I'm a newbie and was rooting for Pac because I like him better but Money's victory is crystal clear.
I scored it 10-2 (though a 9-3 could be possible because I didn't know how to score the last rounds) and people should be amazed at May's defensive skills. As people said earlier in the thread, boxing is about hit and not getting hit which Floyd did excellently. I didn't even know that Floyd had that much advantage physically (2 inch taller, reach 4 inches longer) so mixing that with both styles, it was a no brainer ultimately. Of course, Floyd's style is boring because people like wars and generally confuse sports with entertainment, thrill, action filled stuff. It reminds me of FC Barcelona's dominance in 2011 (in football (soccer)) : they were so skillful, so fundamentally (passing, running, technical ability) good and sound that games became boring for people who watched the sport casually (for entertainment) while people who appreciated the game as a sport rather than a spectacle were delighted (haters excepted obviously).
Basics, fundamentals in each sports ARE boring, so are technicians who rely on the basics. People would call Tim Duncan or the Spurs boring and it was the same with Barcelona/Spain and it's the same with Floyd I guess (I don't know much about boxing yet). Even for my untrained eye, the man is too skillful to not make a fight one-sided. I was

after the 7th round because it was obvious Manny wouldn't win, everytime he had a good round, Floyd came back with a reminder. The commentary was right, Manny had to throw twice more punches than Mayweather but every-time he tried, he got hit back and ultimately, that scared him (memories of Marquez KO maybe) and I thought well at least he gets to get 100M on his bank account, I'd be happy with that type of loss ! People like wars and don't like technicians but I've watched a few fights from Provodnikov (last one was with Matthysse) and even if it's entertaining, if this man by 40 doesn't have Parkinson or something like that, I'd be amazed. Floyd's boxing is masterful and he was the most skilled of the two obviously (though I would have prefered Manny to win), people should acknowledge that.