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No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
Now this is turning into diaspora wars.

That's on you and your roommate. Don't try to put something on the young man that isn't there.Fam, I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm going to lay it flat out straight. My roommate in the Military was from Jamaica and we got into it one night in our barracks room. This dude would flat up and tell me he's not black but Jamaican, and we went at it for hours. I told him you gonna get that wake up call in America and it's gonna change your tune. Fast Forward to 2001 we both out and I meet him in ATL to hangout, breh daily Chief you right I don't fukk with white Wimmens no more and I got pulled over by the pigs and they didn't see me as Jamaican I was black. Saying all of this first fukk Sarah, but Mike's parents didn't prepare for the USA. I hope Sarah gets sued and Young Mike realize he's a Negra in America no matter what country you immigrated from
The way she portrayed herself, he might have to get that paternity test ASAPThe sister is understandably speaking on his behalf because he and his friends are minors and their legal representation don’t want a kid speaking out until they have all of their receipts — and this video is the first piece of it.
The nurse could have taken ANY other bike at the docking station but felt the “need” to fùck with some kids and then do anything in her power to drum up some instant sympathy. It’s wild to watch a video and see someone trying to set up some kids, get a gofundme rolling and now she’s gonna get exposed for who she really is. Father of the kid in her belly probably embarrassed the he gotta deal with this chick until 2040
That's because there's a lot of racist cacs on this site pretending to be black.What this does expose is that some of yall legit believe a lot of the racist stuff white people say about black people
I've never seen a more clear cut case of racist karen bs and some of yall legit sank to racist anti black tropes about a group of black teens being thugs because a white lady was blatantly calling for help by weaponizing her whiteness like a true bigot
You all even said the teens were robbing or threatening her purely based of the vibes highlighting some of you are straight up accustomed to labeling black kids as threats
To top it all off she didn't want to press charges meaning no crime occurred but some of you still went with her narrative anyway to fuel your own bigotry
And I'm saying the CACS see him as Negra not African. He's still "Black" as a youth to them. U Dig? From the article he seemed shocked to be called "Black"
Let’s just call a spade a spade. BOTH scenarios are believable. We’ve seen mobs of black teens running into stores, stealing, and ransacking the place. We’ve also seen white women shoplifting, and getting away with it, and know white women instigate situations, cry victim when they don’t get their way, and falsely accuse black men of assaulting them.
Waiting for all the facts to come out is the pragmatic solution.
take your agenda somewhere elseAnd I'm saying the CACS see him as Negra not African. He's still "Black" as a youth to them. U Dig? From the article he seemed shocked to be called "Black"
You know damn well if it was other races doing the same thing, we’d be thinking the same thing about them. And we see white boys shooting up schools and everywhere else, and judge them. And we’ve seen white women act like this before, and expect it of them. People expect certain behaviors based on certain actions. It is what it is.
You know damn well if it was other races doing the same thing, we’d be thinking the same thing about them. And we see white boys shooting up schools and everywhere else, and judge them. And we’ve seen white women act like this before, and expect it of them. People expect certain behaviors based on certain actions. It is what it is.
Agenda??? I read the article and Lil breh said "They called me Black" like that was some scarlet letter.take your agenda somewhere else
one of those things he is, the other he is not. he is saying he’s being portrayed as a man and not a teenager who was assaulted and almost had his bike stolen by a lying adult white woman. he’s being portrayed as a man who tried to steal the bike from a pregnant woman now.
if he had an issue with being called black he would have left off the man part. it’s clearly about them making him out to be older and more threatening than a teenager, the adult in this situation was the white woman and if there was a misunderstanding she should have handled it like and adult rather than fake crying to try and get these kids harassed by law enforcement or worse.
stop being obtuse and trying to force your diaspora wars shyt on the kid and this thread.
Lil breh said it. Read the article G. Calling him Black sounded like it's a crime in his household. We can all admit he got that wake up call. I for one glad he did at this age, that way he's not naive going into America's world. I'm not excusing the CACS actions at all btw fukk her.That's on you and your roommate. Don't try to put something on the young man that isn't there.
Fam, I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm going to lay it flat out straight. My roommate in the Military was from Jamaica and we got into it one night in our barracks room. This dude would flat up and tell me he's not black but Jamaican, and we went at it for hours. I told him you gonna get that wake up call in America and it's gonna change your tune. Fast Forward to 2001 we both out and I meet him in ATL to hangout, breh daily Chief you right I don't fukk with white Wimmens no more and I got pulled over by the pigs and they didn't see me as Jamaican I was black. Saying all of this first fukk Sarah, but Mike's parents didn't prepare for the USA. I hope Sarah gets sued and Young Mike realize he's a Negra in America no matter what country you immigrated from