Post Some Spooky Sh%t In This Thread


Jul 2, 2015

During the John Brown raid, the first raider killed was an African-American man by the name of Dangerfield Newby. Dangerfield had been freed by his white father, but he had a wife and seven children held in slavery in Warrenton, Virginia. His wife’s master had told him that for the sum of $1,500 he could buy his wife and his youngest baby, who had just started to crawl. Dangerfield earned that amount of money and went back to Warrenton to purchase his wife and baby, only to have his wife’s master raise the price. The free black man then joined John Brown in the hope of freeing not only his wife and youngest baby, but his entire family.

There were a lot of guns in Harper's Ferry, since they were made in the town and stored in the 22 building armory complex near the train tracks. There was little ammunition for the guns, however, and townspeople would fire anything they could find for their guns. One man was shooting 6 inch spikes from his powder-loaded gun.

When John Brown raided the town in October of 1859, it was one of those spikes that hit the throat of Dangerfield Newby. He was killed instantly.

The people of Harper's Ferry, frustrated and angered by John Brown and his raiders, took the body of Dangerfield Newby and stabbed it repeatedly with their rusty knives. They left the mutilated body in the alley to be eaten by the hungry hogs.

Some night, if you are walking down Hog Alley and see a man dressed in baggy trousers and an old slouched hat with a terrible scar across his throat, you will know you have met Dangerfield Newby. He is still roaming our streets, trying to free his family.

Newby, Dangerfield F. (1815-1859) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed


Jul 2, 2015

The Westfield “Watcher”

A couple with three kids, bought this home back in June of 2014. The family started receiving strange letters from someone who called themselves “The Watcher.” The letters they received contained quotes such as

“I am The Watcher and have been in control of the house for the better part of two decades now.”

“My grandfather watched the house in the 1920s and my father watched it in the 1960s. It is now my time.”

“Have they found what is in the walls yet? In time they will.”

“I am pleased to know your names and the names of the young blood you have brought to me.”

The owners, after receiving numerous letters, left their house and filed a law suit against the previous owners. “The Watcher” was never identified. The house is now back on the market.

Couple Flees $1.3 Million Dream Home After Threats From “Watcher”
657 Boulevard, Westfield, NJ 07090 | MLS #3423657 | Zillow


Jul 2, 2015

A hacker sent a woman named Chelsea Clark and her boyfriend pictures taken through their laptop’s webcam.
Chelsea and her boyfriend were enjoying a night in while watching Netflix. When Chelsea logged on Facebook the next morning she noticed there was a message from a strange account. The account had sent her a series of photos of the couple’s evening, seemingly taken from the laptop’s camera. The pictures were followed by a message that said “Really, cute couple.”
The hacker had managed to also hack into Chelsea’s Facebook and add himself as a contact so he could send her the message.
The hacker FB account is now deleted. It offers little insight as to who the hacker might be.

The dangers of webcam spying and how to avoid them


Jul 2, 2015
It's been happening for the past couple of months. The tapping, I mean. Every night, just as I'm about to drift off to sleep, there's the tapping. At the front door of my house, there's a small glass window. You know, the kinds that don't serve any purpose because you can't actually see through them? It's one of those. Every night, there's three or four taps at that window.

The first night it happened, I played it off as nothing. The second night, I checked. Nothing was behind the window. The third night, I opened the door and no one was there...only two bare footprints which disappeared the next day. The fourth night, I called the police and they found nothing but the pair of footprints right outside my door.

The first week turned into the second and I started getting scared. I bought a gun. I bought locks. I bought a guard dog. I started on a fence in my front yard. The tapping continued, despite my security.

Eventually, I stopped responding. Nothing was there but a pair of footprints, right? All it does is tap right? Nothing more, right? I got used to it. It became a routine thing. Go to my room, lay on the bed, "tap tap tap," go to sleep. Things began to get worrying after that. I would wake up and the locks lining the side of the front door would all be opened. My pistol mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The dog ran away. The fence was just gone.

It was mocking me, telling me that I'm never safe, no matter what I do. I got tired of it. So many sleepless nights were experienced during this whole ordeal. I wanted to at least trick this thing into thinking I wasn't scared of it. When the tapping came one night, I simply got up, opened the door, and wiped away the footprints as a mocking gesture.

You could say I was challenging it. I felt good about it. I felt like I'd finally defeated the thing. I felt safe from it. It was over, right? Right? The next night came and the tapping came with it. I was seething with anger. I was more irritated by its persistence than I was afraid of the possible threat. Then my blood turned cold when I heard it.

The sound of the front door opening.


Jul 2, 2015
Woman uploads footage of a strange creature in her friend’s bedroom
“My friend had been hearing noises in her bedroom at night for weeks so she set up a camera, and the footage she got is unexplainable.”



Jul 2, 2015

Pictured above is the dead body of Konstantin Dimitrov, who was shot in Amsterdam in 2003. He was just one of the unlucky holders of the “cursed” mobile number 0888 888 888.
It has been noted that every person to have ever held this Bulgarian mobile number has met their death. Starting with t he first owner, Vladimir Grashnov - the former CEO of Bulgarian mobile phone company Mobitel who died of cancer. It was suspected that his business rivals used radioactive poisoning to make that happen.
Next was Konstantin Dimitrov, a Bulgarian mafia boss who was gunned down in 2003 by an assassin. The phone number was then passed down to Konstantin Dishliev in 2005 who was also gunned down. He was running a cocaine trafficking operation. Since then the phone number has been suspended.
It is believed by some people that the phone company who issued the number was behind it all.

Mobile phone number suspended after three users die in 10 years


Jul 2, 2015

Mike the Headless Chicken (1945)
Lloyd Olsen, a farmer from Fruita, Colorado was sent to the yard to fetch some dinner. Lloyd swung an axe down onto Mike’s head and chopped it off, but to his surprise, Mike did not die.Mike was still able to balance on a perch and walk clumsily. He even attempted to preen and crow, though he could do neither.

Lloyd started taking care of Mike and soon the chicken got used to not having a head. He could asily get himself to the highest perches without falling. His crowing, though, was less impressive and consisted of a gurgling sound made in his throat, leaving him unable to crow at dawn. Mike also spent his time preening and attempting to peck for food with his neck but was fed with an eyedropper.

Mike was used in tour shows to earn money (at one point he earned $4,500 a month). He was photographed for both Life and Time magazines. He ended up living for 18 months and died in 1947.

It was determined that the reason Mike was able to live so long without a head was due to the fact that the axe had missed the carotid artery and a clot had prevented Mike from bleeding to death. Mike’s brain stem and one of his ears remained so he was able to remain alive.