Trades aren’t for everybody just like school isn’t for everybody. Smart people need to stay in college and make sure to pick the right degree. Flat out. Being lazy isn’t an excuse to quit school and go to the trades, because it’s not easier or more worthwhile if you’re lazy. That’s something you’re gonna have to fix about yourself no matter what you do. I’ve seen a good amount of 20 something to early 30 apprentices come through and just fukking not get it to a point where even I’m not trying to deal with em anymore.
Don’t listen to these dumb motherfukkers on social media trying to push people away from college altogether. I am an electrician. I enjoy my job, but it isn’t for everybody. Side work is nice and I am a master electrician and charge as such, but that’s where the real money is in trades and I’m cool mainly surviving on my 9-5.