If you really just stand back and observe you really start to see so many patterns form. Last gen if you spoke to an xbox stan you would swear they had new exciting games coming out every single year, you couldn’t tell them shyt. It was always, “wait and see”, now after all this time they are finally ready to admit they had trash leadership and the games were hurt. Now this year they fought with us for months about how xbox had a bunch of games launching and that it was over, bethesda, gamepass, phil said, etc. now after those trash gamepass numbers came out they’re all like, “but thats to be expected with halo delayed and no big 1st party games”…..lol
It’s like the same reoccurring cycle of caping. Next year is gonna be a repeat of this one, they gonna say, “yeah but Redfall and starfield” next thing you know those are delayed and they gonna say, “yeah but 2023 we got starfield, Hellblade 2, avowed…”
It never ends
How much longer can it be “next year”???