Over looked ethers

May 3, 2012
She's only been on the job a fukking day, calm your ass down. You may as well be a wolf in the henhouse anyway.

What the fukk are you talking about .

bytch don't fukking quote me !!

What I said was fukking common sense anyone with a brain could understand .

Little pissy ass bytch.

Attempt to lick some clit you confused dyke. I'd be angry too if I wanted to but never could be a man. Don't that plague your mind. :umad:

Never wanted to be a man :mjlol:

But what does plague my mind is why a grown man loves to drink piss at room temperature :scust:

You're a dyke. You want to be a man. And why do my sexual habits plague your mind? You're really up at 2am thinking about that? Probably why your girl is out at that hour drinking semen from an actual dikk and not some toy you picked up from Bizarre Bazaar.

Agonize over the fetishes of others Dykettes. :francis:

Sexual habits :mjlol: is that what u tell yourself .

You dirty ass fakkit drinking piss isn't normal that shyt leads to anal sex but I'm sure that came first :troll:

At you thinking being a lesbian means wanting to be the opposite Sex.

What a fukking dummy !

Being a dyke is the abnormality and millions of years of evolution are in my favor on that. You're an anomaly. A mutant. A waste of life. And you know this. That's why you're so emotional and angry. And I thought dykes were supposed to be less emotional than their female counterparts. Up your hormone dosage you pathetic piece of dog shyt. I drink from the chalice of golden nectar proudly. You can't even look in the mirror without your failings and bad genetics staring you in the face. :scust: You're a waste of my time. Drag your carcass to the nearest Spencer's and pick out something that would make you perhaps 1/8th the man I am. Toodle-ooh!

Ha at this nikka thinking drinking piss doesn't make him worst than animals .

Boy by the lack of a mustache I can tell your father doesn't respect you.

You fukking disappointment I know those speeches at family dinners hurt huh.

Father like my son drinks piss :scust:

I should have aborted you.

dirty ass nikka :scust:


Jun 18, 2012
:wtf: no daps



@killacal :salute:



⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Aint nobody talking while im talking so shut the fukk up!!. The sad reality is folks doint really fool with you breh. Your so-called repo has and will always be seen as a skid-mark when it pertains to your so-called "legacy" on thecoli.com. On a more analytical level , you've been alienated and ostracized on a grand level that those who don't EVEN venture into this section know of you based on what was said by you. Which albeit was already something you was walking around with on your subconscious mind. Say how you truly feel!! This goes back to you wanting or rather needing to feel a sense of superiority and those black posters needing to feel a sense of inferiority, which is deemed by you a tactic that was utilize to hinder the progression of black male and female psychologically. So that makes you look and exhibited those traits of a CAC. Those posters who third eye are open and not lost as you perceive them to be OR lower themselves and proceed to kiss your ass or blatantly dikkride or feel you some type of esteemed figure cause of some SOHH seniority. Like i give a fukk . Oh yeah, theyve done the 1-9 on you. Which is why suddenly youre on some passive-aggressive shyt. But ever so often the real you seep through the cracks.:leostare:

Those new posters perception and assumption is going to be face with an undeniable truth elsewhere and within this thread. It's only a phantasm of things that you are incapable of erasing. Rather than be all temperamental and response with emotion, I'll give you straight facts. You're in no position to be antagonistic breh, but we know your history. You feel threaten when someone disagrees with you. We know you feel threaten by a brother Or sister exercising that divine masculine or divine feminine. You clearly didn't know who you were fukking with and have phlegm on your brain and are intellectually inefficient to have a bone to pick with me. You're used to people (blacks) being submissive. But au contrarie , that shyt dont fly with me cuzz and you done fukked up. Oh you done fukked up bad. :ufdup:. You seriously are under the impression that your opinions are valid ones and that they hold weight. Truthfully , your views are horrendous and minuscule once you weigh the pros and cons. But you the square that going out of his way to fit in. Trying to study the language and immersed yaself in the culture and STILL come across dumb as fukk. :mjlol: Dont nobody fukk with you brehhhhhhhhhh. :laff: I mean you need to retrace your movements cause you making moves like playing checkers.....but this is chess. Continuously, you keep hitting your head on the ceiling. A person like you can only go so far cause they knowledge is limited. Planet Asia - Jason is my breh , how the hell you think im able to know what albums he is working on etc.? Same for Hus. Noooooooooooooooo, what you want to do is sip your chai tea with your legs crossed at the ankles and proceed to shut the fukk up and be quiet.

Why do muthafukkas insist on coming at me sideways? why ? why? why?
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⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Vs Big Mel...again (and i said i was going to be cool this year)

Must be the cocaine talking lol. and you saying "fakkit" but we all know the term you really using behind the screen. You aint fooling nobody breh, You know it funny how you springboard into a thread with the typical antagonistic shyt you known for and the same antagonistic shyt that got you sonned and embarrassed in the Planet Asia thread & the Hus Kingpin thread awhile back. Harboring feelings after getting bodied and hoed i suppose?. :sas2: Don't nobody really fukk with you, even though your under the impression that they do. And lets get to the crux of the problem, your comment doesn't have a damn thing to do with what in the OP (i know you breh...) . On SOHH folks felt you were some type of "esteemed individual" who opinions hold some type of weight. Truthfully, speaking they not hitting on shyt, you the emotional menstrual fukkboy who like to drop the N-Bomb (which imo isnt no damn accident) that actually caught a temper tantrum after nobody respond to your Ras Kass - Breakfast At Banksy Thread (a thread which i already made...and they would've deleted your shyt if not for me....i told them to let you rock....and yet nobody respond to your thread, but gravitated towards mine. Notice how they merge the majority the same threads but didnt do so with yours??? :mjlol: not rocket science), mods already know the deal as it pertains to that. Also one of the reason why folks been assigned "Music Adding" privileges cause of the feminine and petty shyt you like to do, like make album threads on shyt that already made which isn't any excuse cause of the dropbox that was enable where you see whomade what. You did this bum shyt a couple of weeks back when folks ran a train n you or your Kanye comment. "Kanye needs to die" wishing death on a blackman ? You're a muthafukking clown, whose 15 minutes of fame is over and done with. Dropping off in threads like this one and the others saying some underhand bytch shyt (the fact you didnt quote me says something as well) just proves a keen point i made within the PA thread in regards to you and how you truly are vs how in the fukk you want to be perceive.

And you continue to prove my point valid with your actions.

The time you take pumping your fist and getting wind and your chest to come at me...which is humorous t me and the brehs in here (cause you aint about shyt but gumbopping ), think 7 times and take a hard look at the mirror at what you becoming and what you continue to reveal about yourself.

If you were so adamant about being ahead of something, you wouldn't feel the need to response. Something the best offense is not saying anything. Here it is once again you try to save face a bit with the superior/inferior angle :mjlol: and showing and proving ONCE again what i stated in the Planet Asia thread holds weight. shyt has played itself out by you more times than enough on what you think subconsciously and what you precede to type. Your cocaine crusted, no p*ssy getting, bran flakes and onion bagel eating ass dont know what it is to think critically (which is what got you jammed up last time). You immersed yourself in a culture, cop a Ghostface album, practice slang in the mirror and still come across as stupid as fukk.:mjlol: . Being antagonistic - showing the real you proves my point. Responding like you doing...once again proves my muthafukking point. All that passive aggressive tough talk is more than likely next cause weak motafukkas with half a brain and suffering from chronic bytchmade tendencies and want to be seen as "tough" (Your Opie Cunningham ass aint about that live breh breh). So given how predictable you are your next angle of act is going t be some "Oh i done knock muthafukkas out". Youz a gump muthafukka that need to take 5 seconds and ease the fukk off my dikk.

thank you kindly and much oblige


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
forgot about this thread

For the record this isnt a diss. Just the truth - Gucci Mane

one nikka is a certified bytch with overbite and a recessive hairline who has been vote 2x into being the worse poster. Exposed so thoroughly that other sites have pick it up. And has the audacity to comment and called someone a bad poster

Is this not you: Waiting for Biatch (Edit: Check out SirBiatch Yall) :jbhmm:

aye fam once again is this not you


your mother mustve been fukking horses. That would explain your jacked ass teef.


The same certified bih that has duck @Billy Ocean & @Illeye buckmatic fade and shook of @Oldhead. Youz a whole whole hoe here Tochi. ol billy bob brooks brothers and corduoys rocking impotent bytch. Now you got lames repping you. You the same degenerate that got bodied by @Ugo Ogugwa We'll see how long that lasts

And this other guy is a fukking c00n that want so hard to be seen as intelligent and deep, but everytime he is challenge he runs to youtube for reference as if that is scholarship or google. The same individual that can try and go out his way to promote the bible and quote scriptures in threads that dont have anything to do with. The same bytch nikka that complains about me being online yet has a dimwitted snot nosed bytch of a son. That by log in doesnt spend time with his own seed. The same p*ssy nikka that can make thread after thread, after thread pertaining to Homosexuality and Lesbian and try to reach the flock. But can achieve in doing so with his own relatives. (You on record saying you have a gay cousin). You weak than a motherfukker. And when challenge by guys like Poitier , ECN you tuck your tail.



Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
Man I'm going to neg you and say what I want. And you are a fukking idiot. You'll say you don't care about religion yet comments on a religious thread. You wasting energy and you a fukking CAC until proven otherwise.

Deal with the shyt ol p*ssy ass sauerkraut eating bytch.



Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
bytch u need to look in the mirror for a hot second, :mjlol:

Have fun eating bon bons and watching oprah re-runs the rest of your life tubby.

Ol hamburgler looking ass,
bytch don’t @ me until your ass bigger than your stomach

bytch how you look fix the camera at an angle and take hundreds of pics, but still looked fukked up:

Pick you a better angle and try some bangs with that movie theater forehead.

Speaking of refridgerators it looks like you already ate yours.

U come from a lineage of toilet scrubbers and dishwashers then come online crying cuz u dont have clout with black ppl. Ur midget ass men somehow get it up 4 them spongebob shaped hoes who go on to pop out 20 or so spic b*stards who all fit in a 4 passenger car. Half the family dies trying to cross the border and the couple fakkits who survive such as ur bytch ass post on message boards by day and pick oranges for 20 cents an hour by night. fukk off u worthless spic
