Post About The Biggest Ether You Dropped On A Female


Apr 17, 2015
In hindsight it was foul but I was green as shyt, I lucked up on some p*ssy at 13 then didn't sniff the shyt again till I was 20. I wasn't heavy in the club scene, I barely interacted with people outside of homies. And I almost felt like I owed the block, I got a setout, I don't wanna be lame lol. And that shyt was pressure. Luckily I kinda took off after that, but I also understood playing with folks emotions ain't cool like even trying to set out a chick who might fukk a few people she comfortable with, doesn't mean she's finna straight up be Debbie Does Dallas status. I'll admit I fukked up.

They could of raped her

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
i was really liked this girl in high school... she was sexy as fukk, 2 grades up, and built like a woman.. she knew i wanted her and we always talked and flirted and shyt.. lets call her Rachel

in the meantime there's this other girl a year under me.. lets call her Kelli... she knows i like the other girl, but still wants to give me some ass. so after i gets the ass right............ we cuddling up in her bed..............

Me: :smugdraper:

Kelli: "what are you thinking about" :lupe:

Me: "Rachel" :umad:

Kelli: :sadbron::sadbron::sadbron::sadbron::camby::camby::camby::camby::camby:

She kicked me right the fukk out!!!!! I'm laughing and shyt, like "you know i'm just playing"... she wasn't hearing NONE of that shyt... threw my black ass right out

To this day, I have no fukking idea what made me say that.. I just thought it was funny at the time... young a$$hole kid :yeshrug:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I don't know if it's ether or not. BUT I had my first like freak at like 20. And i would pick her up and smash and go to sleep, and she would do nice shyt like buy me food and White T's and shyt lol. So my homie who didn't have a place to stay was staying with me and my family. Turns out when I'd finish smashing, he would smash too. Cool. So eventually everybody on the block recognized what it was, and I got the call put in to set her out. I was pretty green around that time(yeah early 20's still green IDK IDK) but I didn't even like really have a conversation with her about it. Because she use to come over and hang she pretty much knew all my peoples and was an associate anyway. So I tell her I have a room at the motel up the street and what not it's gonna just be her and my other homie who was smashing at the time. She was like BET. So, I put the word out and when she got there, I'm nowhere to be found, it's like 15 nikkas there, some she cool with others she never even seen before, straight vicious shyt. I'm at the house, talking to a chick I really did like a the time. She call's me crying cussing me the fukk out calling me all types of bytches and hoes, saying I ain't shyt, I set her up etc. etc.. So it turns out she not having that shyt. nikkas calling me like come here, talk to her, she not putting out, etc..I'm telling them nikkas why the fukk you bring some ole anonymous cats around and people she never met. etc...just a lot of excess shyt. And to this day that bytch HATES ME. Like with the fury of 100 suns. Telling anybody who know me I got the baby dikk and shyt like that lol. It was crazy. But I haven't PHYSICALLY seen her in like a decade +, and I wish I could cause even now I'm thinking that was some scumbag shyt. And I could understand how you would feel if someone who you was cool with, basically served your ass up on a platter. luckily my homies ain't to crazy and didn't do any retarded shyt. But I still hate I did that.
this story has no ether... but yours reminds me of it

I'm in cancun during spring break.. back when it was #1 on all those e lists.. i see this white girl dancing on stage with some corny brother

i look her right in the eye

she came right over and started throwing it on me. her girl walks over too and is dancing alone.

well in cancun you pay $50 to get in the club.. all you can drink everything all night.. so naturally i'm "buying" drinks for them, when this spanish dude comes over.. he starts grinding on her friend.. then another spanish dude.. and another.. and another.....

so within 2 minutes, it's me on the one... and i shyt you not.. 10 spanish nikkas surrounding this other girl... she's drunk as hell, they grinding on her, groping her, holding her by the neck.. in my heart i should have stopped this.. but i wasn't about to fukk up my p*ssy and i'm heavily outnumbered

my next thought is, if they try to take her, or i try to leave with mine, one of us is gonna be upset.. cause there's no way these girls are splitting up.. and there's no way my girl is letting her friend go with 15 dudes

while i'm thinking how to get me and her out... one of them finally notices me and walks over with his boy.. i'm thinking ok it's about to jump off now

him: what up bro :sas1:

me: ain't shyt... what's up? :birdman:

him: look man, i'm thinking these girls ain't gonna split up...............

me: :birdman:

him: so i was thinking, we play it like we all cool. that way they'll be comfortable.. you go to her place and we'll take her friend to "our" place... say we sharing a room and came here together :sas2:

me: :ohhh: :ohlawd::salute:

worked like a fukking charm.. i haven't had wingmen who've come up with some better shyt like that.. especially when they had it locked..

i'll never know what happened to that other girl.. but from what i already seen happening in the club... it couldn't have turned out well :francis:


Apr 30, 2014
this story has no ether... but yours reminds me of it

I'm in cancun during spring break.. back when it was #1 on all those e lists.. i see this white girl dancing on stage with some corny brother

i look her right in the eye

she came right over and started throwing it on me. her girl walks over too and is dancing alone.

well in cancun you pay $50 to get in the club.. all you can drink everything all night.. so naturally i'm "buying" drinks for them, when this spanish dude comes over.. he starts grinding on her friend.. then another spanish dude.. and another.. and another.....

so within 2 minutes, it's me on the one... and i shyt you not.. 10 spanish nikkas surrounding this other girl... she's drunk as hell, they grinding on her, groping her, holding her by the neck.. in my heart i should have stopped this.. but i wasn't about to fukk up my p*ssy and i'm heavily outnumbered

my next thought is, if they try to take her, or i try to leave with mine, one of us is gonna be upset.. cause there's no way these girls are splitting up.. and there's no way my girl is letting her friend go with 15 dudes

while i'm thinking how to get me and her out... one of them finally notices me and walks over with his boy.. i'm thinking ok it's about to jump off now

him: what up bro :sas1:

me: ain't shyt... what's up? :birdman:

him: look man, i'm thinking these girls ain't gonna split up...............

me: :birdman:

him: so i was thinking, we play it like we all cool. that way they'll be comfortable.. you go to her place and we'll take her friend to "our" place... say we sharing a room and came here together :sas2:

me: :ohhh: :ohlawd::salute:

worked like a fukking charm.. i haven't had wingmen who've come up with some better shyt like that.. especially when they had it locked..

i'll never know what happened to that other girl.. but from what i already seen happening in the club... it couldn't have turned out well :francis: let a girl get gang raped so you could get some p*ssy :what:


Sep 26, 2013
How do u even make that happen the 1st time?

Like spontaneous or pre planned or what :wtf:
It was spontaneous, but that entire night was mental. There was a lot of tension between us because the last time we fukked, she had an orgasm then told me to go home before I even nutted. So that tension culminated in some of the roughest sex I've ever had. She even bit me and drew a small amount of blood :merchant: - that's when I picked her up, brought her into the bathroom and put her head in the toilet (was also convenient so I could wipe off the light wound). I really roughed her up after that and she was enjoying all of it - she'd never been dominated and degraded like that before in bed and she got off on it. She really felt it in the morning though, couldn't fukk for a while - although that has more to do with my penis than anything.

We fukked quite a few more times after that but as rough as we often were, it never got that tense and rough again. Not sure I would want it to honestly.

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Unintentional one, but still makes me laugh... last time I was between girls I went back home for a night out with some old schoolfriends. One brings his new lady (lady is generous... roooough) who's got a friend in tow, pretty little pawg hoodrat... bit annoying and definitely not take-home-to-meet-the-parents-status, but every male in attendance agreed she was clearly filthy and worth working out some frustrations with.

Anyway, didn't take much and she was heading back with us to my friends place... we take the spare room, result. Only, she was fukking misselling. Girl was advertising like she was gonna give you the ride of your life, but she didn't have a clue... wouldn't go down, wouldn't let me go down, coyly referred to the rubber as "a thing" and pretty much just laid there like a jar full of chopped liver while I tried to get it over and done with. Ended up having to bend her over just so I didn't have to look at her fukking face and could finish quicker.

I made myself scarce straight after... drove home well over the alcohol limit just so I didn't have to stick around for a second longer. My friend send me a text in the morning asking if I got my dikk wet and what she was like, I reply "Meh, marginally better than a rushed wank... should've just gone home and rubbed one out"

He texted back about 30 minutes later... apparently she was reading over his shoulder when the text came through, burst into tears and just went home without saying a word. Her and his girl had a bust up that week and never spoke to each other again, but everyone reckoned it was just that she couldn't face being known as the girl who's p*ssy was less satisfying than a clenched fist.

wait u tried to eat that hoe p*ssy:scust:


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
I can't take credit for it, but probably the smoothest shutdown I've ever seen was one of my best friends in college... we were leaning up against the bar in a club laughing about something, some chick thought she'd caught his eye, but he was just looking vaguely in her same direction and laughing/smiling because of the convo... she starts walking over... he's still looking "at her"... keeps walking... we keep talking... eventually she gets all the way over and dude only notices her when she's within about 6 inches of his face. He realises what's happened, grips the top of her head like picking up a basketball one-handed, just spins her around 180 degrees and pushes her forward.:russ:

Not a word was spoken. She just walked the fukk off and we never saw her again.

I still want to buy him drinks for it occasionally.:salute:

Tropical Fantasy

Oct 1, 2013
Beverage Fridge, 3rd Row!!
I used to mess with this VERY white washed black girl my freshman year of college. I met her my second day of school at one of those freshman mixer events. She was really pretty and her weave was fly so I bagged and we started messing around soon after.
So about 3 weeks into our situationship, she heard through the grapevine that I was messing with "other" girls :mjpls:.

one night she invites me to her room, presumably to smash, so I smoked a couple blunts, sniffed some ann hathaway & popped a xan so I can get in the mood.

but when I walk in 3 of her friends were in the room with her... it was an ambush:aicmon:

me: so what's all of this

her: I want to talk about how youve been behaving biggavel

me: my behavior? what is this, elementary school? am in in the principle's office cuz Ive been a bad boy, madam principle :steviej:

her: stop with the bullshyt, I know youve been fukking around with white girls :damn:

friend #1: yeah nikka, I saw you making out with some blonde girl around the park :gurl:

friend #2 &3: :gurl:

her: explain yourself biggavel :damn:

me: well, I'll be honest, I did fukk that blonde that night. youre the whitest girl Ive been with and it made me want to go after the real thing :jrdnsas1:

her: you fukking a$$hole :mjcry:

friend #1 & 2: :francis:

friend #3: oh shyt :ooh:

I left after that and ol girl could not stop hitting me up. I believe it was a thursdy or friday so I went out with the squad but I didnt pull nothing. I responded to her at like 3am and I smashed. That was the last time I fcked her

She's engaged to this dude I was cool with in college. I was the only dude in the school to get that so he asked me about her before he made his move. Never imagined that they would get married :pachaha:


Mr. Roll-Up
Oct 10, 2012
My first summer of off-campus living in college, I stayed down Tallahasse for the summer. If anybody ever been during the summer, its completely different from the fall and spring semester. It's pretty much blazing hot, nothing to do, and boring as hell, unless you make your fun.:shaq: So I'm doing a little slagin, an I get cool with this guy who plays football for FAMU. This is back when Halo and COD had just dropped, so he would come by frequently, cop, smoke, and hop on the game. One night he comes thru to cop, and brings 3 white hoes with him. Now naturally, I'm not inclined to pursue these broads, because they white, and I'm not really into them, but I did notice one had a phatty. So they start coming over more, bringing beers (Natural Ice:scust:), playing drinking games. My boy tells me the chick with the phatty is interested. So he sets it up for them to come thru without him, and I end up smashing.:jawalrus: So I'm smashing this broad off the late night for the next few weeks, and I notice I go from linking with her and immediately smashing to her trying to chill a bit before I hit. She starts showing me photos and shyt from her past, and all I keep seeing is her in photos with nikkas she saying she "dated", like she trying to hint at something.:francis: So one particular night, I guess she gets bold and tells me I don't have to use a condom if I don't want, she on birth control, and she clean. I'm like,:whoa: and proceed to grab the condom. So she says, "I'm not wet, lets kiss and play around for a bit." I look at her for a second:dwillhuh:, and I'm like,:patrice: I don't kiss girls that I'm not really interested in. At first, she looked up with the :usure:which quicky turned to :demonic:and then to :to:.I could see the disappointment written all over her face. She provided some top, I smashed, and never heard from her again.
Buddy comes thru a couple days later to cop, and as we blowing he like:pachaha: I heard about how you did ole girl, I'm like what r you talking about, he like you basically told her you were only interested in fukking her. She thought yall might end up being more, oh well thanks anyway. I'm like naw thank you for copping, he like naw thank you, because of you I was able to smash my hoe, and her at the same time. All I could do was View media item 4748 Still no 3some:mjcry:


Jul 5, 2015
In hindsight it was foul but I was green as shyt, I lucked up on some p*ssy at 13 then didn't sniff the shyt again till I was 20. I wasn't heavy in the club scene, I barely interacted with people outside of homies. And I almost felt like I owed the block, I got a setout, I don't wanna be lame lol. And that shyt was pressure. Luckily I kinda took off after that, but I also understood playing with folks emotions ain't cool like even trying to set out a chick who might fukk a few people she comfortable with, doesn't mean she's finna straight up be Debbie Does Dallas status. I'll admit I fukked up.

So u got the hoes at 13 and didnt get p*ssy til u were 20 damn fukk, shyt is pretty crazy lol.
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May 1, 2012
Had these two white bytches who were trying to smash me and the homie...he was blackout drunk and the blonde was in his bedroom trying to get him to make out with her and get him in the mood. Her cousin was doming me in the bathroom...she was giving a mediocre I pretty much told her she sucked at giving dome. :francis: She was like, "go get my cousin then if you think I'm so awful". I obliged.... :manny: Went to the blonde and told her to let my homeboy sleep....and for her to finish me. :youngsabo: Brunette was heated...had her waiting in the living room for us to finish. Then she tried to get my number to make it up to me that she could out-do her cousin. :pachaha:Kicked them both out my boy's crib and passed out in the spare room.

When I stuck it up my ex's butt when she told me not to.....:snoop: