ClosetPaul Ryan is a closet racist.
ClosetPaul Ryan is a closet racist.
yeah that is correct, you will never catch me cosigning a world view that places the destiny of black people on whether white people like me or not
i stopped fuking with that world view when i realized a lot that "racism" world view is itself based on deeply held unconscious white supremacy
Methinks a dazzling urbanite like yourself needs to get out of a tri county area and see how the majority of these caucasoids really live
Yeah, come down to the boondocks of Kentucky. There are areas of the state the police won't even go to. You're not just setup for being successful because you're born white. My moms family are a bunch of hicks from Indiana and my cousins were doomed from the jump for being born there. Turn into meth/pill heads and work dead end jobs.
I feel like that's more of a class thing than anything.
SmhI said this before but there was this black lady at my job who argued that the worst thing to happen to black folks was desegregation. She said during segregation we had no choice but to set up banks, shops and service centers in our communities. The money was recirculated and we were educating ourselves. Once segregation ended the smaller banks and business were forced to compete with the larger, more established business. This, along with discriminatory practices, led to decaying communities. While I don't agree with her I can now say I understand. It's a microscosm of how the imf and world bank destroy 3rd world countries by unfair loan practices that force them to compete on the global market.
Like suggesting everyone abandon their ethnic cultures to "assimilate"
As if there are no problems with the issue of work ethic in mainstream US culture
I never believed it was about racism. It was always been about power and conquest.
We are talking about the status quo which has been around since knights and dragons.
We are talking about the system.
Which at the moment, is screwing over 80% of the U.S. population.
i completely agree that its not about racism, its about power and conquest
and that is why its a mistake for black people to focus on racism, as as far as your other stuff, i dont agree with conflating the 12% with the 80%
wow good one, you have now changed my views, there is no comeback to this amazing post
If education is a such an issue in our community, why not start with yourself?
his daddy was a lawyer. so he had insurance policies and the government checks that helped shape his odd view of the world. policy wonk? nah, hes just a wanker for wisconsin. why would anyone expect something different from a 50 year old rich white male?I came in here to shyt on Paul Ryan for talking about poverty because I assume he grew up a millionaire and went to harvard etc but he didn't. I still don't agree with this brash statement. You can work every waking hour but if its minimum wage jobs you're going no where. Maybe if our education wasn't so shytty and so expensive these people could improve their lives
Guess it didn't stick, huh?
Embarrassing, man.