Persona 5 (PS4, PS3)


Wavy Like A Lake
Apr 30, 2012
I have the persona 5 I'm app.

While its cool to look at, its still some major updates from being the main message app.

Can't add attachments to messages being the biggest one need.

Really cool to have tho.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I don't want a 40 hour Persona game. A 60 hour minimum I'd tolerate and that's if the game has extremely tight pacing. The game does have a few sections that are a bit long in the tooth but overall I wasn't waiting for the game to finish. If someone has a problem with a long Persona game then go play something else. I think the popularity and word of mouth around this game has brought people to it expecting one thing and getting something else.

I think this is the last Persona game that'll be this way though. I think P6 will be a shakeup.
What's wrong with a 40 hour Persona game? Understand most games have a 40 or so hour main campaign or main story and you can extend that with side content.

Part of the reason I have to give Zelda the edge over this for GOTY is Zelda has a campaign that you determine the length to. When I started to feel signs of burnout with Zelda I was strong enough so I marched to Hyrule castle and just beat Ganon. When I started to feel signs of burnout with Persona I still had at least a 3rd of the game left and I'm the type of person if I put a game down odds are slim I ever revisit it so I forced myself to continue.

A fulfilling game story can be encompassed into under 50 hours. A standard playthrough of a main story shouldn't be 100+ hours. I beat Persona 4 inside of 65 hours but honestly I think the sweet spot of a JRPG story normal playthrough is about 45-50 hours.

As for the rest of the criticism the game is getting from stuff like that Kotaku article I don't fully agree with it. I do agree that the antagonist were unlikable aholes though with no redeeming qualities. I also think the game played it too close to Persona 4's formula but this is still an 8.5-9/10 game not a 5/10 like they were saying. It's flaws are forgivable in my book.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012

Pretty sure you talk the most on here. P5 is overrated as fukk. Dudes outchea giving a visual novel a 9.5 :damn:. With generic anime characters and a reused plot:russell:
Maybe kinda reused when it comes to Persona games but not reused overall. The real problem with the plot is the fact that the game was a better game plot wise before they hit the twist at the end after the last regular palace. it honestly tried to do too much at that point and lost all the more personal charm that made it endearing to me. I guess it more or less tried to call back to it's parent series but it felt weird to me. The game was better when you were just the phantom thieves changing hearts and not trying to get all deep and philosophical about people wanting to be chained down by society and let others dictate their lives for them.


May 6, 2012
What's wrong with a 40 hour Persona game? Understand most games have a 40 or so hour main campaign or main story and you can extend that with side content.
The game simulates a whole calendar year. A 40 hour Persona game means it's realistically a 35~40 hour game which would then mean something is going to be on the cutting block. Part of why I liked P4/5 so much is that by the end of the game I felt like I had went through a long adventure with the characters. Side content would mean a large group of players would probably miss out on cool things because they beat it quickly or didn't bother.

Part of the reason I have to give Zelda the edge over this for GOTY is Zelda has a campaign that you determine the length to. When I started to feel signs of burnout with Zelda I was strong enough so I marched to Hyrule castle and just beat Ganon.
Zelda's "burnout" if you call it that is merely a matter of you feeling like there's nothing else to really do. It's not really comparable because I felt like so far nothing significant happened throughout the game. No big epic events or moments. Zelda just feels like busy work/chores to do the majority of the time and hey let me do these "sort of" dungeons and beat the game.

When I started to feel signs of burnout with Persona I still had at least a 3rd of the game left and I'm the type of person if I put a game down odds are slim I ever revisit it so I forced myself to continue.
That's you. I felt no burnout playing P5. I took 164 hours to beat it on my first run and that was me taking my time and I still felt like I wasn't tired. I think some people rushed through it and burned themselves out. I took damn near 6 months to reach the end of the game but I enjoyed almost every minute of it(bar a few moments of slog). Hell my favorite part was right at the depths of Mementos and outside when the cognition in the world distorted.

A fulfilling game story can be encompassed into under 50 hours. A standard playthrough of a main story shouldn't be 100+ hours.
A game story can be fulfilling under 50 hours but that's other games. Persona isn't other games. It's not like it's a yearly game series with 100+ hours. You get a Persona game maybe once a generation?

I don't get the time complaint. Are you on a time limit? Are you allotted a specific set of hours to play it? You don't need to play 100 hours in 1 week.

I beat Persona 4 inside of 65 hours but honestly I think the sweet spot of a JRPG story normal playthrough is about 45-50 hours.
Nah for Persona games the longer the better. Y'all can go play other short Jrpgs for that. A short Persona game would have to be a different game not following this formula. I expect another Persona game to be at least 75 hrs minimum. I think part of why 5 is so long is what were quick excursions to advance the plot in P4 has become actually lengthy runs(palaces) with story content.

As for the rest of the criticism the game is getting from stuff like that Kotaku article I don't fully agree with it. I do agree that the antagonist were unlikable aholes though with no redeeming qualities. I also think the game played it too close to Persona 4's formula but this is still an 8.5-9/10 game not a 5/10 like they were saying. It's flaws are forgivable in my book.
I blame the localization for making some of the antagonist a bit off. The writing is much better in the JP version. I played both and there's even a website compiled for this critique.
How Atlus fails fans of Persona 5

they dropped the ball a bit in the localization so some characters didn't quite come across correctly. The English localization had a bit of a saturday morning cartoon feel to it at times. there's also literal errors and some of the ideas weren't faithful. It's good but it's not as good as it could've been overall.

Overall I think there's room for improvement but I rather a new one than a P5 crimson or w/e. Game is still one of the GOATS imo and my opinion hasn't changed since playing it last september so it's almost a year now for me.
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All Star
May 2, 2012
The H
JRPGs are my favorite genre in video games. So when a JRPG lets me down I can be pretty harsh. Anyway I've been hesitant to give a full breakdown of why I never fukked with this game because it sounds haterific as hell, but whatever.

First of all, I get why people dig this game. P4 was a damn good game and P5 is a suped up P4. In some ways anyway. But that was my first issue with it personally. It followed P4's formula way too damn closely. It was like getting a new Pokemon game, sure they add cool new gadgets and shyt but at the end of the day it's Pokemon. A very formulaic plot and gameplay direction, in other words. BUT I think Persona does so much right game play wise, that you can't be too mad at them using the same formula. And hell, catching/fusing Personas was pretty fun. I digged social links in P4, not as much this around, and see the interest there too. Battles were straight for a while, but admittedly they needed to add some more dimension to it as the game progressed. It became a little stale over time.

But all of this didn't really bother me THAT much. I think what really threw me off were these three things.

1. Predictability. You pretty much follow a checklist in this game. Go to school, do some chores for stats, and go to dungeons to progress. I just can't fukk with that in a JRPG. Need that sense of wonder that keeps you invested to keep progressing. The game just falls short on rewarding players. The most interesting to me was who my next party member was and what their costume would be in the dungeons. After a while that alone couldn't motivate me to push forward. Dungeons, btw, were extremely overhyped. Sure they aren't generated like P4 but in 2017 the dungeon design is very subpar. Especially for a game without an open world.

2. Plot. If the game had a good plot, I think the last point would've been mute. A good plot can be the rewarding factor of a game. The plot for this was way too similar to P4 and the twists were not nearly as good.

3. Characters. A GOAT cast can make a trash game an 8/10, but man the cast for this game does not hold a candle to a lot of JRPG's I played. They really felt like fill-ins from your generic 3rd rate shounen anime. This really killed the social aspect to this game. I never even wanted to "date" any of the chicks. Villains, well I liked the first villain as he was set up pretty well, but after that they were mostly boring and forgettable.

I think the JRPG mechanics in Persona are extremely well polished but other than that it's just not my type of game. I didn't even go into the endless fluff of dialogue :snoop:. Anyway my expectations were way too high for this game and that fukked me over. I was expecting something I shouldn't have. I think playing this after playing a true current gen RPG in Zelda really hurt too.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Its not about the length, its the pacing. Also all of these dungeons suck ass and are made worse by the amazing combat system that still hangs firmly on the trial and error foundation.

Plus it doesn't help that the story honestly kinda sucks and none of the main cast are really special.

The "backlash" is just the effects of the amazing presentation and style starting to wear off. Under the hood, Persona 5 is a just an above average RPG. Its not better than 3 or 4 imo.

I don't think simply shortening the game or removing content fixes any of these problems. On the contrary, I think you need to add a substantial amount of character to the characters, take a LONG look at this dungeon design, overhaul all the enemies and bosses (the combat system again, by itself, is great - the issue is this rock paper scissors bullshyt. if you're going to hinge everything on weaknesses and not want to make this kind of back and forth so stale, you need to add layers/barriers to weaknesses/strengths. that's how xenosaga got past things in a similar system at least), and acknowledge the pacing missteps.

Still a good game, but if it was possible to beat this game through a rental I'd absolutely recommend that over a purchase.


May 6, 2012
Y'all nikkas bugging Persona 3/4 is not better especially 3. nostalgia got y'all tweaking. P3 is a terrible Persona game. That shyt had me wanting to quit damn near half way through nothing happened until like fukking September.

Persona 4 is still one of my favorites but P5 blew it out the water imo. Dudes was saying the same shyt when 4 came out claiming 3 was better. I think 5 done made dudes realize that dungeon crawling ain't their thing since 3/4's dungeon crawling was something you could simply rush and get out of the way whereas in 5 it's much more involved and integral to the game.
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May 6, 2012
Its not about the length, its the pacing. Also all of these dungeons suck ass and are made worse by the amazing combat system that still hangs firmly on the trial and error foundation.

Plus it doesn't help that the story honestly kinda sucks and none of the main cast are really special.

The "backlash" is just the effects of the amazing presentation and style starting to wear off. Under the hood, Persona 5 is a just an above average RPG. Its not better than 3 or 4 imo.

I don't think simply shortening the game or removing content fixes any of these problems. On the contrary, I think you need to add a substantial amount of character to the characters, take a LONG look at this dungeon design, overhaul all the enemies and bosses (the combat system again, by itself, is great - the issue is this rock paper scissors bullshyt. if you're going to hinge everything on weaknesses and not want to make this kind of back and forth so stale, you need to add layers/barriers to weaknesses/strengths. that's how xenosaga got past things in a similar system at least), and acknowledge the pacing missteps.

Still a good game, but if it was possible to beat this game through a rental I'd absolutely recommend that over a purchase.

I can't agree with some of the stuff y'all saying my opinion hasn't budged since I played it last september. P5>P4>>>>>>>>>>P3.

There's no real backlash per se, it's just that some people that don't like it much that now beat it or not are now commenting on it. I'd bet the majority of users moved on already having sung it's praises.

I never get when people act like the period after release is when the "real" reviews come out. Like the majority of people didn't play it, beat it and moved on already.
The user score is still consistently higher than most games that came out this year that also had "backlash" e.g. Nier, Zelda. Just the internet being Internet. Still a GOAT.

It's like going, "those guys who played RE4 in 2005 have no idea what they're talking about, the players in 2006 do." As if to say those who played it at launch were clouded/blinded by hype and their own judgement are faulty and it's only those unaffected players later who truly know what they're talking about. As if people should reconsider their stance on the game :skip: It's why I hate when gamers say something is overrated.

It's like a way of marginalizing the opinions of others. Cats forget that a game's quality is a subjective rating that is determined by the experience of the players. If it isn't someone's cup of tea, that's fine and bringing up valid critiques is too but claiming an entire fandom is wrong is just fukking stupid because it's praises came from those same people. A vocal minority that's now bringing up things they don't like/disappoints doesn't override the majority opinion.

I already discussed my thoughts on the dungeon/slice of life gameplay ideas plenty of times so this post isn't really a dismissal of yours.
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52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Its not about the length, its the pacing. Also all of these dungeons suck ass and are made worse by the amazing combat system that still hangs firmly on the trial and error foundation.

Plus it doesn't help that the story honestly kinda sucks and none of the main cast are really special.

The "backlash" is just the effects of the amazing presentation and style starting to wear off. Under the hood, Persona 5 is a just an above average RPG. Its not better than 3 or 4 imo.

I don't think simply shortening the game or removing content fixes any of these problems. On the contrary, I think you need to add a substantial amount of character to the characters, take a LONG look at this dungeon design, overhaul all the enemies and bosses (the combat system again, by itself, is great - the issue is this rock paper scissors bullshyt. if you're going to hinge everything on weaknesses and not want to make this kind of back and forth so stale, you need to add layers/barriers to weaknesses/strengths. that's how xenosaga got past things in a similar system at least), and acknowledge the pacing missteps.

Still a good game, but if it was possible to beat this game through a rental I'd absolutely recommend that over a purchase.
I wouldn't even say the story sucks. It was good until Futaba got introduced and from that point on the game basically lost its footing and never recovered. In the final Momentos section it completely implodes.

Yeah the main cast is pretty average. There just flat out any standout characters in the main party IMO. The best characters in the game are no playable allies like Sojiro and Sae. The main character who is a silent protagonist is probably the best party member because you can pick snarky responses.

Persona 4 is just flat out better in part because it's the original this game tries so hard to mimic.

The pacing gets fixed by cutting down the length and dropping all the repetitive filler and padding.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
P5 is too long and the characters aren't really great and the story is just ok but it still a great game

It's better than BOTW as well