Post About The Biggest Ether You Dropped On A Female

Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
I don't know if it's ether or not. BUT I had my first like freak at like 20. And i would pick her up and smash and go to sleep, and she would do nice shyt like buy me food and White T's and shyt lol. So my homie who didn't have a place to stay was staying with me and my family. Turns out when I'd finish smashing, he would smash too. Cool. So eventually everybody on the block recognized what it was, and I got the call put in to set her out. I was pretty green around that time(yeah early 20's still green IDK IDK) but I didn't even like really have a conversation with her about it. Because she use to come over and hang she pretty much knew all my peoples and was an associate anyway. So I tell her I have a room at the motel up the street and what not it's gonna just be her and my other homie who was smashing at the time. She was like BET. So, I put the word out and when she got there, I'm nowhere to be found, it's like 15 nikkas there, some she cool with others she never even seen before, straight vicious shyt. I'm at the house, talking to a chick I really did like a the time. She call's me crying cussing me the fukk out calling me all types of bytches and hoes, saying I ain't shyt, I set her up etc. etc.. So it turns out she not having that shyt. nikkas calling me like come here, talk to her, she not putting out, etc..I'm telling them nikkas why the fukk you bring some ole anonymous cats around and people she never met. etc...just a lot of excess shyt. And to this day that bytch HATES ME. Like with the fury of 100 suns. Telling anybody who know me I got the baby dikk and shyt like that lol. It was crazy. But I haven't PHYSICALLY seen her in like a decade +, and I wish I could cause even now I'm thinking that was some scumbag shyt. And I could understand how you would feel if someone who you was cool with, basically served your ass up on a platter. luckily my homies ain't to crazy and didn't do any retarded shyt. But I still hate I did that.


Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
I don't know if it's ether or not. BUT I had my first like freak at like 20. And i would pick her up and smash and go to sleep, and she would do nice shyt like buy me food and White T's and shyt lol. So my homie who didn't have a place to stay was staying with me and my family. Turns out when I'd finish smashing, he would smash too. Cool. So eventually everybody on the block recognized what it was, and I got the call put in to set her out. I was pretty green around that time(yeah early 20's still green IDK IDK) but I didn't even like really have a conversation with her about it. Because she use to come over and hang she pretty much knew all my peoples and was an associate anyway. So I tell her I have a room at the motel up the street and what not it's gonna just be her and my other homie who was smashing at the time. She was like BET. So, I put the word out and when she got there, I'm nowhere to be found, it's like 15 nikkas there, some she cool with others she never even seen before, straight vicious shyt. I'm at the house, talking to a chick I really did like a the time. She call's me crying cussing me the fukk out calling me all types of bytches and hoes, saying I ain't shyt, I set her up etc. etc.. So it turns out she not having that shyt. nikkas calling me like come here, talk to her, she not putting out, etc..I'm telling them nikkas why the fukk you bring some ole anonymous cats around and people she never met. etc...just a lot of excess shyt. And to this day that bytch HATES ME. Like with the fury of 100 suns. Telling anybody who know me I got the baby dikk and shyt like that lol. It was crazy. But I haven't PHYSICALLY seen her in like a decade +, and I wish I could cause even now I'm thinking that was some scumbag shyt. And I could understand how you would feel if someone who you was cool with, basically served your ass up on a platter. luckily my homies ain't to crazy and didn't do any retarded shyt. But I still hate I did that.

Damn bruh :francis:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Damn bruh :francis:

In hindsight it was foul but I was green as shyt, I lucked up on some p*ssy at 13 then didn't sniff the shyt again till I was 20. I wasn't heavy in the club scene, I barely interacted with people outside of homies. And I almost felt like I owed the block, I got a setout, I don't wanna be lame lol. And that shyt was pressure. Luckily I kinda took off after that, but I also understood playing with folks emotions ain't cool like even trying to set out a chick who might fukk a few people she comfortable with, doesn't mean she's finna straight up be Debbie Does Dallas status. I'll admit I fukked up.


All Star
Jul 8, 2015
i opened my robe and started strokin off

her: what are you doing ? why are you doing that?

me: i dont know thinking about all this sex turns me on

her: youre unbelievable! (comes and lays down next to me)

we start fukkin, and i call her another girls name :lolbron::banderas:

she ignored it but i could hear wimpers as if she was holding back tears
I hope this is real bruh.


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
Unintentional one, but still makes me laugh... last time I was between girls I went back home for a night out with some old schoolfriends. One brings his new lady (lady is generous... roooough) who's got a friend in tow, pretty little pawg hoodrat... bit annoying and definitely not take-home-to-meet-the-parents-status, but every male in attendance agreed she was clearly filthy and worth working out some frustrations with.

Anyway, didn't take much and she was heading back with us to my friends place... we take the spare room, result. Only, she was fukking misselling. Girl was advertising like she was gonna give you the ride of your life, but she didn't have a clue... wouldn't go down, wouldn't let me go down, coyly referred to the rubber as "a thing" and pretty much just laid there like a jar full of chopped liver while I tried to get it over and done with. Ended up having to bend her over just so I didn't have to look at her fukking face and could finish quicker.

I made myself scarce straight after... drove home well over the alcohol limit just so I didn't have to stick around for a second longer. My friend send me a text in the morning asking if I got my dikk wet and what she was like, I reply "Meh, marginally better than a rushed wank... should've just gone home and rubbed one out"

He texted back about 30 minutes later... apparently she was reading over his shoulder when the text came through, burst into tears and just went home without saying a word. Her and his girl had a bust up that week and never spoke to each other again, but everyone reckoned it was just that she couldn't face being known as the girl who's p*ssy was less satisfying than a clenched fist.
May 21, 2012
i was dating this one chick in college and heading for a bad break up. lots of fighting and words that could never be taken back. we were pretty much already broken up, but still having sex. so anyway im chillin at my place and she tries to hit me with some ETHER over text. unprovoked she sends me a pic of her kissing some dude she knew from high school. i was taken aback but i didnt respond at first. i really took some time to think about how i was going to get her back.

i decided i would respond by saying, its ok, i deserve that for all the things ive done to you behind your back.

her: what do you mean all the things youve done behind my back ?

me: its not important, but i guess we are even now.

her: what have you done? :lupe:

i continued to bait her, then suggested we talk face to face when after i get off work the next day.

she comes over, and im wearing nothing but a robe.

i start to tell her, well, you remember that girl who you hate that you almost got into a fight with at that party when you overheard her telling me i can do better than you ? well, a few weeks after that, i fukked her.

and that so and so's friend that came to my party that was flirting with me right in your face, i fukked her too, when i told you i was too drunk to come over.

her: stop how many girls were there ? :sadbron:

me: about 4 :mjpls: (really closer to 10, but i didnt feel like going through them)

her: youre so sneaky! :to:

i opened my robe and started strokin off

her: what are you doing ? why are you doing that?

me: i dont know thinking about all this sex turns me on

her: youre unbelievable! (comes and lays down next to me)

we start fukkin, and i call her another girls name :lolbron::banderas:

she ignored it but i could hear wimpers as if she was holding back tears

pull out and nutted on her ass :ahh:

we continued to fukk for a few months after also:manny:

