Persona 5 (PS4, PS3)


May 6, 2012
I played 3 FES after I had played 4 and didnt really have any issues with the game. I didnt mind tartarus either though I know Im probably in the minority there.

Old SMT though is brutal. The map is the worst. Apocalypse finally fixed that by telling you what is what and where the hell you have to go to proceed. And hell nocturne in general is just brutality. Game is too fukking hard.
Nocturne is hard but I feel like it forces you to learn the One Turn system. I like it because it actually makes all those other abilities matter. Every battle feels tense.

I wish they'd make another Nocturne with the fluidity and look of Persona 5's battle. :ohlawd:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Nocturne is hard but I feel like it forces you to learn the One Turn system. I like it because it actually makes all those other abilities matter. Every battle feels tense.

I wish they'd make another Nocturne with the fluidity and look of Persona 5's battle. :ohlawd:

I agree but think its just too intense. Any battle can be a gameover so getting to the next save point is hell. Even understanding the mechanics it doesnt matter. Your gonna get game over'ed unless you have a guide in front of you detailing all enemy weakness. Even then with the encounter rate you might be low on SP and get fukked regardless, especially cause for what its worth its easy to get lost in some of those spots.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Picked up the game on Friday. Put in 6 1/2 hours between Saturday and Sunday. I never put that much time in a 2 day period into any persona game. When I saved my game and noticed the play time I couldn't believe it and started to wonder why I like this game when none of the others in series connected with me. I think it's the overall polish of this game. Everything is incredibly well done. Even the menus look fantastic. They took the most mundane elements in video games and made them look like a work of art (even the loading screens, which by the way the loading is lightening fast in this game, look amazing). The battle system is the same from what I remember except it feels much faster paced and the interfaces are all streamlined. The music is great, the voice acting is great, and I think what has impressed me the most is the story. On the surface, as an adult, it's easy to dismiss this game because of its high school setting, but the story is VERY mature. I'm still working through the first palace and I think what has me hooked more than anything is the story. Some of the characters fall into those stereotypical anime character template in both their looks and the way they act (standard girl with pig tails and a mini skirt. Emo characters). All those things are still here but the depth of the characters themselves is much more mature. I'm very impressed with the game overall and in my 6 1/2 hours I feel like this is one of the best games this gen and is high up on the ladder of best JRPGs of all time.


May 6, 2012
I agree but think its just too intense. Any battle can be a gameover so getting to the next save point is hell. Even understanding the mechanics it doesnt matter. Your gonna get game over'ed unless you have a guide in front of you detailing all enemy weakness. Even then with the encounter rate you might be low on SP and get fukked regardless, especially cause for what its worth its easy to get lost in some of those spots.
Lol I think the only thing Nocturne needs is a random battle reduction and maybe a few checkpoints. The encounter rate was the worst offender imo.

Picked up the game on Friday. Put in 6 1/2 hours between Saturday and Sunday. I never put that much time in a 2 day period into any persona game. When I saved my game and noticed the play time I couldn't believe it and started to wonder why I like this game when none of the others in series connected with me. I think it's the overall polish of this game. Everything is incredibly well done. Even the menus look fantastic. They took the most mundane elements in video games and made them look like a work of art (even the loading screens, which by the way the loading is lightening fast in this game, look amazing). The battle system is the same from what I remember except it feels much faster paced and the interfaces are all streamlined. The music is great, the voice acting is great, and I think what has impressed me the most is the story. On the surface, as an adult, it's easy to dismiss this game because of its high school setting, but the story is VERY mature. I'm still working through the first palace and I think what has me hooked more than anything is the story. Some of the characters fall into those stereotypical anime character template in both their looks and the way they act (standard girl with pig tails and a mini skirt. Emo characters). All those things are still here but the depth of the characters themselves is much more mature. I'm very impressed with the game overall and in my 6 1/2 hours I feel like this is one of the best games this gen and is high up on the ladder of best JRPGs of all time.
What would you say makes this one better than say 4 Golden that didn't hook you in?? Is it the way the characters actually look? The game is VERY long so one advice I'd give is take your time doing the dungeons and don't fret on what to do/where to go. The game is still in it's "tutorial" stage right now and really doesn't open up until say the 2nd palace imo when you start getting more team members. Don't try charging through dungeons in one run as it's not really feasible. Check out the tutorials given in the menu and I'd say if you want bump it up to hard as normal felt a bit too easy at times. Save when you get to safe rooms and don't feel afraid to leave the dungeon if low on SP. The status ailments will become your friend so even though now it seems like enemies are mostly a 'find weakness, exploit, AO attack' affair there will be weakness free enemies that change up your plan.
The game runs on a calendar and there's PLENTY of time contrary to what some people say so it's not like there's a need, both story or gameplay wise to rush through it lest you get near the deadline.
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The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Picked up the game on Friday. Put in 6 1/2 hours between Saturday and Sunday. I never put that much time in a 2 day period into any persona game. When I saved my game and noticed the play time I couldn't believe it and started to wonder why I like this game when none of the others in series connected with me. I think it's the overall polish of this game. Everything is incredibly well done. Even the menus look fantastic. They took the most mundane elements in video games and made them look like a work of art (even the loading screens, which by the way the loading is lightening fast in this game, look amazing). The battle system is the same from what I remember except it feels much faster paced and the interfaces are all streamlined. The music is great, the voice acting is great, and I think what has impressed me the most is the story. On the surface, as an adult, it's easy to dismiss this game because of its high school setting, but the story is VERY mature. I'm still working through the first palace and I think what has me hooked more than anything is the story. Some of the characters fall into those stereotypical anime character template in both their looks and the way they act (standard girl with pig tails and a mini skirt. Emo characters). All those things are still here but the depth of the characters themselves is much more mature. I'm very impressed with the game overall and in my 6 1/2 hours I feel like this is one of the best games this gen and is high up on the ladder of best JRPGs of all time.

Funny, your thoughts on this is both surprising and non-surprising at the same time, coming from you and your prevoius faux-hating on the game. I figured having an idea of your tastes that you'd like this game if you gave it a chance tho. Yeah, this game's presentation is among the most stylish in video games periods, genre regardless. Everything you said here is about spot on as well.

I do always wonder why the high school setting throws some folks off of the series tho. Looking back on it, I'd think most people have/would enjoy that point in their live, aside from some that had it very rough during that time. I also say that stand-point of being auto-dismissive of the high school POV being a bit jarring, considering that there's still plenty of games that have characters much younger than that or just much more kiddy-ish in themes, characters, story/etc. that these same would-be "haters" just eat up regardless.

That said, I do think and hope the next Persona tries something a little different, such as a college setting for their school stand-point, as I feel they could tell similar stories as the high school setting, but with much more room for extra things considering that time and environment. Plus, despite the fact that the games are very fleshed out and tell mature, intricate stories and character development, the past three games still have a very identical set up and types of characters/scenarios, so a college setting could change that up a bit, before it gets too stale.

Loving the game nonethless tho. I'm on the 4th Palace at 95 hours in (I have some hours of idle time here and there tho, but definitely taking my time).

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
What would you say makes this one better than say 4 Golden that didn't hook you in?? Is it the way the characters actually look? The game is VERY long so one advice I'd give is take your time doing the dungeons and don't fret on what to do/where to go. The game is still in it's "tutorial" stage right now and really doesn't open up until say the 2nd palace imo when you start getting more team members. Don't try charging through dungeons in one run as it's not really feasible. Check out the tutorials given in the menu and I'd say if you want bump it up to hard as normal felt a bit too easy at times. Save when you get to safe rooms and don't feel afraid to leave the dungeon if low on SP. The status ailments will become your friend so even though now it seems like enemies are mostly a 'find weakness, exploit, AO attack' affair there will be weakness free enemies that change up your plan.
The game runs on a calendar and there's PLENTY of time contrary to what some people say so it's not like there's a need, both story or gameplay wise to rush through it lest you get near the deadline.
I can't put my finger on why P5 hooked me and the others didn't. I think the overall presentation (graphics, animation, menu layout, etc) definitely has something to do with it. I think the major factor for me is how the story is being developed. Immediately the way the story is presented and continues to unfold pulled me in.
The overall writing is more appealing to me in this one. They reveal just enough to get you thinking but not enough to spill every detail. I like how they insinuate certain things instead of flat out telling you. For example, there is a clear case of sexual and physical abuse, and maybe even flat out rape, but it's revealed/handled in a very mature way. By the writers to choosing to insinuate instead of flat out showing it, or saying it it actually makes me feel more empathetic towards the characters. George R. Martin has a similar writing style in his Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series. Instead of telling you exactly what happened, he explains the effects of what happened on a person physically, emotionally, and mentally. This type of writing gives you details, but relies on the reader's own imagination to connect the dots. I find that when that happens, it causes a real emotional response within the reader. I felt that while playing this game several times already. Imagine a general death scene in a movie. A director can go the straight forward route and shot the killer pointing the gun at person, show them pull the trigger, the bullet exists the gun and camera follows the bullet into a persons body and kills them. Now, imagine that same scene, and instead of following the bullet, the camera follows the gun being raised, we hear a bang, and immediately the camera pans to the victim's daughter, and we see her reaction, the anguish and horror of what she's witnessing instead of what actually happened.
As far as how I'm actually playing the game; I'm definitely taking my time while keeping the dead line in mind. I didn't immediately jump into the palace when the game opened up. I took a few days to develop relationships, took a part time job to earn a few bucks for items, and explored the world a bit. I went into the palace and explored the majority of it before getting low on SP and backing out of the palace to rest.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven

Funny, your thoughts on this is both surprising and non-surprising at the same time, coming from you and your prevoius faux-hating on the game. I figured having an idea of your tastes that you'd like this game if you gave it a chance tho. Yeah, this game's presentation is among the most stylish in video games periods, genre regardless. Everything you said here is about spot on as well.

I do always wonder why the high school setting throws some folks off of the series tho. Looking back on it, I'd think most people have/would enjoy that point in their live, aside from some that had it very rough during that time. I also say that stand-point of being auto-dismissive of the high school POV being a bit jarring, considering that there's still plenty of games that have characters much younger than that or just much more kiddy-ish in themes, characters, story/etc. that these same would-be "haters" just eat up regardless.

That said, I do think and hope the next Persona tries something a little different, such as a college setting for their school stand-point, as I feel they could tell similar stories as the high school setting, but with much more room for extra things considering that time and environment. Plus, despite the fact that the games are very fleshed out and tell mature, intricate stories and character development, the past three games still have a very identical set up and types of characters/scenarios, so a college setting could change that up a bit, before it gets too stale.

Loving the game nonethless tho. I'm on the 4th Palace at 95 hours in (I have some hours of idle time here and there tho, but definitely taking my time).
I think the chibi style characters of previous games throws people off. Anime in general can be off putting if you look at it on a surface level. I understand the general hate the genre/art style gets because I've been there before, and to be honest, there is A LOT of garbage in the anime world. The whole weabo fascination is corny as hell to me. But I've find some major gems in the anime and JRPG world. Most recently Tokyo Ghoul has become an addiction to me. The writing is amazing.
That said, I think college would be a cool setting. They could go further into even more mature content and bridge the gap more with those that are skeptical about how mature the game actual is.


May 6, 2012
I can't put my finger on why P5 hooked me and the others didn't. I think the overall presentation (graphics, animation, menu layout, etc) definitely has something to do with it. I think the major factor for me is how the story is being developed. Immediately the way the story is presented and continues to unfold pulled me in.
The overall writing is more appealing to me in this one. They reveal just enough to get you thinking but not enough to spill every detail. I like how they insinuate certain things instead of flat out telling you. For example, there is a clear case of sexual and physical abuse, and maybe even flat out rape, but it's revealed/handled in a very mature way. By the writers to choosing to insinuate instead of flat out showing it, or saying it it actually makes me feel more empathetic towards the characters. George R. Martin has a similar writing style in his Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series. Instead of telling you exactly what happened, he explains the effects of what happened on a person physically, emotionally, and mentally. This type of writing gives you details, but relies on the reader's own imagination to connect the dots. I find that when that happens, it causes a real emotional response within the reader. I felt that while playing this game several times already. Imagine a general death scene in a movie. A director can go the straight forward route and shot the killer pointing the gun at person, show them pull the trigger, the bullet exists the gun and camera follows the bullet into a persons body and kills them. Now, imagine that same scene, and instead of following the bullet, the camera follows the gun being raised, we hear a bang, and immediately the camera pans to the victim's daughter, and we see her reaction, the anguish and horror of what she's witnessing instead of what actually happened.
As far as how I'm actually playing the game; I'm definitely taking my time while keeping the dead line in mind. I didn't immediately jump into the palace when the game opened up. I took a few days to develop relationships, took a part time job to earn a few bucks for items, and explored the world a bit. I went into the palace and explored the majority of it before getting low on SP and backing out of the palace to rest.
Another thing is I remember you saying you didn't like the dungeon crawling in 4. 5 still has a segment of it that has a similar dungeon crawling experience but it's not push on you but I'd suggest doing a bit of it here and there to keep up at levels. On Normal I felt like the game was a bit too easy but then there's parts where the difficulty spikes.

Oh and the game really hasn't opened up yet. I'd say once you reach the end of the 1st palace and into the 2nd is when the game starts to let go.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Another thing is I remember you saying you didn't like the dungeon crawling in 4. 5 still has a segment of it that has a similar dungeon crawling experience but it's not push on you but I'd suggest doing a bit of it here and there to keep up at levels. On Normal I felt like the game was a bit too easy but then there's parts where the difficulty spikes.

Oh and the game really hasn't opened up yet. I'd say once you reach the end of the 1st palace and into the 2nd is when the game starts to let go.
I forgot to mention that. That's a VERY important point. From a presentation aspect, P4G was just the same exact hallways laid out differently each time. I found that annoying as HELL. In this game, the castle feels like a real place instead of some random procedurally generated hallways. Aesthetically, the dungeons in P4G didn't do it for me at all. It felt very dull and repetitive to me. P5 feels like I'm moving through a manga/anime with some serious depth to it.


The #1 Rated Mixtape of all Time
Jun 20, 2014
I forgot to mention that. That's a VERY important point. From a presentation aspect, P4G was just the same exact hallways laid out differently each time. I found that annoying as HELL. In this game, the castle feels like a real place instead of some random procedurally generated hallways. Aesthetically, the dungeons in P4G didn't do it for me at all. It felt very dull and repetitive to me. P5 feels like I'm moving through a manga/anime with some serious depth to it.
The P4G dungeons' soundtracks>>>

I'm still only on the third palace so I cant say shyt about this one in particular. But Kanji's and the Ameno-Sagiri dungeon were some chunes