Paula Deen fans vent their outrage at Food Network

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Paula Deen/Enterprise:

"African American staff person station at the back of restaurant are not allowed to go to the front of the restaurant. African-American hostess was moved to back of the restaurant, where she could not be seen by customers."


Jun 22, 2012
:childplease: what's worse than "******"?

You take every opertunity to shyt on black people, Every race related thread I've seen you in you have taken the stance that its black people fault..

You really seem like one of those nikkas that may have attained some success and you constantly put other blacks down in an effort to seperate yourself from them.

This is about Paula's racist ass being exposed and you decided to tap dance you ass in this thread talkin bout "black people say worse shyt", you a uncle ruckus type nikka.

I just point out the obvious you hate the truth..

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I just point out the obvious you hate the truth..
you are a god damned self righteous c00n

thats what happens when blacks dont have their own businesses/economics in america. working for someone else, who does not even like you, does put you in a vulnerable predicament, all the bullish you gotta put with at work, just for a paycheck.

yeah fukking white girls or whores, but have some self-respect.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Paula Deen/Enterprise:

"I wish I could put all those n-words [in the kitchen] on a boat to Africa"
"Dont you wish you could rub all the black off you and be like me"
the security guard responded. "I'm fine the way I am"


Oct 1, 2012
Because you can not be offended if everyday you call yourself a ****** and allow others to call you a ******. That's nonsense. It's like how these girls call each other bytches and hoes and get mad when a dude does it, it's stupid.

I'm sure white people are outraged as they are sick of being labeled racist for every little dumb thing some one else does, just the same as blacks don't want to seen as savages just because some of us actually are.


If you racists don't understand the difference between the word nikka ending with an a and ****** ending with er, how come you always use ****** and never nikka when insulting a black person? You don't seem too confused then.

I've probably never heard a black person refer to other black people as ******s. That word is only used by racists. nikka, on the other hand, is used amongst friends, sort of like bro, homie, dude. Just because the two are spelled similarly and sound similar, doesn't mean they are the same...

But you knew all of this already.


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
It's also ridiculous to say the only way one can be racist is to have power.

I got caught up in that for a while.

I don't know where the whole of notion of power & racists came from, but the primary definition of (1) racism doesn't mention anything about power. The (2) definition suggests power.

Definition: (1) a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

(2) racial prejudice or discrimination

Exercising racism in such a way that has adverse effects on a person(s) is discriminatory. So, by definition, discrimination -- not racism (1) -- is the concept that necessitates power.

Racism (2) can be linked to power, however. But if someone acted in a manner that resembled Racism (2), then I wouldn't label it as racism. I'd label it as a prejudicial or discriminatory act based on racist ideals. It's more precise.

A lot of folks who are labeled as racists are really bigots. People just have the semantics and definitions fukked up.

But to say blacks can't be racists(2) suggests that blacks aren't in power positions...and that is ignorant.


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
Seriously was anyone remotely black calling for her to lose her Food Network spot?

Nevermind the fact the lady suing is white.

Niccas got kids, man.

A lady at my job, Hallmark Cards the main headquarters got fired for calling me "sambo"


That's some throwback shyt! :laff:

Glad some disciplinary action was taken.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
This cac bytch wanted to cook a "sambo burger" on television? :russ:

And she hit a black girl with a bat for no reason when she was a kid.

Paula Deen’s ‘Sambo Burger’ | TPMDC

Last month’s taped deposition in which celebrity chef Paula Deen admitted she has used the N word and hoped to have a “very southern style wedding” with an all-black waitstaff for her brother isn’t the first time the Food Network host has frankly discussed her evolving views on race with a unique mix of self-reflection and obliviousness.

In her 2006 memoir “It Ain’t All About The Cookin’,” while describing her early experiences with race, Deen wrote at length about growing up in the segregated South. Among her recollections was an incident from her youth where she hit a black girl “with a bolo bat” and the girl’s mother wound up in jail. She also wrote about a time later in her life when she attempted to make a “Sambo burger” on her TV show and had to be dissuaded by producers.

Update: June 21, 2013, 6:36 PM

In the book, Deen, who was born in 1947, frankly wrote about her youth in Albany, Ga., where she “never thought” about the fact she was living “in the mix of what was fixin’ to be a huge social change.”

“It was happening right under our noses: our local African-Americans were claimin’ their right for fair and equal treatment and some white folks were inspired to rethink old ways,” wrote Deen. “Still, I hardly noticed.”

Deen described having regrets about the way she treated some of the black people she encountered as a child. The recollections are candid, but perhaps more revealing than Deen knew or intended.

In one passage, she detailed a particularly troubling experience she had at the age of 10 with a “real nice black woman” who “often babysat” her and that woman’s child:

“This one day she had brought her little girl to work, and that child had many big, fat blisters on her hand, probably from helping out her momma. Something about those blisters just attracted me and I remember hitting those little hands with a bolo bat, and it busted her blisters good. It was pretty satisfying.

I don’t know why I did it. I have a hard time thinking I did it out of meanness. But her mother—I can’t remember if she slapped me across the face or she spanked me or both—but either way, now I know I sure had it comin’.

Well, still I was heartbroken and I went running to find my Grandmother Paul and Granddaddy and my momma. And my granddaddy had the woman arrested for hitting me. The little black girl’s momma went to jail.

All this time it’s bothered me.

It was me who deserved to be sittin’ in that jail for breaking a little black girl’s blisters in 1957.”

Though she said she and her family felt like the civil rights movement “didn’t have nothin’ to do with us,” Deen said she did have some black friends as a child.

“I played with the kids of the black women who took care of me and they were my friends,” she wrote.

In her book, Deen was introspective at times, such as when she recalled seeing segregated buildings.

“Remembering now, it just shocks me,” she said of Jim Crow. “I’m plain horrified that things could have been that way and I was so blind I didn’t get that it was wrong.”

According to Deen, the senior class of her high school was “the first class in our neck of the woods to be integrated.” Though Deen said, as far as she knew, “no one harassed” the “five black girls” who entered her class, she also noted “no one was particularly tight with them either.” In the memoir, Deen described regretting that she did not do more to welcome the black women into her school:

“I felt a little sorry for them, but you know why? For all the wrong reasons. I felt their families had to have been paid or somethin’ to convince them to put their girls in such a hard position—the only black girls in our all-white school. My parents wouldn’t have put me in an all-black school. I’m so embarrassed and ashamed to admit it to y’all that I thought that. Those families were pioneers. They were so effin’ brave. … The five girls hard to be majorly lonely. … I so wish I could take back my actions then. If I could do it all over, I’d have dragged them all into cheerleadin’, I’d have shared my lunches with them, I’d have held them to my heart.”

Along with these incidents from her youth, Deen also wrote with a surprising lack of self-awareness about a situation that occurred after she began her television career when she wanted to make a recipe she called the “Sambo Burger” on her show:

“I’ll never forget the day I was doing hamburgers, and I was cookin’ what ended up being called a Beau Burger, which was topped with a fried egg. Actually I wanted to call it a Sambo Burger. It came about when this motorcycle-driving, long-haired lawyer named Sam told me about his favorite little hamburger joint owned by a guy named Beau. When Sam was out tooling along on his cycle, he’d stop off for the best burger in town, topped with a fried egg, some melted cheese, a load of grilled onions—out of this world! One day, Sam was on my set because we were doing a show about motorcycles, and we were standin’ around talking about these burgers and I told him, ‘Sam I am going to do that burger on the show. We’ll call it after you—the Sambo Burger. You know—Sam, Beau. Sounds great, doesn’t it?’”

Deen claimed her producers forced her to rename the burger.

“My producers said no—I had to find another name, because some people associated the name with an old children’s book that was insulting to black people,” wrote Deen. “So we called it a Beau.”

Since Wednesday,when the deposition Deen gave was first reported on by the National Enquirer, the celebrity chef has been under fire. She recorded the deposition as part of a discrimination suit filed by a former employee of one of the restaurants she owns. The employee, Lisa Jackson, claimed she was subjected to racist and sexist behavior by Deen’s brother, who runs the restaurant and is suing Deen, her companies, and her brother, Earl “Bubba” Hiers. Lawyers for Deen and Hiers, denied the allegations, which include black employees being forced to use separate restrooms and entrances.

On Friday, Deen released a video statement addressing the deposition.

“I want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that I’ve done. I want to learn and grow from this,” said Deen. “Inappropriate, hurtful language is totally totally unacceptable. I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way, but I beg you, my children, my team, my fans, my partners. I beg for your forgiveness. Please forgive me for the mistakes I’ve made.”

On Friday, Deen’s publicist and the network did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the excerpts from her book.

Late Update: The Food Network announced Friday afternoon that it “will not renew Paula Deen’s contract when it expires at the end of this month.”


Apr 30, 2012
she's got a ton of money, if her fans are really that interested, let her do a show on the web.

None of these yahoos who support her actually do any of the cookng they see on her show anyway.