Pork Is UNCLEAN & GROSS :scust: (How Do Yall EAT Pigfeet & Chitlins?)


Feb 2, 2016
pork doesn't tax the digestive system heavily at all its the same as any other meat, protein and fat. So if you are saying pork is bad, all meat is bad.

It isn't the meat of pigs that breaks down faster either that causes it to breed worms, its the pigs diet while alive. Since pigs can eat meat, its possible for them and other animals that eat meat to eat infected meat and become infected themselves with larvae that breeds once butchered. You have better farmers now and they can stop that with feed programs.

Pigs not having sweat glands has nothing to do with toxins, because sweat glands have no effect whatsoever on removing toxins.

Just helping you out with actual facts.

Yeah, everything in moderation. If you do eat pork , its better to boil then fry. And eat healthy cuts of the meat. Don't go have a pork roast thats 65% aft and gorge on the fat. The same can be said about all meat though. And be mindful where you shop for meat. Cheap meat is cheap for a reason :scust:


Dec 22, 2015
When I stopped by the little hood grocery store before thanksgiving some older lady stopped me was like "Did you see the deal that they had on chitlins?" :krs:

I can't do it man....nothing to do with religion or veg anything, just on the strength that whenever my grandmother would make these things the house smelled like a corpse. And then people seemingly have to drown it in hot sauce, it just doesn't seem worth the effort especially once you know exactly what it is.

Funk dat :hubie:

You made me miss my Nana...
I remember waking up from a dead sleep from the smell of shytterlings. Ran outside to play and she came outside right behind me - "Girl, If you don't get yourself back in this house and make up this bed, you better!!!" :pachaha:Never made a bed so fast or held my breath for so long in my life.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
You made me miss my Nana...
I remember waking up from a dead sleep from the smell of shytterlings. Ran outside to play and she came outside right behind me - "Girl, If you don't get yourself back in this house and make up this bed, you better!!!" :pachaha:Never made a bed so fast or held my breath for so long in my life.

This is bizarre. I could see if it was a superfood that cured diseases but it only seems like a helluva lotta work and gag reflex suppression for not that much return.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
only part of a pig i eat is bacon, and only sparingly. but bacon cant be denied :ahh:

never liked any other parts tho. pork, ham :camby:

not even touching pigs feet and all that shyt :huhldup:
Jul 26, 2012
You are what you eat. Look at the facial features of many Asians whose diets consist mainly of pork (and rice)...they resemble pigs.
Ideally, diets strike a perfect PH balance and should consist of 'live' whole foods with little-to-no preparation/processing. i.e. plants, legumes, veggies/roots, fruit, nuts, good fats, etc.
Eating rotting & decaying flesh isn't good for human consumption. i.e. organ meats/animal flesh (beef is hard to digest taking as long as 3-6 months!), cheese/lard, processed flour/sugar, etc.
Also, just like a baby we should be eliminating 3-6 X day, 30-45 minutes after meals...can't do that with the latter diet.
I don't eat shytterlings...could never get past the putrid smell...runs me straight out of the house.

:mjlol: @ this whole post.....

I eat meat and shyt 3 times a day.... and that post about asians and pork is so ridiculous that it doesn't deserve a real comment.....


Dec 2, 2015
Quote a source..otherwise, shut the fukk up.

Oh and negged.
Source is actual science, when you consume meat the body doesn't recognize pork from beef, its protein, fat, carbs, and water. Depending on preparation the body's ability to breakdown and absorb the fat, carbs, protein, and water differ in rate, but over all the digestion average is going to be the same. There isn't a magic pork protein, water, fat and beef protein water and fat.

Stomach - Wikipedia
Main article: Digestion
A bolus (a small rounded mass of chewed up food) enters the stomach through the esophagus via the lower esophageal sphincter. The stomach releases proteases (protein-digesting enzymes such as pepsin) and hydrochloric acid, which kills or inhibits bacteria and provides the acidic pH of two for the proteases to work. Food is churned by the stomach through muscular contractions of the wall called peristalsis – reducing the volume of the fundus, before looping around the fundus[9] and the body of stomach as the boluses are converted into chyme (partially digested food). Chyme slowly passes through the pyloric sphincter and into the duodenum of the small intestine, where the extraction of nutrients begins. Depending on the quantity and contents of the meal, the stomach will digest the food into chyme anywhere between forty minutes and a few hours. The average human stomach can comfortably hold about a litre of food.

Small intestine - Wikipedia
Food from the stomach is allowed into the duodenum through the pylorus by a muscle called the pyloric sphincter.

The small intestine is where most chemical digestion takes place. Many of the digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine are secreted by the pancreas and liver and enter the small intestine via the pancreatic duct. Pancreatic enzymes and bile from the gallbladder enter the small intestine in response to the hormone cholecystokinin, which is produced in the small intestine in response to the presence of nutrients. Secretin, another hormone produced in the small intestine, causes additional effects on the pancreas, where it promotes the release of bicarbonate into the duodenum in order to neutralize the potentially harmful acid coming from the stomach.

If pork broke down fast, you wouldn't have cured pork meats like the types of salami (peporoni, porscuitto) cured ham and etc. Like I said before trich comes from the food they are given when they are alive, not by any inherent property in the meat of the pig.

Trichinellosis Surveillance --- United States, 2002--2007
The decrease in the number of cases has mirrored the decline in the prevalence of Trichinella in commercial pork products as a result of changes in swine production practices (3,4). Risk factors for Trichinella infection in swine include feeding of Trichinella-infected waste products, consumption of rodents or other wildlife infected with Trichinella, and cannibalism among pigs within an infected herd (6). During the mid-20th century, laws that required the cooking of all garbage fed to swine were passed in an effort to control porcine vesicular exanthema (1953--1954) and hog cholera (1962) (7); this single change to a long-standing industry practice is thought to have played a major role in the decrease in prevalence of Trichinella in swine that occurred subsequently. In 1980, Congress passed the Federal Swine Health Protection Act (Public Law 96-468), which prohibited feeding potentially contaminated raw garbage to swine. In response to increasing concerns over the safety and biosecurity of the U.S. food supply, many states also have passed regulations that mandate the confinement rearing of swine, prohibit the feeding of all food waste to swine, limit swine exposure to rodents and wildlife, and ensure that dead pigs are removed from a herd immediately.

The National Trichinae Certification Program, incorporated in the 2008 Farm Bill, was adopted after more than a decade of collaboration between U.S. government regulators and the U.S. pork industry to ensure the quality and safety of U.S. pork products (Voluntary Trichinae Certification Program, 9 C.F.R., Part 149 [2009]). Under the program, three U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agencies (the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the Food Safety and Inspection Service, and the Agricultural Marketing Service) collaborate to verify that pork-production sites manage and produce pigs according to the program's required production practices (see Appendix). USDA audits pork production sites by collecting information about the site, pig sources, feed sources, feed-storage methods, rodent and wildlife control practices, carcass-disposal procedures, and facility hygiene. Pork-production sites that feed and house pigs in confinement structures can participate in the program on a voluntary basis and are certified as trichinae-safe if they adhere to sanctioned production practices. USDA also verifies the identity of pork derived from pigs from certified production sites through slaughter and processing to maintain the link between certification and safety of meat available for purchase. Although the U.S. pork industry has been employing good production practices for decades, the lack of a formal safety certification program diminished demand for U.S. pork exports as a result of a perceived risk for infection. Therefore, although participation is voluntary, certification benefits U.S. pork producers by enabling them to compete with other trichinae-safe pork producers in both international and domestic markets. Because modern pork-production systems have all but eliminated Trichinella as a food-safety risk in the United States, the program is a viable alternative to the time-consuming and expensive process of testing each pig carcass at slaughter, which had been required of U.S. pork exports by some large trading partners, including the European Union and Russia.

As for sweating, it is about cooling, not realsing toxins.
Can you sweat toxins out of your body? | UAMSHealth
Sweat is 99% water combined with a small amount of salt, proteins, carbohydrates and urea, says UAMS family medicine physician Dr. Charles Smith. Therefore, sweat is not made up of toxins from your body, and the belief that sweat can cleanse the body is a myth.

“You cannot sweat toxins out of the body,” Dr. Smith says. “Toxins such as mercury, alcohol and most drugs are eliminated by your liver, intestines or kidneys.”

The funny thing is that this info is widely known and documented even on the net with simple research...he's just being contrary for the fukk of it.
Its commonly held myths and psuedoscience, not actual scientific fact.
Jul 26, 2012
Source is actual science, when you consume meat the body doesn't recognize pork from beef, its protein, fat, carbs, and water. Depending on preparation the body's ability to breakdown and absorb the fat, carbs, protein, and water differ in rate, but over all the digestion average is going to be the same. There isn't a magic pork protein, water, fat and beef protein water and fat.

Stomach - Wikipedia

Small intestine - Wikipedia


If pork broke down fast, you wouldn't have cured pork meats like the types of salami (peporoni, porscuitto) cured ham and etc. Like I said before trich comes from the food they are given when they are alive, not by any inherent property in the meat of the pig.

Trichinellosis Surveillance --- United States, 2002--2007

As for sweating, it is about cooling, not realsing toxins.
Can you sweat toxins out of your body? | UAMSHealth

Its commonly held myths and psuedoscience, not actual scientific fact.

He won't respond to this