Oohhh they not gone like this

Stop trolling. I'm trying to have a nuance debate about the writing.
So was Ellie.
So was Abbie.
My problem is the self-righteousness like; before this game came out, a good portion of the gaming community was on Joel side for fukking up the Fireflies to save Ellie.
No, two things;
1, I'm referencing specifically her anger about Joel saving her. The way it's expressed is that she has some type of death-wish/suicidal when she was pretty much at peace with the immunity years prior.
And in between the first and second game she was on a fully functional & protected compound and they already had her acting distant--and the world still being super homophobic in damn near 2040 is a plot point issue I have in media and I'll save that for another thread (in short, I'm tired of cyncial writing).
Clementine, for example, was on the run 24/7 until she joined a dangerous, crooked gang. I understand why she got so hard core in between the 2nd and 3rd game.
I don't expect Ellie to be a little kid, anymore. But, she had plenty of character development in the first game and she wasn't this (her charcater in the 2nd game.)
I lot of casual gamers who didn't remember the first game came away not liking Ellie.
This is one of the problems with killing Joel so early and having Ellie written so narrow. If she is gonna go horrible shyt, just make her the bad guy. Stop with the; Ellie does dumb, horrible shyt...but, understand her.
And I was gonna get into her being so fukked up, PTSD wise, AFTER Abbie spared her and Dina, that she had to go afterAbbie AGAIN MONTHS later...because she misses Joel so much...
but, she hates him so much.
That wasn't complexed, emotional writing, it was bad writing.
Hell, it would've made more sense for her going to the base to actually save her. Than;
- Travel to kill her
- Kill scores of people to get to her
- Catch her Dead-To-Rights...but save her
- Threaten to kill her friend SO YOU CAN SHOOT A FAIR ONE TO DEATH
Ellie emotionals were all over the place. And the ending was supposed to be deep.
game still fire
fukk Joel i might run that back on ps5 just to see him get his wig split again.
I’m not trolling hbo show is out next year and it looks good
Also, theres two seperate last of us two discussions currently happening.
I don't complain about adaptations because generally they are dissappointing as the translation to a new media always has problems, IMO.
Mass Effect supposed to have a new show.
I'm gonna pretend it doesn't exist.
It’s not like Ellie was a raging bytch/psycho the entire game. The prologue starts with her smoking weed and eating p*ssy, happy as can be. Then we see plenty of flashbacks of happy times over the years, they 100% let us see why and how ellie changed.
She snapped when she saw her surrogate father beaten to death in front of her. That was after they had the falling out.
Ellie didn’t agree with Joels decision, she said herself, maybe she had a greater purpose in life. She could have saved mankind, Joel robbed her of it. It’s complex good writing
You weren’t specifically referencing that in this bullet point tho? this is what I was responding to, not sure why you needed the game to spell this out for you, why wouldn’t she be cynical or selfish? As far as evil Unless I’m missing something the only point of the game she could be called evil was holding the knife to Levs throat in the last few minutes, and Abby did the same to a pregnant Dina![]()
My main problem with Ellie is how her motivations for chasing Abbie all throughout the Northwestern US.
And doing so through a post-apocalyptic wasteland and leaving the safety of her city and the love of her life (another poorly written plot point) and friends.
And all that is for a guy you're not sure that you hate or not...for reasons contrived.
Again, I would get her wanting to kill Abbie for killing Joel (yea, CAC this, CAC that), but, they over-complicate it. Then try to redeem her, while trying to villainize her. Because if Ellie is doing the right thing, that means Abbie is doing the wrong thing...blah, blah, blah, "The Circle of Violence."
You don't understand how she's "Cynical or Selfish" when this very thread called the Fireflies "an movement of innocent people"???
So you forget Ellie killed a bunch of Abbie's friends to get to her?
I mean she also grew up years after the world went to shyt so i dont think it was a complete 180, she killed people in the first game also. Death and murder is a part of life, then the biggest most significant death that could have happened to her, did.
It wasn’t just her it was tommy putting the battery in her back also. She probably would have chilled out the rest of her life ptsd and all if tommy didn’t show up and tell her where abby was
It’s simple if you just forget teh entire concept of right and wrong, and good and evil. There are no good guys, theres just POV characters