Just finished the game
I can't remember the last time I've played a game that was so polished. I've been hyped to play this game for the past 4 years and even with my high expectations this game exceeded them. Everything from the music, story, gameplay and the characters were amazing. I was also surprised how Atlus managed to make a more likable cast of characters since how P4 cast was great. There's only one character that I really wasn't feeling but they joined pretty late in the game and I feel like that character wasn't utilized well imo.
Some of the slight cons I have tho is that the dungeons especially at the end kinda overstayed their welcome. The puzzles were kinda annoying and at times very vague on what to do at times but aside from that I thoroughly enjoyed the new dungeons.
I also wanted to talk about the little details this game does like walking around school and hearing people gossip about the MC or other controversies was real dope. I also saw a crazy bih stalking a guy at school which was basically foreshadowing a mementos mission. Walking through the city how every thing was so lively and even realistic. At the beginning of the game where you had to transfer to different trains to get to school
The gameplay was lit glad Altus chose to stay with the turn base gameplay for P5. Even tho it was turnbased fights were so fast and clean lowkey felt like an action game.Even grinding never felt like chore because things went by to quick. Atlus shows that turnbased gameplay can still work nowadays without feeling archaic. I loved when your backup squad came in with that crit

. I'm glad they brought back the demon negotiation. Pullin up on demons runnin them pockets and murkin em on site :aww_noah:
The multiple plot twist and that ending tho :wow_hmm:
As it stands this is definitely the best in the series as a whole.
P5>>>>>P4>>P3 off top
GOTY and possibly one of the GOAT jrpgs
Truly a immaculate experience
I hope P6 will maintain the series quality and not take 8 years to drop