I don't. I always called em for what they were. I just feel bad for Manny for using excuses. You could tell that was not his plan. Too bad he does whatever Arum said and for Arum to say he has a 50 mil check for Manny ready to cash in,. that's just sad and it makes me angry
Thjose dudes are the elite boxing connoisseurs here and they wiull teach you if you need. @krackdagawd always impartial and called the fight EXACTLY HOW IT PLAYED OUT.
@patscorpio favors Manny, but he paid for the fight, did you even pay for the fight negga ? and your name is Lavish ?
Thank you. You doing us all a favor.
He ain't lyng (Magic Johnson)
This negga doing more fighting than Manny. He's straight up bullying these casuals now. Did that guiy even pay for the fight ?
Yup. My brother said Floyd was running a marathon then what was Manny doing ? He then said the fight was boring.
Same with that negga @BLAZO da GAWD calling the fight boring
you neggas bullying these casuals
and they did not even pay for the fight. You should have had a thread just for those neggas begging for links. I was like are you kidding me ?
damn right. Thewy would be making memes about the Ali shuffle
that downright angered me. How you gonna stan a man but stream his fights ?
Yes I snitcherd non most of those links to Showtime. Yes I did.
Me neither. It was too close and Pac never got hurt. I called it a draw tbh but the 3 last rounds gave it to Floyd
good way to attract other people
My good friend @Big Boss coming through as usual.
He waited 6 years to getr all this anger off his chest. He wqas giggling and smiling all night
I want Pac-Broner or Pac-Maidana though
wow you are a stupid posterThe most surprising thing about this fight was the reach aspect. Mayweather made a 3 inch reach advantage look like 6 inches.
He was not. He was bringing the fight to FLoyd but was getting tagged. Manny even stopped attacking when he had a flurry cuz he wasn't landing anything. He got frustrated on the first round.
PS: I m a Berto fan but I like FLoyd
and thats the unfortunate result of this fight....no new stars were made on the undercard to single out a positive...the boxing is dead chants are going to get annoying to hear and read for a couple weeks![]()
That's the part of this PPV that has always left me likesince the announcement.This is the biggest stage boxing has had in a decade and they trot out that garbage for an undercard.I love loma but he'll nvr be a ppv star..Doesn't speak English and fights at too low of a weight. HBO/Top Rank have a star in waiting in Terrance Crawford but they let him rot on HBO a couple weeks ago on the Lucas/Prov UC
. HBO has been trying to build GGG into becoming a boxing star this was the perfect platform to do it. He knocks everyone out + he's white + his broken English game is legendary ,why not showcase him (probably bc of arum but that's a separate issue)
As far as Showtime/Haymon concerned wouldn't showing Khan obliterate Algieri on last nights undercard do a lot more to promote a possible Khan/Floyd fight than having Amir fight on a Friday night on Spike after re-runs of cops?
This shyt was just a pathetic cashgrab and boxing got fukked over in the end.
He got fustrated but kept coming. I believe the 4th round was his best.
That it's a terrible excuse for a guy who dominated his opponent and didn't get hit so hard that he forgot how to score a boxing match........What are you implying here friend
Floyd basically shut up a lot a folks last night.
Dude gets major respect.
Edit: Pacquiao is already making excuses
Just @ all them Cacquaio peeps
@I Like To Watch
@Dog Based Gremlin
@avon barksdale
@Tall Israeli
@ugly puerto rican guy
@Liu Kang
@Manny ManhaTTan
@Lord Piffington
@Kobes Middle Finger
@Frank Sabotka
@Mr. Leonidas
@Ego Noir
@The Hovering Heed
@Online User
@Joey Chizzle
@humble forever
@Hank Stram
@Deeeez Nuts
@Black Nostaljack
@Clay Matthews
@Amri Mwinyimkuu
@Dragonfly Jones
now did you buy the fight ?