PC gaming is a cotdamn SCAM, come catch these motherfukkin negs!!!

May 15, 2012
Has nothing to do with brightness. The colors are displayed wrong.

The colors are still wrong no matter what you do to that slider.

Acceptable? Maybe.
Better? Hell no


No the fukk you aren as that’s impossible, and sharpness has absolutely nothing to do with HDR

On more time brightness has nothing to do with colors displaying correctly.

You can’t view SDR content in HDR by simply toggling a switch and adjusting brightness.

And you are clearly the moron here :francis:

I'm viewing SDR content in HDR right now

What do you mean colors displaying right, the colors look more pronounce in SDR content with HDR on

I'm pretty if they programmed HDR for the SDR content it would look better than it does this way, that doesn't mean this isn't vast improvement over regular SDR content

you didn't even know what you can do that

colors displaying right lmao, THATS UP TO YOUR DISPLAY YOU IDIOT

I'm done talking to you, I called you out taking out your ass, I'm using the shyt now you still in denial, you don't know what you are talking about

Arkhram Knight doesn't have HDR and looks like a cartoon compared to playing in window mode with HDR, its a huge improvement

You compare the windows HDR how was before, they been fixed that shyt over a year ago

And yes brightness has everything to do with how colors appear, HDR is brighter than SDR, so if you viewing SDR in HDR it will looked washed out, that's why they gave you the ability to edit how bright HDR is on SDR content YOU MOROON


May 21, 2012
They don’t even know. PC gaming is not for the weak.

Also, $2K on a pc and expecting 4K, ultra, Ray-tracing at 60+ fps? :mjlol:

No brag, but they don’t know how to pc game like I do.

My current rig:

(Yeah, wires and a plastic bag under my desk.:huhldup: That has since been fixed :whew:)


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm viewing SDR content in HDR right now
No the fukk you are not. This is like saying “I’m playing 4K games on X1S” cause it sends a 4K signal to your tv.

What you are doing is viewing SDR content through a HDR signal.

Big difference.

What do you mean colors displaying right, the colors look more pronounce in SDR content with HDR on

I'm pretty if they programmed HDR for the SDR content it would look better than it does this way, that doesn't mean this isn't vast improvement over regular SDR content
Yes that’s exactly what it means. You are literally the ONLY person on earth to make this claim.

you didn't even know what you can do that

colors displaying right lmao, THATS UP TO YOUR DISPLAY YOU IDIOT
No HDR is not just about brightness. It’s also about a wider range of colors.

When your TV gets an HDR signal, but it does not get HDR content it’s missing expected information, so the tv fills in that info itself and colors do not display as intended.

You may have adjusted the settings on your tv to make it look “better” to you. But you are not viewing HDR content, and literally everybody else including the people making the content disagree with you.

I'm done talking to you, I called you out taking out your ass, I'm using the shyt now you still in denial, you don't know what you are talking about

Arkhram Knight doesn't have HDR and looks like a cartoon compared to playing in window mode with HDR, its a huge improvement
No, you made that up.

You compare the windows HDR how was before, they been fixed that shyt over a year ago
Again, the only change they made was to add a brightness slider for SDR content.

And yes brightness has everything to do with how colors appear, HDR is brighter than SDR, so if you viewing SDR in HDR it will looked washed out, that's why they gave you the ability to edit how bright HDR is on SDR content YOU MOROON
No. HDR is not simply brighter than SDR.

You moron :mjlol:
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May 6, 2012
Lol @Master Teacher you can't view SDR content "in HDR" because SDR content is SDR. Adjusting the slider just enables HDR for when HDR content is played but it doesn't make existing content that wasn't made for HDR suddenly become HDR enabled and HDR is not simply brighter. It's a wider color gamut that can create better images that the eye can see.
The improvements you'll see with an HDR image are numerous.

Whereas on a standard display everything below a certain brightness is the same shade of black, an HDR TV's display range goes further, allowing you to tell the difference between something that's really really dark, and something that's just dark. (Go put on a horror movie and you'll be able to tell the difference immediately.)

So, for example, a wide shot of a campfire at night could have subtle details in the flame rather than appearing 'blown out', along with palpable definition to objects that are barely lit in the gloomy surroundings at the edge of the frame.

As Panasonic's training manager Michael Price says, "It's about control, not just extra brightness and results in more natural expressions of light and shadow."

When we caught up with Hollywood cinematographer Vanja Cernjul he was positively brimming with excitement about HDR, saying that "The whole composition is affected by the increased detail in brightness.

"You no longer have to choose whether to expose for the highlights or the shadows, so when I shoot I try and include a light source in the shot, which I can play with in the HDR grading session."

In post-production Cernjul will tinker with the levels of exposure, brightness, contrast and colour saturation, making them look as good as possible on an HDR compatible screen.

He thinks that filmmakers will, like him, be attracted to work on TV with the possibilities of HDR. Having just completed shooting the second season of Marco Polo in HDR, Cernjul sees streaming services as the natural home for HDR production, because of the number of original shows being commissioned by the likes of Netflix and Amazon.

HDR is bringing media closer to what the human eye sees, and by doing so, is creating more realistic images, from scenes bleached with sunlight to nighttime shots on city streets.

Here's the takeaway: HDR TVs and content will display a more realistic color range, with an expanded contrast ratio to make black parts of the image look closer to 'true' black.
SDR literally doesn't have the range capable of showing you a better image and it has to be mastered in HDR.


Jan 23, 2015
Since this a thread on these PC fukkboys. I had no idea these motherfukkers love Steam this much. These lazy fat fukks are so mad they have to download a different app to play a game that’s not on steam. Like seriously wtf is wrong with them? Just download the fukking other app:dahell:

I just stumbled across this shyt on YT. shyt that fukking serious?
Steam is far and away the best game store on pc or consoles. The shyt ain't even a fukking contest bruh. And its much more than just the fact its downloading an app but you don't care about the reasons why so it would be a waste trying to explain it to you.
Steam loyalist =/= PC gamers...

I personally like what Epic is doing because Steam been super shytty for the past 2 years and I'm only loyal to cheap games.
Bruh with Epic you ain't gonna get cheaper games cause the shyt is locked to one store. At least with Steam the shyt can be found through multiple stores for competing prices.
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