure if i'm running out of space but if anyone finds this interesting, ill continue writing more of it.