Poll:Which movie was better, The Avengers or The Dark Knight?

Better comic book film?

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May 3, 2012
St louis
them numbers the Avengers did answers that question.

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Sep 12, 2013
If there is enough demand for it I think they are entitled to make a living off of it. Whatever you do for money to live I'm sure you would be pissed if the public could avoid paying for it thus leaving you with less or no $.
The idea you are forwarding actually makes you sound like you are a fan of no one and you don't care if they ever put music out again.

I sure would, but I would also understand that it's no one else's responsibility but my own to make sure I can earn a living and I don't expect people to donate money to me out of the kindness of the hearts. Musicians are just another in a long line of trade workers and craftsmen who got fukked over by technology. Don't think anyone felt too bad for the swordsmiths once firearms became the norm, or headhunters and employment agencies after the advent of the internet and monster.com

Musicians can still earn a living even if they don't make a profit from selling CD's. It's still promotion. Use that to your advantage. Do shows, sell merch... do something. ADAPT your business model like everybody else.

If we were back in high school and I were selling answers to an upcoming test for 20 bucks... only some other kid bought them from me, photocopied them, and started handing them out to everyone for free. Can I expect you to still pay me the 20 bucks for those answers?


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I sure would, but I would also understand that it's no one else's responsibility but my own to make sure I can earn a living and I don't expect people to donate money to me out of the kindness of the hearts. Musicians are just another in a long line of trade workers and craftsmen who got fukked over by technology. Don't think anyone felt too bad for the swordsmiths once firearms became the norm, or headhunters and employment agencies after the advent of the internet and monster.com

Musicians can still earn a living even if they don't make a profit from selling CD's. It's still promotion. Use that to your advantage. Do shows, sell merch... do something. ADAPT your business model like everybody else.

If we were back in high school and I were selling answers to an upcoming test for 20 bucks... only some other kid bought them from me, photocopied them, and started handing them out to everyone for free. Can I expect you to still pay me the 20 bucks for those answers?
Your analogy sucks because nothing has replaced music like guns replace swords. And really there are still headhunters and employment agencies handling the majority of new hires, the internet is just added value. Barely anyone gets hired that way still.
Downloading without paying is stealing. Everyone knows this, just because there is little to no danger in you getting caught doesn't make it free. It just makes you a coward unwilling to pay. That's why sites like this had to stop just blatantly providing links to free stuff because they were getting shut down. It is an illegal practice. Would you go up to your favorite artist and say, "I downloaded all your albums for free but I'm still a really big fan!" You would not get a 'thank you', trust me. And artists do adapt but it seems they still would like to get paid for their recorded music. How silly?

Black White Sox Hat

May 6, 2012
The Dark knight felt much slower than Avengers.By the time i got to the hospital scene in TDK i was ready for the shyt to end.I enjoyed Avengers more and have re watched it twice as much as TDK.
Sep 12, 2013
Your analogy sucks because nothing has replaced music like guns replace swords. And really there are still headhunters and employment agencies handling the majority of new hires, the internet is just added value. Barely anyone gets hired that way still.
Downloading without paying is stealing. Everyone knows this, just because there is little to no danger in you getting caught doesn't make it free. It just makes you a coward unwilling to pay. That's why sites like this had to stop just blatantly providing links to free stuff because they were getting shut down. It is an illegal practice. Would you go up to your favorite artist and say, "I downloaded all your albums for free but I'm still a really big fan!" You would not get a 'thank you', trust me. And artists do adapt but it seems they still would like to get paid for their recorded music. How silly?

I've yet to deny that. You're right. I am unwilling to pay. Don't get the "coward" part though. :patrice:

There's a documentary on Netflix called Download chronicling the p2p epidemic and believe it or not there were actually bands that were admittedly grateful for napster. It led to their music getting shared on a larger scale and it resulted in more people coming to their shows. Napster literally put more money in their pocket.

And yes I still consider myself a huge Jay-Z fan even though I have illegally downloaded his entire library and have it stored on my computer. I am a fan because I enjoy his music. Jay-Z gives me his time and so I give him in mine return. Financial support isn't apart of that equation (... although I HAVE actually paid to see him live 3 times). If you were struggling to pay your rent see what would happen if you asked your favorite rapper to come through with a check.

And you didn't answer my question at the end of my post.

If we were back in high school and I were selling answers to an upcoming test for 20 bucks... only some other kid bought them from me, photocopied them, and started handing them out to everyone for free. Can I expect you to still pay me the 20 bucks for those answers?
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I've yet to deny that. You're right. I am unwilling to pay. Don't get the "coward" part though. :patrice:

There's a documentary on Netflix called Download chronicling the p2p epidemic and believe it or not there were actually bands that were admittedly grateful for napster. It led to their music getting shared on a larger scale and it resulted in more people coming to their shows. Napster literally put more money in their pocket.

And yes I still consider myself a huge Jay-Z fan even though I have illegally downloaded his entire library and have it stored on my computer. I am a fan because I enjoy his work. Jay-Z gives me his time and so I give him in mine return. Financial support isn't apart of that equation (... although I HAVE actually paid to see him live 3 times). If you were struggling to pay your rent see what would happen if you asked your favorite rapper to come through with a check.

And you didn't answer my question at the end of my post.

Taking and using something unearned is cowardly. It is rather straightforward. You wouldn't do it directly from the artist or even a third party retail outlet. You are just hiding behind technology.
All those bands benefiting with show money still put their music out for sale. Just because they are in the category of artists that don't get enough attention for their recorded music but enough to do shows doesn't justify the illegal downloading practice. Would you tell Jay Z you're a fan and illegally dled all his stuff and expect to be accepted as such by the artist? I doubt it, only behind tech do you do so. If you can't claim it in all situations/scenarios you are not really a 'fan'.
And to answer your question, if I had established that selling answers to the test is my shyt, I would stop or attempt to stop the person undercutting me. You know how governments shut down websites that allow illegal downloading. Can't just throw up my hands and let that shyt slide. The market has been established.
Sep 12, 2013
Taking and using something unearned is cowardly. It is rather straightforward. You wouldn't do it directly from the artist or even a third party retail outlet. You are just hiding behind technology.
All those bands benefiting with show money still put their music out for sale. Just because they are in the category of artists that don't get enough attention for their recorded music but enough to do shows doesn't justify the illegal downloading practice. Would you tell Jay Z you're a fan and illegally dled all his stuff and expect to be accepted as such by the artist? I doubt it, only behind tech do you do so. If you can't claim it in all situations/scenarios you are not really a 'fan'.
And to answer your question, if I had established that selling answers to the test is my shyt, I would stop or attempt to stop the person undercutting me. You know how governments shut down websites that allow illegal downloading. Can't just throw up my hands and let that shyt slide. The market has been established.

:comeon:You still didn't answer the question. Yes or no if the answers are being handed out for free are you still gonna pay me 20 bucks for the same thing.

I was a huge Michael Jordan fan growing up but I didn't pay to watch him on TV does that mean I wasn't a real fan? I bought all his sneakers, bought his jerseys, bought a ticket to Space Jam, all that shyt... but his craft and his skill I got to watch for free from the comfort of my own home.

Granted it's an entirely different business model and there wasn't a price tag on it to begin with like rappers put on their albums, but the fact is because of that free promotion... I became a fan. Like you said the new market has been established. This is the way it is now. People don't have to PAY to hear you're music anymore. That's just the cold hard truth. But if enough people like it, if you have enough FANS... you can still find other ways to squeeze a profit.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
:comeon:You still didn't answer the question. Yes or no if the answers are being handed out for free are you still gonna pay me 20 bucks for the same thing.

I was a huge Michael Jordan fan growing up but I didn't pay to watch him on TV does that mean I wasn't a real fan? I bought all his sneakers, bought his jerseys, bought a ticket to Space Jam, all that shyt... but his craft and his skill I got to watch for free from the comfort of my own home.

Granted it's an entirely different business model and there wasn't a price tag on it to begin with like rappers put on their albums, but the fact is because of that free promotion... I became a fan. Like you said the new market has been established. This is the way it is now. People don't have to PAY to hear you're music anymore. That's just the cold hard truth. But if enough people like it, if you have enough FANS... you can still find other ways to squeeze a profit.

I wouldn't cheat on a test out of fear of being caught. Plus there is no established verification you are giving out correct answers. Might be a scam.
It wasn't free, you had to sit through commercials to watch him play. The network paid for you so they can interrupt his games with commercials. Another bad analogy.
Sep 12, 2013
I wouldn't cheat on a test out of fear of being caught. Plus there is no established verification you are giving out correct answers. Might be a scam.
:whew: at the way you keep dodgin the question.

It wasn't free, you had to sit through commercials to watch him play. The network paid for you so they can interrupt his games with commercials. Another bad analogy.

Sounds like the NBA figured out a way to promote their talent and profit from it without forcing the consumers to pay for it.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
:whew: at the way you keep dodgin the question.

Sounds like the NBA figured out a way to promote their talent and profit from it without forcing the consumers to pay for it.

Oh so you are saying you answered all the questions i posed to you?
I think I did, just didn't get the answer you wanted?
The NBA is also a league, with a commissioner, team owners and a union. Not at all a similar product/business.