Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
this still wont work.

Heres why. Take Georgia for example.

You'd need all these black people to stop just moving to Atlanta or the main city of the state you're proposing for this idea. Democrats need to win all these red districts, not just the population. The population will let democrats win U.S. Senate Seats...but when it comes to the State Assembly, the state is still republican!

The state assembly of Georgia is still 2/3rds republican from ALL the districts run by conservatives. All democrats are packed into fewer districts.


This is why I'm kinda glad Stacey Abrams lost because she'd basically have been hamstrung by the State Senate and State House of Representatives, like North Carolina...and they'd overturn her veto on everything and make her a 1 term governor and cast her as a failure.

That's myopic. You claim the idea won't work, then base your opposition on a stipulation that wasn't even in our suggestion.

Why think Atlanta is the only place Black people can move to? I'm a HUGE advocate of strengthening rural Black communities, of encouraging more small-town and small-city living as opposed to dense urban, and of more Black people both buying land and/or getting into farming. The # of Black folk (and scattering of like-minded non-Black folk) that it would take to flip a lot of those districts isn't large. Especially considering that some of the racists will helpfully move out when Black folk start moving in.

You've already given up on bringing poor whites back to the democratic party, but you also want to abandon all rural areas to them? You've already pointed out the legislative difficulties that poses, and not just in red states. Not to mention that city life tends to be worse for physical and mental health in addition to all the social pitfalls our kids face there.


Mar 24, 2014
Iff yall think I'm bullshytting, here's Kenny Xu the resident anti black asian-white-supremacist chiming in.

They want NO black people to get ANY contracts of ANY sort.



Dude said "bad for quality" like black people can't contribute meaningfully to winning bids for services and products.

Think about this shyt. Why is he going this hard?

He's Chinese (they're arguably worse than Whites) so he think he's a special genius..Chinese are very supremacist and full of dog shyt, and do not trust them even for a second. Cacs should be careful of the Chinaman too, but I'd never tell them that.

The federal government under Biden should eliminate and suspend all government support and business welfare programs tonight, then watch as cacs commit mass suicide tomorrow when the news hit.
Black people need to stop thinking cacs are ethical and fair. This is a fight over resources and no one plays fair.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This is why all this shyt is so pernicious and why you talking about my tone is so insulting.

There are law firms (I've quoted or you can look up) advising clients to basically not do ANYTHING to reach out to minorities or giving hesitant language on these programs as advice because of the overt chilling effect all thee court decisions are having on people seeking these set aside programs.

They are de facto harassing and marginalizing black people en masse through negligence and malfeasance.

People are getting anxious about how to navigate this space. You've got companies being threatened by republicans for even having minority pipeline programs!

No, that's why it's so important to do things the right way, rather than poisoning the well like you do and turning 3/4 of the forum off before they've even begun to read.

Even you starting the thread is unhelpful, considering how many people have you on ignore.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
The exodus should have begun in the 70s..but better late than never.
Has to be 3 states or maximum 4 to really concentrate numbers and any cac trickery to offset numbers.
Given the US population and number of states, it should be around 7 million people per state.

If a million Black folks left both Texas and Florida each and set up in the states that I listed we could make an impact.

2 million dispersed over the 5 states that I mentioned and you are on the right track.


Jul 25, 2018
:mjlol: yeah that's not gonna happen. Yall lost, breh, just accept it. What should have happened was instead of not voting in 2016, yall should have put Hillary in. None of this would have happened. A Trump presidency paved the way for all of this. Trump wasn't even supposed to win. It was the shaving in certain states of #bothsides that gave Republicans a road map. Even some of our leaders pushed Trump out of jealousy of Obama. I remember Farrakhan talking mad greasy about Obama and then telling folks not to vote for Hillary. Yall was too shortsighted and couldn't see the game.

Now its too late. You think this is the end of the rolling back of black rights? :mjlol:

MAGA is just getting started. You ain't seen nothing yet. And there's literally nothing that you can do. Nothing you can threaten them with.

For all of the trickery and subterfuge and attempted theft of the 2020 election, all of this is happening the right way, the legal way. There is nothing that can be done because there is no Law that they're breaking to do this.

Sleepy Joe's hands are tied. He can't pack the court because as soon as Republicans get back into office, they'll pack the courts further. It would break the Supreme Court worse than what's already been done.

This was done LEGALLY. Elections have consequences.

Both sides helped to give rise to MAGA. Y'all were our useful idiots. And now everything is working according to plan :banderas:

And it's sad because you still have masses of people, black people, who celebrate "Hillary lost" as if Trump wasn't everything we hypothesized Hillary would be, and worse. As If Trump didn't turn out to be every bit the disastrous President and aspiring fascist white nationalist dictator stripping away black rights one by one the Coli called "dem fear mongering.

It's funny how the same bothsides nikkas who are always invested in pushing this hypothetical rhetoric about "racist Democrats," "corrupt Democrats," Jim Crow Joe" and other shyts are the first ones to try and normalize Republicans dismantling civil rights and doing acts of outright harmful corruption. Like this is all just no biggie, we just need to find our own little corner of the country to live in and trust that the white supremacists we refuse to vote against because "tangibles" will let us live in peace under our own exclusive laws and jurisdiction.

I've stopped trying to get through to people here. A Republican state can announced they are disregarding civil rights laws and re-enacting slave labor and you would still have nikkas running interference doing this shallow black nationalist roleplay about not giving our votes up to "racist Dems," claiming this is Democrats fault because they dont give us a "reason" to vote for them" as if protecting our very fukking civil rights from being taken away is not enough reason, that we should be protesting the Democrat party and other marginalized peoples rights like a bunch of idiot crabs in a barrell instead of going after the ones who are actually taking away our rights, of course the stupid right wing adjacent hashtags that eat up and spread this shyt. I just don't know what to say to most black people no more. This is just what's gotta happen for people to realize that no, we cannot be "conservatives." Sorry. No black people are not "mostly conservative. This is what "mostly conservatives" docto black people. Bigoted white folks that dont "fukk wit them gays" dont love these c00ns either. And they just refuse to get it.


Mar 24, 2014
If a million Black folks left both Texas and Florida each and set up in the states that I listed we could make an impact.

2 million dispersed over the 5 states that I mentioned and you are on the right track.

The identification of potential states to dominate has to be done carefully and in there has to be potential for economic empowerment and long term growth whether through industries like mining, farming and other production. Last thing you want is the future economy tied to existing white structures etc, they have to become economically viable and independent.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
The identification of potential states to dominate has to be done carefully and in there has to be potential for economic empowerment and long term growth whether through industries like mining, farming and other production. Last thing you want is the future economy tied to existing white structures etc, they have to become economically viable and independent.

I agree that's why I picked those particular states. Other than climate change impacting them they are in pretty good locations.


Jul 25, 2018
No. the only thing that has been struck down by the Supreme Court is affirmative action via race preferences, which has no impact on either of those groups whatsoever. Programs that benefit women and gay folk are completely irrelevant to the court cases in question, so why do people keep bringing them up?

And the only reason white women were technically the "biggest beneficiaries" of certain types of anti-discrimination legislation is because they're by far the largest group by pure numbers. Gay white men are a small group far behind black men, black women, hispanic men, hispanic women, and even asians, so not sure why you're shoehorning them in.

The past ten years has shown me that a great deal of black folks really are cowardly, scared to take on white power, and are far more content with living under it than we try to put on for social media as long as we can just have a job or somethjng.

Dudes look for ANY liberal scapegoat to avoid getting at white supremacist conservatives pursuing legal action against our legal rights. Its always the same few posters trying to flip Republican cac shyt like this on feminists, white women, black women, Asians, latinos, black immigrants and so on. Almost like they'd rather cope like cowards with silly misinformation and smart-dumb logistics than see the truth and fight back with our own legal and political action.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That's myopic. You claim the idea won't work, then base your opposition on a stipulation that wasn't even in our suggestion.

Why think Atlanta is the only place Black people can move to? I'm a HUGE advocate of strengthening rural Black communities, of encouraging more small-town and small-city living as opposed to dense urban, and of more Black people both buying land and/or getting into farming. The # of Black folk (and scattering of like-minded non-Black folk) that it would take to flip a lot of those districts isn't large. Especially considering that some of the racists will helpfully move out when Black folk start moving in.

You've already given up on bringing poor whites back to the democratic party, but you also want to abandon all rural areas to them? You've already pointed out the legislative difficulties that poses, and not just in red states. Not to mention that city life tends to be worse for physical and mental health in addition to all the social pitfalls our kids face there.
You'd have to almost double the Black population of Georgia which is currently 33% to wash out republican votes. Depending how you count it ATL area is 50-60% of the population of the whole state. So yeah, my point stands.

AND have them in rural areas enough to even compete electorally AND win. You can't just hand wave the limitations I said were present by just ad hoc suggesting it just "fix" itself. Not that easy. Again, based on raw population vote, clearly Georgia can elect democrats statewide but the General Assembly is where all the moves are really made and that republican strong hold is not even close to being challenged

I didn't say to abandon rural black votes either. YOU inserted that little agenda clip. I said it's not feasible given the timelines. We need this yesterday.

Obama was jokingly telling liberals to move the the rural areas if democrats wanted a chance to actually change these backwards ass states
Last edited:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
No, that's why it's so important to do things the right way, rather than poisoning the well like you do and turning 3/4 of the forum off before they've even begun to read.

Even you starting the thread is unhelpful, considering how many people have you on ignore.

Listen to me clearly:

I do not give a flying fukk.

I'm actually correct about most of the shyt I share or post on here out of sympathy for sheer number of people who are ignorant of stuff until I share it so I dont care about appealing to randoms online and their opinions. If you can't look through a SCREEN NAME, you're fukking worthless.

Thats a THEM problem. If you agree with them, fukk you too. :manny:

If that stops anyone they were a weak link and a non factor

Imagine asking someone you dont know behind a username to "appeal" to you more. :heh: Fam, if I changed my username you wouldn't even know.

Cut this scary ass respectability shyt out :camby:

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
And it's sad because you still have masses of people, black people, who celebrate "Hillary lost" as if Trump wasn't everything we hypothesized Hillary would be, and worse. As If Trump didn't turn out to be every bit the disastrous President and aspiring fascist white nationalist dictator stripping away black rights one by one the Coli called "dem fear mongering.

It's funny how the same bothsides nikkas who are always invested in pushing this hypothetical rhetoric about "racist Democrats," "corrupt Democrats," Jim Crow Joe" and other shyts are the first ones to try and normalize Republicans dismantling civil rights and doing acts of outright harmful corruption. Like this is all just no biggie, we just need to find our own little corner of the country to live in and trust that the white supremacists we refuse to vote against because "tangibles" will let us live in peace under our own exclusive laws and jurisdiction.

I've stopped trying to get through to people here. A Republican state can announced they are disregarding civil rights laws and re-enacting slave labor and you would still have nikkas running interference doing this shallow black nationalist roleplay about not giving our votes up to "racist Dems," claiming this is Democrats fault because they dont give us a "reason" to vote for them" as if protecting our very fukking civil rights from being taken away is not enough reason, that we should be protesting the Democrat party and other marginalized peoples rights like a bunch of idiot crabs in a barrell instead of going after the ones who are actually taking away our rights, of course the stupid right wing adjacent hashtags that eat up and spread this shyt. I just don't know what to say to most black people no more. This is just what's gotta happen for people to realize that no, we cannot be "conservatives." Sorry. No black people are not "mostly conservative. This is what "mostly conservatives" docto black people. Bigoted white folks that dont "fukk wit them gays" dont love these c00ns either. And they just refuse to get it.
black people can't be conservative

theres nothing for them to "conserve" :heh: