"Pippen told me Lebron would kick Jordan's ass and he's right" -Alonzo Mourning

god shamgod

May 26, 2012
There you go again with your retarded ass posts.

MJ had better handles is wrong. MJ carried the ball most of the time. Hence a faction of the MJ rules and the play being diluted a gen later due to new wannabe MJ's coming up.

Had a better jumper. I would agree in terms of mid range, Lebron has more range on his shot.

:ufdup: You know damn well Lebron post game is superior to MJ. Lebron can post up centers, PF's, SF's, SG's and C's. Lebron can pass very well out of the post. That was a retarded statement. You are making a fool of yourself.

Lebron is a superior defender than MJ. Can guard four positions and spot at center. He play elite low post man defense, perimeter and off ball defense. Lebron is a superior defender to MJ via genetics and what he is capable by his size. Once again, you are coming off as a fanboy and someone who only see the game for highlights and passion.

:laff: Lebrons post game is garbage.That shyt looks awkward as fukk.I can't take you serious bruh how old are you? Cuz you sound like u never watched prime jordan or 2nd 3 peat jordan.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
His game should have been more polished and perfected then :barkley:

Took Lebron 3 years to make it to the Finals

Took Jordan 7

You still lose :yelaugh: :yelaugh: :yelaugh: :yelaugh:

Where He Got Swept :mjpls:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
:laff: Lebrons post game is garbage.That shyt looks awkward as fukk.I can't take you serious bruh how old are you? Cuz you sound like u never watched prime jordan or 2nd 3 peat jordan.

This was from last season while he has worse post up numbers than this year.

Fact 1: LeBron James is posting up a lot more than he has in previous seasons.

Fact 2: LeBron James leads the league in field goal percentage from within five feet of the basket.

Highest field goal percentage within five feet of the basket
Player FGM FGA FG%
LeBron James 171 226 75.7%
Tyson Chandler 135 179 75.4%
Tiago Splitter 100 136 73.5%
Kevin Durant 122 169 72.2%
Andre Iguodala 67 93 72.0%

Minimum 75 FGA

Are Fact 1 and Fact 2 related? Not really.

James is posting up almost twice as much as he did last season, a great thing for those of us who have been calling for him to develop a post game. But he’s been less efficient in the post than he was a year ago, according to Synergy Sports.

James is posting up on 14 percent of his plays and scoring a little less than a point per possession on those post-ups (when he keeps the ball). That’s good, but not as efficient as he’s been in the last two seasons in the post, mostly because he’s not getting to the line as much.

LeBron James’ post-ups, last three seasons
Season % Poss Poss Points PPP FGM FGA FG% %FT
2009-10 6.3 133 152 1.14 53 93 0.570 22.6
2010-11 7.9 163 170 1.04 67 126 0.532 15.3
2011-12 14.2 120 119 0.99 47 88 0.534 13.8

% Poss = Percent of total possessions

Poss = Number of post-up possessions

PPP = Points per possession

%FT = Percent of possessions that result in free throws

James is taking 38 percent of his shots from within five feet of the hoop, up from 35 percent last season. But that increase has more to do with transition opportunities than post-ups. James is leading the league in fast-break points for the fourth straight season, but he’s scoring a much higher percentage of his points on the break than he ever has.

LeBron James’ fast-break points, last five seasons
Season FBPs PTS FBP%
2007-08 390 2,250 17.3%
2008-09 419* 2,304 18.2%
2009-10 460* 2,258 20.4%
2010-11 457* 2,111 21.6%
2011-12 222* 903 24.6%

In the restricted area

But James does occasionally turn a post-up into layups. In the three examples below, you’ll see him use both his size (first play) and agility (last two) to get to the basket.

LeBron in the Restricted Area | NBA.com

Those last two buckets are evidence of some Hakeem-esque footwork that we don’t often see from James.

In the paint

In addition to shooting more and better from within five feet of the basket, James has also increased his shooting percentage from elsewhere in the paint. In total, he’s taking 48 percent of his shots from the paint and shooting them at 69 percent, up from 62 percent last season.

Here are a few examples of post-ups that turn into easy buckets elsewhere in the paint, even though his footwork could still use a little more polish…

LeBron in the Paint | NBA.com

Passing out of the post

The outcry for James to post up more often was never only about his own shots. With the size of a power forward and the passing skills of a point guard, James can create as many or more good shots for his team by passing out of the post as he can by mastering the up-and-under.

When James has the ball on the perimeter, defenders can easily see both James and their own man at the same time. But when he’s got the ball below the foul line, it’s harder to see both your man and the ball without turning your head.

According to Synergy, James has passed on 30 percent of his post-ups. And the Heat have scored 1.19 points per possession on those plays, as opposed to the 0.99 they’ve scored when he’s kept the ball.

Here are a few examples of James creating for others out of the post, with defenders clearly getting caught with their heads turned on the first and third plays…

LeBron Passing Out | NBA.com


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..



same caliber of player, but Jordan always came off as selfish. LeBron's teammates actually flourish with him on the court.

pippen, grant & BJ all had their best year by far when Jordan was off playing baseball, and the team still had a great year.

if mo Williams went to play with a prime Jordan in '09 instead of LeBron, he wouldn't make the all-star team and would've stayed underrated.
No...and I won't even entertain this shyt...Bron ain't better than Jordan...

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
MJ stans are the biggest idiots in sports, worse than Tebowbots or Matt Ryan homers. Logic goes completely out of the window with any of these clowns.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Getting swept in the Finals is better than getting swept in the first round back to back like Jordan

:yelaugh: :yelaugh: :yelaugh:

6 rings is better than 1 ring and getting ran out of your state :mjpls: