Ozark - (Official Season 1 Thread)


Jun 1, 2012
Looking objectively Wendy is way worse than Skylar

Nikkas hate Skylar but really all she was was a wife going "Wtf is going on with my husband :mindblown:" and Walter was a terrible person so she did what she could :manny:

Wendy known the deal from day 1 and STILL selfish, and mad impulsive
The fact that she told the kids what Marty does shows you everything you need to know about this bytch:camby:. Even her own kids looked at her like ":gucci:Why would you tell us that? You trying to shyt on dad huh? You ain't slick mom :gucci:"

Yea Skylar gave that 600k to Ted but she did it trying to keep the heat off Walt and the family. Ted threatened to snitch and she panicked

Wendy tried to run off on the plug TWICE when shyt got hot:martin:telling all her business to the nikka she cheating with

Skylar was a wife and mother who tried to make the best out of a bad situation. Wendy is an irredeemable piece of shyt with 0 accountability


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
I can't wait for season 2 that son is straight demonic...Lil nikka had his Down syndrome friend buy a high powered rifle with a scope then when the drug dealer came through the door he was ready...

Ay yo that gun too much for you lil man you ain't gonna shoot me.:youngsabo:

Oh word...:birdman: *click click...

Nikka you just just tried to kill me!!!!:why:

:pachaha: the fukkery in this show...

I knew shyt was gonna get crazy the minute that Spanish nikka called them rednecks.:pachaha:

I was like :damn: when his face got blown off & his bodyguard caught it in the throat!!!


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!
Feb 2, 2017
Paddys Pub
What's the concensus on this show? I've seen a few critics say its not really worth the time :ld: and then i see the netflix spin team working overtime on reddit trying to push this shyt :lolbron::comeon:


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
What's the concensus on this show? I've seen a few critics say its not really worth the time :ld: and then i see the netflix spin team working overtime on reddit trying to push this shyt :lolbron::comeon:

it definitely has those ohhh shyt moments, moments of suspense... :ld: decent show...


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
What's the concensus on this show? I've seen a few critics say its not really worth the time :ld: and then i see the netflix spin team working overtime on reddit trying to push this shyt :lolbron::comeon:


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
Episode 2 wasn't much better. I think I'm out on this shyt.

I had a bad feeling when they opened the show with a trite list of slang terms for money and capped it with "it's what separates the haves from the have-nots"....like, no shyt?

I spent most of the time for the first 2 hours thinking about how good this show wants to be and thinks it is. Everything about it screams LOOK HOW GOOD THIS SHOW WE'RE MAKING IS....except it isn't.


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
After Bateman's performance in "The Gift", I thought this show would be incredible television, I was so impressed by his work in that movie, and the tone, premise, and production of the show seemed perfect. I checked out about 30 min into the second episode, I doubt I'll watch the rest for now. The script writer for "The Accountant" is responsible for this, for the most part, which just is at once inspiring and frustrating to see such poor writing get praise and placement.

The writing doesn't let Bateman do much, he hasn't done before. "The Gift" there was a real coiled edge of menace and evil to his performance, that's not here. He's abrasive, and sharp tongued, but there's no edge to it. The supporting performances are very good, esp. Linney. The writing is where the real issues rise....from the first 15 minutes or so, I saw the hackneyed writing on the wall.

The writers would have been well served to actually read up on money laundering in Chicago and elsewhere, I've actually read at least 3 hundred page criminal complaints out of Chicago and Miami detailing how Sinaloa cash is washed. Fascinating, yet nowhere near the kind of hamfisted, over the top nonsense the show traffics in from the first episode.

-The drug boss enforcer straight out of an 80's thriller, debonair and charming, sadistically cruel. Right.

-The very method of money laundering/business relationship is not really efficient or viable for the kind of work that's done, nor is it believable.

-The warehouse scene. Because all those suave enforcers have access to a giant industrial warehouse to execute and boil people in acid.

Are we really expected to believe that after that outlandish performance they would let a white, non spanish speaking civilian, who watched his best friend and business partner be executed leave? On his word. Sure. One scene of absolute bullshyt compounded by another. 500 million dollars? Stop. How are they getting all this money to the Ozarks? A sleepy backwater town. Just drive it down, hundreds of millions of dollars.

-So, a major finance guy and his wife disappear, and the business partner does too? Yeah, he sold his house, and moved to the Ozarks. That's not weird. He won't be sought as a suspect. Let's give him 8 million in cash, and see what happens. The guy who his wife was having an affair with goes out the window too. Not to mention the wife, and the enforcers would no doubt be on camera in that kind of building, and at a minimum the wife would be wanted as a material witness. Well, she just moved to the Ozarks.

-A bunch of two bit hillbilly criminals are going to listen to sense and reason from Jason Bateman, rather than just kill him and take the 3 million dollars?

-So, the money laundering genius just shows up and starts telling everyone he has money to burn to throw into all these businesses. Efficient.

Money laundering is a tool to A) get drug money out of the country quickly, (without bulk cash smuggling) so more product can be sent, b) turn US currency into pesos, to invest in Mexico, or Colombian currency to repurchase product the BMPE, black market peso exchange. Drug cartels are not top down organizations, the are groups of families and cells operating independently, nor do they entrust much to white men who have no ties to them.

Every show has some degree of implausible situations, or requires some suspension of disbelief, but when it cannot stand on it's premise, it infects the entire show. There are so man fascinating stories to tell, it's a shame the writers use these cliches, to undermine a great premise, setting, actors, and production value. The clumsy, ignorance of "The Accountant" is all over this.

Uh, yeah. This.

Also, the way he gets to the Ozarks scheme is ridiculous.

First off, his business partner went on vacation and he didn't know? That conversation in their prospective office is just :snoop: And he just happens to be walking around a random ass brochure? :aicmon:

Oh, and the cops all know about these criminal ass kids and let them work at the motel?Including a B&E EXPERT AS THE MAID? And the cop tells us this right after he brags about how concerned he is with protecting the tourism. Ya huh.
Aug 19, 2013
The writing isn't on par with the Breaking Bads, Sopranos, etc. I was looking forward to every episode so that's good for me looking to season 2.

Random Thoughts:

Byrde's - Marty is a true money washing machine. His family finessed themselves a funeral home, a strip club, and possibly a river boat casino. Finnesed the old lady out of 90k only for her to die soon afterwards... pretty lazy writing. The daughter is a slightly better looking Clea Duvall which is still ugly as fukk. The son is straight, fool said people will start calling him Flem.

Langmore - The actress that plays Ruth is better served as Marty's daughter. She is too talented for the role but she would have been an interesting Charlotte Byrde. They might as well send Charlotte away to Chicago, Ruth is developing into Marty's defacto daughter anyways. The Langmore in prison is a sinister dude. Hope they let him out to join the fukkery. The rest of the fam aren't noteworthy, the older son seems to have some type of awareness about him.

Snells - Darlene is a serial killing psycho. That bytch cut open a pregnant woman, cleaned and fed the baby, and delivered it to the front porch like an Amazon package. The family is basically Dixie Mafia.

I wish they filmed it at the Ozarks showing the scale of the rolling hills over the water instead of Lake Allatoona.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Uh, yeah. This.

Also, the way he gets to the Ozarks scheme is ridiculous.

First off, his business partner went on vacation and he didn't know? That conversation in their prospective office is just :snoop: And he just happens to be walking around a random ass brochure? :aicmon:

Oh, and the cops all know about these criminal ass kids and let them work at the motel?Including a B&E EXPERT AS THE MAID? And the cop tells us this right after he brags about how concerned he is with protecting the tourism. Ya huh.

It's a relief to see similar posters that felt the same way, though I would stand to my own opinions regardless. I forgot about that, a brochure in 2017? Not to mention just walking around with it in your pocket, assumedly to help convince your partner to move to Ozarks, because he's talking to the feds and skimming money. One would think he'd have a better pitch then a brochure. I cut it off when he crept up to the hill billy hideout like an episode of Scooby Doo, and then just walked and started tossing off names of drug trafficking figures.

I mentioned yesterday during a conversation regarding the show, I think what bothers me so much, besides the awful writing, and insulting premises, is that twice now, they have tried to sell their bullshyt (The Accountant and this) as serious, topical, adult drama, and it's not, it's cable tv level trash with a bigger budget and better actors. Top The Lake:China Girl will have to do for bleak, grim drama this summer.

lets not forget putting himself right in the sherrif's vision, and basically attempting to bribe him, when he's trying to set up a money laundering franchise.
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