People who beat TLOU Part 2, what's your rating from playing it?

TLOU Part 2 Score

  • 10/10 Masterpiece, negligible issues that doesn't detract from game overall

  • 9/10 Must play, very minor flaws

  • 8/10 Amazing game but some flaws

  • 7/10 Great game but a few issues that knock it down a few pegs

  • 6/10 Meh Game. Didn't like it much

  • 5/10 Trash game.

  • 0~4/10 Dumpster Juice. Neil Druckmann is a hack, ND is forever disgraced

Results are only viewable after voting.
Nov 18, 2016

Five, six years from now. Everybody who hates part 2 will replay both games to get ready for part 3, and recap. Nikkas is gonna want to skip part 1 like two hours in, i bet. Even if they do think the story is bad. They'll either say the whole series is overrated, or flip their opinion completely ,and say part 2 is the better game, and aged a thousand times better. They'll finally give the gameplay for 2 it's credit. I can't wait for them "Were we wrong about TLOU 2", and "TLOU 2 is underrated" videos.

I'm not trying to bash part 1. I love part 1. But their are some folk claiming part 2's gameplay is either EXACTLY the same, or just a little better than 1's. I don't get how anyone could play both games, and come to that conclusion. Nikkas must of just watched 2 on YouTube or something.

9.5/10, i voted 9/10 Must play
I would rate it 9-9.5
GOTY and potential game of the generation though others can argue God of War and other games
Story was great but flawed
Too bad we didn't actually get...revenge :snoop:
The ending is stupid :yeshrug:
How Joel died (but not him dying) and the ending are two of several critiques I have for the story
They could have went about the story better, had a couple of more set pieces (which were incredible), more enemy types, more boss fights, more horror, more locations other than Seattle and Santa Barbara, and slightly better pacing
Should have been a wild ride from beginning to end with Jackson getting raided and you going on the run, fighting off various groups, Joel eventually dying in a reasonable way, and Ellie seeking and GETTING revenge
Tommy and Jesse's characters were also wasted in this game, especially Tommy
I also think they dropped the ball making you play as Abby for half the game. Should have been about 20-25% or not at all if they came up with a better story
This ain't MGS2
They also try too hard to get players to open up to Abby by giving her the cool sections ( the rat king, scar island, fun hand to hand combat, flamethrower, etc.)
They try too hard to force a lot of things on you in the game
Sometimes writers try to be too clever and outsmart themselves :snoop:
The game tried too hard trying to give off a message instead of giving you an experience like the first game and that's why you have so many mixed reactions instead of the almost hive mind universal acclaim the first game had
Neil's prediction about the story splitting the fan base was true but not in a good way
Some people think the story is flawless, some people think the story is great but flawed, and some people think the story is trash
Let's see how it affects sales in the long run
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Nov 18, 2016
I got everything I wanted out of the game. Better than the original is every way except the story. I was kinda thrown off when you get sent back to Day 1 as Abby but it kinda pays off when you make it back to the theater. Didn't give a shyt about her relationship with Owen and those particular flashbacks did zero for me. Otherwise, I'm happy with it and just started my second playthrough.
Playing the game 75-100% as Ellie would have been way better
They also killed Joel too quickly we could have had some sections playing as him and maybe Tommy
Instead they wasted all of it by making us play as Abby for half the game
It's not a coincidence they gave Abby a significant amount of the varied levels because they were trying to force an effect on the players in how they feel towards Abby
They should have went a different route in the story Abby and Lev ain't replacing Joel and Ellie and if they thought they could they're stupid


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
The gameplay is good but far from revolutionary. Not the best game I ever played. Not even top 20. But it is solid. They did a great job with immersion. Story wise there is just a lot of stuff done for no reason. I understand subverting expectations but they overdid it here. Too many flashbacks that take me out of the game.

I would give it an 8/10. It's up there with Nintendo exclusives as far as being developed right. No glitches.
May 2, 2012
i'd say it's not better than the first TLOU. It just feels like something is missing. It doesn't have that IT factor that makes you keep want to playing for hours on end. I find myself playing the game one hour at a time and then get bored. It's really similar to the pacing of UC4. There are lot of dull moments and many times where you are just exploring and there aren't any threats.

overall 8/10
Nov 18, 2016
9.5 for me. The parts with slow pacing could have been filled with more meaningful chatter between character peeling off more layers of their background.
Replaying it again and knowing I will be forced to play as Abby for 10+ hours seems annoying now


May 1, 2012
10/10 for me

Great experience from the start to finish. People are just shytting on it just because nerds are on the internet have told them it’s the cool thing to do. Some of the criticisms are so dumb too...

“you can’t cure fungal infections with a vaccine”

who gives a fukk? :mjtf:

you got zombie mushrooms roaming around, people learning how to build bombs by taking random pills found in buildings, a chick that can get shot 10 times and heal from wrapping her arm....

But you struggle to believe a dude could create a cure from an immune girl. :unimpressed:
Nov 18, 2016
Is it because of how you feel about Abby or you didn't expect to play as a new character?
It's because I didn't expect to play as a new character
I liked playing as Abby but would have preferred it cut down to 20% at most
Abby's character is hated because they did a poor job of characterizing her
They thought playing as her would accomplish that:mjlol:
Imagine Kojima killing Snake in the dumbest and most disrespectful way that insults the logic of his character just so he can force his new character on you and making you play as him for half the game :mjlol:

It would have been a disaster

Here is the problem, I waited 7 years to play this and they only advertised us playing as Ellie
That was one of the big selling points for me not playing as a new character for half the game
I didn't ask for MGS2
I was looking forward to an Ellie focused revenge game and they decided to get cute for no reason and subvert expectations in terms of game layout and the ending
Hence the outrage and severely slowed down sales and returns
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Nov 18, 2016
If I could change my vote I might change it to 8/10 or stick to 9/10 idk
Replaying it more and more, the story does less and less for me
I would give the story a 7/10
I don't remember the name but I remember watching a youtube video theorizing that the original story was Ellie was getting revenge for Dina and Joel came along but they changed it mid way when a new female writer came in
I would have preferred the orignal story even if Joel died later in the game or in Part 3.
Could have had multiple characters like Tommy, Jesse, and other different characters come along in one big revenge journey searching for the killer/group while meeting people and groups along the way
Huge opportunities missed with this game and its story
Should have been more action and more adventure with more locations like a moving Kill Bill film
The first game's story wasn't groundbreaking or innovative but the characters', their development, and their decisions drove the story
That's what's missing from the story for this 2nd game
They would have been better off going with the 1st story and making us play as Ellie as the main and Joel as the side kick with the occasional playable Joel sections
(e.g. Joel breaking out of an interrogation room and killing everyone in the building with a machete)
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