I give praise to Tannehill doing something Sanchez can't, and I'm a homer now?

you clearly know what I'm talking about. At least Heisenburr talked about the play itself and we came to the same conclusion.
Yes,.....it's lazy of you to say its always the qb like you did earlier.
Football is a team game, and guess what, players other than a qb are a part of a play and can be mostly responsible for a failed play. It's lazy asses like you who've never played the game and rely on cliches like "it's all about the qb" which drive your thought process.
We moved on from Schotty and had a
pointed discussion around your l
azy ass belief that it all falls on the qb. Don't fall back on My thoughts on Schotty as a crutch.
Point blank, your belief isn't true.
this is exactly what the fukk I'm talking about
eat a dikk you fakkit
its so fukkin difficult to argue with you cuz you only attack one part of someones post and disregard the rest
can you even READ?
I swear to fukkin god you are mentally challenged in some way
I already said that other players can be responsible for a poor play.
did you even read that fakkit?
what the fukk don't you get ??
Again, I said it ALWAYS starts with the QB, I never said the the QB is ALWAYS at fault
can you even read??
can you comprehend what the fukkin difference is?
the quarterback has to make the reads, he determines what adjustments need to be made at the line. he reads the field and makes the call( who to throw to and when, or audible and run the ball) that is 95% of the play right there.
if he fukks up on any of those parts then the play fails.
so after he does all that and he makes a pass and IMO as soon as it touches the receivers hands then its on him
or if the receivers trips or runs the wrong route then its on them. We all know that. and I accept that and know that its not always the QB's FAULT. I've said it in other threads as well.
But it all starts with the QB, it is HIS responsibility to get that play down makes his reads and adjustments and run the play.
You're LAZY cuz you fukkin
a) either know this and are just being a fukkin a$$hole
b) don't know this and are trying to act like you fukkin know what you are talking about
or c) a fukkin retarded homer that has blinders on and can't accept that the player that his team has anointed as the one to bring them back to the top is just a mediocre qb posing as a good one