Poll:Which movie was better, The Avengers or The Dark Knight?

Better comic book film?

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Sep 12, 2013
You probably have ADHD. Seek help

Come on man don't play me like that.

I have no problems exercising patience when it comes to movies and I don't require bright lights or things moving fast on screen to keep me engaged. Some of my favorite movies ever (namely the Godfather movies) feature long periods of dialogue, long periods of inaction, and subtle character disposition. I'll even nominate a movie from the genre at hand and go record as saying that I LOVE Watchmen. In fact I believe it might even be the greatest superhero movie ever made and that shyt was over 3 hours in length (and once again has long, LONG periods of inaction). And as far as Batman movies go I even admitted earlier in this thread that despite it's flaws TDK is still probably my favorite Batman movie.

But please explain to me how the movie was better served designating a good 15-20 minutes to the Hong Kong caper involving the shady mob accountant when the only thing we learned from the entire sequence of events was:

A) Lucius developed a sonar technology using cell phones
B) Batman's reach knows no boundaries
C) Batman is a badass (which we already knew)

Tell me why all of that couldn't be established in under 5 minutes without bringing the movie to a screeching halt.

And while we're at it did anyone here really care about the subplot involving the mob accountant? Enough to spend an ENTIRE PORTION of the movie on it?
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May 17, 2014
This isn't even a competition. One's a great film that stands on its own, the other TV level nonsense. The cinematography in that film :ohdear:

:mjpls:Should have been The Dark Knight vs The Winter Soldier. That was a movie than not only did everything that The Dark Knight did(grounded realism, political commentary on current issues), but most importantly it didn't sacrifice the main character to do so. It always felt like Steve Roger's/Captain America's film and a comic book movie. Had a better set of memorable characters and vastly superior action.

Hogwash. First off, the movie's arc should have been about Bucky, and nothing about his story gets resolved. He's barely in the film.

HYDRA's plan is idiotic. They're going to use gigantic helicarriers to kill millions, and they think it would bring about peace. How would that even work? They weren't accurate enough to shoot Falcon, but they're just going to pinpoint people around the world? HYDRA has been a part of SHIELD forever, and is doing so well behind the scenes, why would they ever go all out on a huge and flawed plan like this?

Arnim Zola was so smart, and valuable, he decides to shoot rockets at himself in order to kill Cap and thus waste this huge asset for HYDRA? What?

Widow and Maria Hill were god awful. The former has nothing to offer but unfunny quips, and the latter is just Whedon's girl power fantasy horseshyt. Widow at the end conference completely undermined the whole point of destroying SHIELD.

The action, outside of Cap's street fight with WS was shaky, and incoherent.

I hate Cap. He's such a self-righteous hypocrite in this. He had no problem doing covert missions in foreign territory, being a part of a secret weapons program, and then being a propaganda machine. He's not accountable to anyone really, and just gets his mission, and goes. Now, "things are different" and he's against people doing the same exact thing. Someone tell him what the US did to end WW2, or even half of what they did in the 70 years he's been gone. His whole naivete needs to be addressed.

I love how the end with Van Camp has her in that shooting range montage, where it's supposed to give off the impression that the fukking CIA is somehow the clean cut good guys, where as SHIELD is no longer necessary. Cap and Widow will be doing the same shyt they've always done. Nothing changes.

Like everything Marvel has done in Phase 2, the film was half-assed. I hate their movies now. They're not complete stories, they aren't visually appealing, they don't tackle any larger themes, and the characters are becoming annoying.

A) Lucius developed a sonar technology using cell phones
B) Batman's reach knows no boundaries
C) Batman is a badass (which we already knew)\?
A - This is important since it comes back at the end, and creates the moral dilemma for Lucius with Bruce. if they just threw it in at the end, it wouldn't have made much sense.

B - That's a pretty important character trait, and it set in motion why the mob would turn to The Joker.


Can’t find a job, YOU can rap at least
Apr 7, 2014
This thread got me :fire: fuk "The Avengers" I swear on my life watched 45 mins of it on Netflix. A year later still haven't finished it. The cheesy dialogue,da fuk jeremy renner gone evil:shaq2:, thor & iron man forced conflict. fuk any nerd or clown who likes that movie :pacspit:
TDK is pure piff & has a undertone about society but idiots downplay that since it's "a comic book movie" gonna go watch it in HD on my ps3 for the 3rd or 4th dozen time.


Apr 3, 2014
Avengers was pretty good. Effects were nuts, the scale was good, and the acting wasn't terrible either. But it felt a little rushed, with not nearly as much character development as I'd hoped. The star cast along with the biggest names in Marvel definitely helped though.
Dark Knight, on the other hand, excels in every. single. category. The fukking score alone is so so GOAT
Nolan's Batman is THAT dude. Come outta nowhere and completely ruin your shyt without even getting a scratch on his suit.
The Tumbler :takedat::sadcam::patrice::dwillhuh::blessed::feedme::whoo::myman::ohlawd::krs::ooh::whew::to::bryan::childplease::birdman::noah::lupe::youngsabo::salute::smugdraper::deadrose::dead::dead::dead::ahh::heh::whoa::dahell::damn::damn::damn::lawd::lawd::lawd::win::win::win::demonic::deadrose::cape::wtf::mindblown::steviej::smugbiden::banderas:


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
Ledger (both the hype behind his performance and his death making this his final performance)

People overestimate Ledger's impact on the movie's profits.

He was hardly a household name at the time and him being cast resulted in some backlash amongst the fans.

Batman Begins didn't do as well as it could have at the box office because the last Batman movie sucked. But the DVD sales for BB were phenomenal. TDK would've been a hit even if Ledger hadn't died.

And TDKR would've made more money than TDK and the Avengers if the shooting hadn't happened. I know plenty of people who canceled their plans to see TDKR in theaters because of it. People were afraid of going out to the movies for a while. I had made plans to go with a group and they were constantly questioning whether or not we should go see the film in the wake of the shooting (we went anyway).

Also Nolan was a big draw for these movies too. Inception, which was not a comic book movie or based on any well-known property, made nearly a billion dollars.


May 3, 2012
People overestimate Ledger's impact on the movie's profits.

He was hardly a household name at the time and him being cast resulted in some backlash amongst the fans.

Batman Begins didn't do as well as it could have at the box office because the last Batman movie sucked. But the DVD sales for BB were phenomenal. TDK would've been a hit even if Ledger hadn't died.

And TDKR would've made more money than TDK and the Avengers if the shooting hadn't happened. I know plenty of people who canceled their plans to see TDKR in theaters because of it. People were afraid of going out to the movies for a while. I had made plans to go with a group and they were constantly questioning whether or not we should go see the film in the wake of the shooting (we went anyway).

Also Nolan was a big draw for these movies too. Inception, which was not a comic book movie or based on any well-known property, made nearly a billion dollars.

Well, the thing is, judging the impact Ledger's death (or really anything if you want to be broad) impacted the movie is unquantifiable.

Ledger's death WITHOUT QUESTION was looked at as a big deal especially following the hype of his final performance. Ledger was not a household name but a very highly respected actor among the acting community. And he was arguably the biggest named actor in that movie (being honest Bale was not a huge name before Batman and only he could make a stronger case).

BB was a movie that did better over time because people started to appreciate it more once it relieved itself from the stench of the previous Batman films.

And saying TDKR would have made more than either movie if not for the shootings is speculation. Just as Ledger's death made a significant impact to the movie's success, the shootings created an unquantifiable level of hindrance too. I question if the movie's numbers would have remained the same if neither of those tragedies happened.

And yes, I previously touched on how a "HOF director like Chris Nolan" played a HUGE role in the success of the movies.

Once again, we can argue "ifs, shouldas and couldas" all day but I'd rather focus on what actually happened. Avengers generated more money but both Batman movies did extremely well but all of this comic movie success is a GOOD thing because I want more comic book movies. I think my biggest issue with Nolan's trilogy is that the world he created left no real room for expansion, that's why Nolan's Batman won't be in the BvS movie or the expanded universe that DC is trying to create. Hindsight is 20/20 but I personally would have rather seen a movie that built towards an expanded universe over how TDKR left us.
Sep 12, 2013
A - This is important since it comes back at the end, and creates the moral dilemma for Lucius with Bruce. if they just threw it in at the end, it wouldn't have made much sense.

B - That's a pretty important character trait, and it set in motion why the mob would turn to The Joker.

:aicmon: I know that already.

I'm asking why the movie couldn't have conveyed that to the audience without wasting 20 minutes on it.


May 3, 2012
This thread got me :fire: fuk "The Avengers" I swear on my life watched 45 mins of it on Netflix. A year later still haven't finished it. The cheesy dialogue,da fuk jeremy renner gone evil:shaq2:, thor & iron man forced conflict. fuk any nerd or clown who likes that movie :pacspit:
TDK is pure piff & has a undertone about society but idiots downplay that since it's "a comic book movie" gonna go watch it in HD on my ps3 for the 3rd or 4th dozen time.

It sounds like "comic book movies" aren't for you, homie. :yeshrug:

Hero being mind controlled for villainy, Heroes meeting and fighting before a team up and back and forth banter.... ALL of these things are established comic book tropes. You will see them in any comic book series that lasts more than 2 years.

I'm not even trying to convince you to like them, but all the stuff you see in Avengers is stuff you see in a regular comic book, that's why it was such a GOOD "Comic book movie". TDK definitely took a more serious and realistic approach instead which is an interesting spin, but not my cup of tea.

I know I have read Batman for over 20 years and the guy I saw in Nolan's trilogy didn't resemble any Batman I've ever read about, but I know some people like it.


May 17, 2014
:aicmon: I know that already.

I'm asking why the movie couldn't have conveyed that to the audience without wasting 20 minutes on it.
Because it's important, and allows the film to breathe. It helps stretch out The Joker's screentime too. Pretty much every plot point in films could be cut down. If anything, the third act is where the film gets slow


May 3, 2012
Just out of sheer curiosity... WHY was box office brought up in the first place? Who gives a fukk.

OP clearly asked which movie we liked better, not which one made more money.

OP said more people liked TDK over Avengers. I was one of the people who brought up box office numbers to refute that.

My opinion, people speak with their wallets because that makes the most "noise". Avengers did better numbers and made more money than TDK overall. More people supported it with their money, which I'd argue as approval for the movie. Do you disagree?