Over looked ethers


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
My pops was a triple OG and told me to keep my word on the streets..if i said i was gonna give you money then my word is my bond

:snoop: you want folks to believe you come from OG Stock, yet you online conducting yourself worse than a female. You Not OTG, OYG or even OBG, you done forgot who you talking to. An apple doesn't fall to far from its tree. So lets cut the shenanigans of how gangsta your family members are when them muthafukkas probably was getting pass around in prison like the fukking commissary cookie.



Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
bigrodthe1 will never learn

Listen breh, i know you think in your mind you winning....however....this thread and its contents say otherwise. How the fukk you lose to Nigerian of all people, who is the most sugary bytch-made posters. Like someone stated a few pages back , you clearly have some insecurities you need to come to grips with. Posting that wack ass youtube video . You seem caught up on old shyt, like them old players in The NFL , with them bad NFL knees who talk about their glory days. :mjlol: I sit here and your comments are hilarious. You ballin & high-rollin' yet you sipping on Bud Ice , Heineken and VSOP. where is the Cristal? The Patron?

Then your constant drops you make with pictures to validated to people online.......who you dont know from a hole in the ground. Claiming you doing big things. :mjlol: looking like you suffering from some sorta auto-immune virus.......and the doctor told you to start making amends with all the people you have done wrong in your bullshyt ass life before you depart.


I know you 42 years old i dont respect my elders . And Your albums covers are fukking trash bin status .


Any local rapper could've invest in 100 dollars EASILY and got a more professional looking cover. Photoshop CS3 , ZBrush are all easily downloads.

Who you trying to be though bruh? A Schooly D? A Positive K? nikka You aint no Rakim...you aint talking about dark matter and triple stage darkness & telluric energy in your rhymes. nikka you aint even a Vanilla Ice or a Tone Loc or a muthafukking Flava Flav , I see this thread as a cry out for help and assistance,
honestly and they are 1-800 hotline you can call if you feeling downsome and depressed.


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
JamieFoxxHairline Vs InPickDeWest
You know what kills me is that you always have alot to say. 24-7/365. As if you some type of Esther Baxter or KiToy Johnson or Buffie The Body. bytch who want you? :dahell: . Ol ironing board backside having ass bytch. You build like a 12 year old boy. When discussing coli chicks that are dimes...youre name never in the convo. Bottomline is this you a bedwench that nobody wants. PERIOD. And you probably a dead motherfukking fish in between sheets, with that dull ass cootchie snatch. a man would honestly get more satisfaction nutting in a sock and rolling the fukk over than dealing with you. Who want you? Name one coli breh that has said you "cute"? I'll wait . dudes in this responding to your posts are the most attention , your wack ass ever received. Ol bird brain ass hoe and you aint even qualified to speak given how out of touch you are. fukking Infamil baby