Hes yelling out the car to a stranger, the women was in the right. If he got out and approached and that was her response yeah she a b1tch. (all depending on setting)
But to be honest this new generation of American men and women are very insecure people, who consistently need validation.
His problem is hes most likely leagues above what hes going after and using unconventional methods so hes getting nothing but resistance and its frustrating his mental state.
The type of dude to yell out a car like that would be a dude trying to holler at a whore (prostitute on her stroll). He's texting these girls on the apps and its going no where because the girl is most likely a low tier women, you end up getting these girls on a date an you see why no man wants them. A girl giving you her Instagram is gay and lame. Dude's looking for a genuine relationship but going about it all wrong.
I dont think this mans a lame. I think hes the type of dude was was surrounded by lame hood dudes growing up, leveled up to the point that hes no longer involved in activities of that nature but now at the point when none of that low brow tactics are going to work. Bad habits are hard to break. Dating apps, trick'n and hollering at random girls like that are the low row activities to meet woman.
Hes seems approachable, personable, speaks clearly and isnt bad looking. A few months on the right path and he'd be good. The only problem he will have is finding a women on his level. fukkin with women outside his league will kill his swagger.