This isn't even a competition. One's a great film that stands on its own, the other TV level nonsense. The cinematography in that film :ohdear:

Should have been The Dark Knight vs The Winter Soldier. That was a movie than not only did everything that The Dark Knight did(grounded realism, political commentary on current issues), but most importantly it didn't sacrifice the main character to do so. It always felt like Steve Roger's/Captain America's film and a comic book movie. Had a better set of memorable characters and vastly superior action.
Hogwash. First off, the movie's arc should have been about Bucky, and
nothing about his story gets resolved. He's barely in the film.
HYDRA's plan is idiotic. They're going to use gigantic helicarriers to kill millions, and they think it would bring about peace. How would that even work? They weren't accurate enough to shoot Falcon, but they're just going to pinpoint people around the world? HYDRA has been a part of SHIELD forever, and is doing so well behind the scenes, why would they ever go all out on a huge and flawed plan like this?
Arnim Zola was so smart, and valuable, he decides to shoot rockets at himself in order to kill Cap and thus waste this huge asset for HYDRA? What?
Widow and Maria Hill were god awful. The former has nothing to offer but unfunny quips, and the latter is just Whedon's girl power fantasy horseshyt. Widow at the end conference completely undermined the whole point of destroying SHIELD.
The action, outside of Cap's street fight with WS was shaky, and incoherent.
I hate Cap. He's such a self-righteous hypocrite in this. He had no problem doing covert missions in foreign territory, being a part of a secret weapons program, and then being a propaganda machine. He's not accountable to anyone really, and just gets his mission, and goes. Now, "things are different" and he's against people doing the same exact thing. Someone tell him what the US did to end WW2, or even half of what they did in the 70 years he's been gone. His whole naivete needs to be addressed.
I love how the end with Van Camp has her in that shooting range montage, where it's supposed to give off the impression that the fukking CIA is somehow the clean cut good guys, where as SHIELD is no longer necessary. Cap and Widow will be doing the same shyt they've always done. Nothing changes.
Like everything Marvel has done in Phase 2, the film was half-assed. I hate their movies now. They're not complete stories, they aren't visually appealing, they don't tackle any larger themes, and the characters are becoming annoying.
A) Lucius developed a sonar technology using cell phones
B) Batman's reach knows no boundaries
C) Batman is a badass (which we already knew)\?
A - This is important since it comes back at the end, and creates the moral dilemma for Lucius with Bruce. if they just threw it in at the end, it wouldn't have made much sense.
B - That's a pretty important character trait, and it set in motion why the mob would turn to The Joker.