That's making the game sound better than it is actually.
enemies having weaknesses and strengths, is one thing. enemies demanding you exploit them or face literally hours of uphill tedium through resource management alone or exponentially increased risk is another. Whole game is just Pokemon on cocaine.

I never could co-sign the reductive arguments some of y'all make about this game on here lol. Now suddenly exploiting enemy weaknesses is somehow a bad thing. if an enemy is weak to an element, exploiting it and getting the fight over with in seconds is obviously better than just simply using random abilities on enemies to deplete their HP and thus taking up more time.
Also, this argument completely and conveniently ignores those enemies that had no weaknesses or had certain skills that required having good gear on. I mean, i get it, you didn't like the dungeons/game but there's no need to create some false narrative now.
There's enemies that I had to weaken with status ailments, equip specific Persona's to either repel or absorb damage so on and so forth. Like.. every damn RPG does that. Like come on. Battles in P5 go so quickly once you got things down pat that it's a chore going to an RPG that doesn't have some similar system.