These kids are gonna have a lot to say about P4 cause that's also gonna be an issue too.

Kanji only worried about being gay because of Naoto and his tough guy image, but since Naoto is female, that's out the window. But, he also accepted that even if he is gay, he's still himself and that's what matters. Cause when Naoto "changed genders" he still had feelings for her, so he's still not gay even when taking that into account. Bisexual possibly, but who knows.
Twitter, on the other hand, will take Kanji's story as "queer baiting" and be offended at Atlus for "problematic storytelling and character development". Plus Japan does have some effeminate dudes, so I get why he freaked out the way he did.
Yosuke is 100% going to be hated in this era, because he stayed ragging on Kanji for all that shyt.
Yosuke: You uh... Like girls, right?

Kanji: Yes.
Yosuke: Just checking.