Well first, Batman & Robin and Batman Begins sort of argue against that. They both did significantly lesser numbers than the other movies of their kind, mainly because of how bad B&R was and BB having to hit the reset button.
But I do agree ticket sales aren't a true indicator of a great time, but keeping it real a great time is subjective too. I think EVERYONE in this thread liked TDK, but many of us liked it much more than others. You might have liked it WAY more than me, but does that mean I didn't have a great time watching it too?
When I'm talking ticket numbers, I'm talking about people who liked it enough to stay through the movie and support it. To ME, to financially support something is the TRUE standard of being a fan. Lots of people like Rakim, but how many of those people have actually bought a Rakim album? How can you claim to be a fan or like something if you aren't even willing to put your money on it? Same thing with these movies, if you are a fan of it, you are going to financially support it, because that's the only tangible way you are going to receive more OF it. Follow me?
I agree with that to a degree. Hip Hop music is notoriously bootlegged beyond belief and a lot of artists have sold a lot of albums without selling albums. In order to sell a lot of records you need to crossover and even then it's no guarantee